More on stretching the greyscale of an image
In order to make features more obvious we need to "process" the image to lighten,darken,add contrast etc. However, the way I have been trying to develop over the years is to 1) lighten the shadows to see whats in there 2) make the features stand out more by stretching the image to use the full range of gre...
Дорогие Женщины! Поздравляю с Международным Женским Днём 8 МАРТА! От всей души желаю женского счастья ,любить и быть любимым! Оставайтесь всегда прекрасными как распускающиеся розы.
Comparison Mars/Earth heavily populated area.
I just want to illustrate a point that we would probably see the same kind of scene from a satellite looking at earth as we do when we look at a satellite image looking at Mars. This image is of a city in Mexico I believe, although I have forgotten where I found it now. First of all a colour image of the origina...
UFO filmed over Bolivia : real or fake ?
Propaganda Games: Sesame Credit - The True Danger of Gamification - Extra Credits
Coming soon to a country near you: The Chinese government, working closely with giant corporations, have finally figured out how to completely enslave its people to the State. They’re going to turn “patriotism” into a game and all of its citizens into game players. Yeah, it sounds silly but what if...
Javascript image reconstruction, Image slicing - shows shadow areas.
Today I have finally got an image project kind-of finished which I have been tinkering with for a long time. I tried to do it before but not like this. I wanted to see if I could slice an image into pieces and reconstruct it according to the slices I wanted to 'turn on' and 'turn off'. I had an idea it might giv...
First picture of water on Mars
Test your image processing with this testcard
I have tried to make it as close to the MER images without actually using an example. Let me know if there is something else I can put on it. It is 26K and 512x512 pixels The original png is here as I dont know what the forum software do...
Fibonacci Ratio in Sumerian Art
Courtesy of Josef Bauer Fibonnaci Ratios in Sumerian Artwork Taking a breather from my anomaly searches I love to read up on some of the Ancient Alien Anomaly theories. One such theory put forward a few years back by a gentleman called Josef Bauer suggests that the Sumerians used the Fibonacci rati...
De Blurring program for images
Has anyone tried SmartDeblur which is available for Mac & Windows at under 100 dollars for the professional version or home less than 50 dollars) version? Free demo version I believe if you want to try. I wonder how well it works at de-blurring MER or Curiosity photos. [url=http://smartdeblur....
Mars One
I've been watching this develope over the past few months and trying to decide if it is real or a hoax. I finally decided I really don't care and I am not going to give up even the vaguest chance I may have this lifetime to stand on the surface of Mars and see what is there with my very own eyes....so I have just...
A life Begins
My wife gave birth to our first child this past Monday 04/28/2014 at 3:28 pm EST (US). 6 lb 8.1 oz baby boy. We named him Keslar! We brought him home yesterday.
Earthly figurines of lizard people
Happy new year
Thank you to all that have visited and supported the forum, I hope 2014 unites us all in our call for the truth..... Happy new year everyone
Urgent Warning
Hi everyone A number of members have had some blue-screen attacks on their computers over the past week. Please see message from Xenon below : Chandre you need to secure all your files and evidence and pass on my warning to everyone to do the same. I have done so and strongly urge all of you to do the same !
An interesting find in Egypt
First ever evidence of a comet striking Earth 8 October 2013 The first ever evidence of a comet entering Earth’s atmosphere and exploding, raining down a shock wave of fire which obliterated every life form in its path, has been discovered by a team of South African scientists and international col...
Rovers please look up
What's on my mind ? Obama claims he will not give in to an 'extremist section of a political party' so America shuts down. What the ..... Who is actually running the country ? And NASA is closed when we really need the rovers and MRO to look up and around at Comet Ison to see what is happening and if it is behav...
Can you see him? Probably just an optical illusion.
This is an image I have enhanced. I do this occasionally to see what else there is in the picture. The details are Sol 535 site AC for Spirit 2P172969701ESFAC00P2585L5M1 is the image number...
Speaking of rats
Interesting find (and again in China) The newly discovered species, Rugosodon eurasiaticus, is thought to be the oldest ancestor in the multituberculate family tree. Despite living before the heyday of the dinosaurs, the creature already bore many of the features that made its descendants so s...
RSOE: Environment Pollution - Four mysterious objects with high radiation levels found
Faces in the clouds - creeping back into the forum posts again.
Oh dear....Faces in the clouds - again. The face images are creeping back again into our posts. If you do not agree with my arguments, then post your reasons why you think that aliens from different planets are likely to craft images on rocks (or icebergs) which look like humans (aliens to them). As I ha...
Seeking a deeper understanding
March 17, 2013 To my dearest family and friends I hope this letter finds you and your loved ones well. I have always had a quest for knowledge and a deeper understanding of the world we live in. I don’t shrink away from asking the hard questions whether it be spiritual, Physical or extr...
Idle No More
Thought I would share this....
Beginning of Chaos on planet Earth.
New! Anyone who wants to knew - on website rcspf.info can read Next topic: 1. Shadow control over planet Earth. 2. Beginning of Chaos on planet Earth - Large Hadron Collider. Mutation of viruses. 3. World Formation. Theory of Time. 4. Theory of Space. 5. The space-time continuum. 6. The theory of th...
Happy Holidays
Wishing all members a peaceful and festive holiday season, time to switch off and spend time with family and friends for a day or two just appreciating the beautiful planet we live on and the people that surround and support us. Sometimes the passion of the seeker absorbs so much of our time and attenti...
Stargates on the Earth. Henrok race.
website: rcspf.info Stargates on the Earth. Henrok race. Henrok – is colonizers' race which exists in our galaxy so far. In general this race is human-shape, the difference is at least 2.5 meters in height. Ski...
