Hello , just signed up here :-)
Hello people, I just joined this forum. My name is Frank Van Asch , i'm from Belgium, Europe. Hope to see some cool things here 
Hola, amigos...
Hola. New guy... I'm a backyard astronomer from Maine, USA. been a student of George Leonard's work, for a couple years. Really got me into photographic alien anomalies and exoarchyology. Mostly lunar phenomena, however some Mars stuff. I loathe fake airial UFO video nonsense. I've massed some tw...
Hello Everyone
First, I'm very gratified to find a forum that is actively investigating anomalous imagery. I use the term 'anomalous' in the "What's wrong with this picture?" context. :) I am a fairly smart country boy; and, while I am sometimes skeptical of a particular interpretation (blobology) o...
Just arrived
Hi everyone, Was never sure about the stories of moon/mars anomalies, the images were also so blurred and could be anything. Then I noticed that NASA had deliberately blurred out some areas totally and that has to make you think. And so many theories - did we go to the moon or was it faked? Were we told to s...
Hello All
I am new to the site, and just want to say hello. I have been investigating moon bases etc ever since the first time i saw Alex Colliers presentation. lol (Although he got really weird after that) :) I look forward to contributing to this site -Josh
Another member to join the family
Hi there ! I hope to bring to you some new evidences and new questions. Greetings from South America.
I've been doing extensive research since the Rovers Spirit and Opportunity landed on Mars in 2004. The result is an extensive photo database of Rover and Satellite images from Mars, the Moon, Titan, Venus, etc. I also have not been able to talk to friends about the anomalies on Mars and elsewhere