Chaos beginning on the planet Earth - Large Hadron Collider.
Chaosbeginning on the planet Earth - Large HadronCollider. Excerpt from the book:To lookinto the future.Aliens.The Universe. (published in2007 in Israel). Research related to the topic, held by CSPF (Center for Strategic Planning of the Future). Collider – is installation built by ra...
At some point
At some point we have to leave this planet it’s inevitable. In search for new worlds, we are going to look for those worlds with an environment that’s favorable for us. The dilemma is that such worlds probably have life already. Even if Terraforming and Colonization of Planets /Moons technically lay...
Hiroshima on Mars
I realise that this may seem totally disconnected, but I am going to present some images on Hiroshima and some thoughts that are purely speculation that may connect Mars and the images Curiosity is sending back with Hiroshima/Nagasaki. I apologise for not posting links, but I really trawled the ne...
Program to split large image files into sections
For my own use, I have written a program to split large (40Mb+) and really large (250Mb+) images into sections as .png files so they do not take so long to load etc. If anyone is interested in having this, I can write some instructions and let you have it. It needs the python interpreter and an image librar...
Shady ruling over Planet Earth. Data from CSPF
2500 years ago the planet Earth was visited by the spaceship from planet Svok. In territory of Italy have landed 4000 men of race Svag. They were exiles from the native planet. Within a week they have found out that their organisms are restored after reception of traumas, and also immunity to the...
More Evidence of Chemtrails
Peru - They came before
A museum exhibition came to my home-town called "Temple of Doom - Ritual Sacrifice in Ancient Peru". It was a collection of relics from ancient Peru, relating to the mysteries of human sacrifice, power struggles, unimaginable treasures and supernatural deities of one of the world's gr...
First release of NASA's Visual Astronaut 06Sep12
The PDS Geosciences Node announces the first release of the Virtual Astronaut, http://va.rsl.wustl.edu/ The Virtual Astronaut (VA) is an interactive 3D environment created using multi-source and multi-instrument data from orbital and land...
Who Panicked?
I have no images for this topic, none at all. All I have is a question about U.F.O.'s, specifically the Roswell Incident. During this episode, I have been constantly surprised by the reaction of not only the military but the local communties, whether it be Corona or Roswell. It seems to me that the peo...
Are you 'one of us' or 'one of them' ?
Actually, it becomes fairly obvious as time goes on... On this type of forum there are always going to be people who work for the government in various capacities, and one of the defining ways that we can identify these people is that they are not allowed to become 'one of us' - that means one of the skepti...
Our Star: the Sun - SOL
I was wondering after some lenghty study of our star, the Sun, that we don't really have any / many names for any regions of its surface. Besides coordinates, being mostly (suposedly) changing features of energy and so forth, are there any permanent 'titles or NAMES' for the 'actual' surface of the s...
south pole dome deconstrucion
Unfortunately the dome built on the south pole by the seabee's has been taken apart for "safety" reasons. Here's a look back at the project... Of course domes are the best way to construct living spaces downrange at the moment, something to think about when others dismiss the idea altoge...
bacteria Carnobacterium pleistocenium frozen for 32,000 years still alive
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7019473Carnobacterium pleistoceniumA new type of organism discovered in an Arctic tunnel came to life in the lab after being frozen for 32,000 years. "The existence of microorganisms in these harsh environments suggests — but does not promise -- that we mig...
Youtube etc are not official sources
Just thought I woud remind everyone that Youtube, other forums, links to our own websites etc are not official sources for images. People place all kinds of rubbish on Youtube. Yes, I know it gets the worlds attention, but so many people use Photoshop and get creative there that, as a source for eviden...
how to disable post preview in Geological evidence, Biological Evidence, Civilisation Evidence, Tampering Evidence , The Strange and Mars General Discussion sections? im trying to make it from my profile->settings, but it doesnt works. just dont like to scroll, scroll, scroll so many tim...
Uranium Pit Mining
Just thought I'd re-introduce the idea that humans continue to create open pit mines for extraction of materials on Earth. Here are a few example that I will hopefully follow up with by adding some non-terrestrial mining activities to this thread.
Somewhat Compelling Video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfmCQsPBGSo I highly doubt it is debris- inanimate objects cannot simply change direction at will. Besides, the round shape and the fact it comes rather close to the camera makes it rather obvious that it is not a natural object. Also, no modern manmade spacecr...
A few new programs to play with..
lately I have been messing about with some new programs. The most recent is designed for anyone who does not know how to create gifs from a sequence of URLs and is experimental. It works fairly well in my browsers but may not in yours. Basically, what you do is to enter a series of 2 or more URLs and the progr...
What's left of the Russian Space Shuttle - the abandoned site
How can we use this new program?
Ok, so this is my latest creation which I think has promise to be something useful for us. Basically what it does is to split the image up into multiple 'slices' of a few greyscale values in each slice. This means that we can work on each slice individually and each slice can be as many greyscale values 'wi...
Areas of Pure Black in Images
I just thought I would remind everyone that the images at the official Mars Rover website (http://marsrovers.jpl.nasa.gov/) have been 'enhanced' to reduce the range of greys. Or.. to put it another way, the images in the pds repository have been stretched to allow a fuller range of greys. See below...
Discussion - Are these animals or sentient beings?
Splitting and moving this here....Sorry, it did not copy very well. moved from this thread here Eaol ===== I still say it looks more like an animal and less like a sentient being. By the way, the l...
My latest Moon Project - Cross referencing lunar features and images
The latest project I have been working on is to try and cross reference the positions of the Lunar Orbiter, Apollo metric(from space) and maybe some other photos where the corner coordinates can be estimated or are known. I have done the Lunar Orbiter part and the Apollo part is going to be added soon. T...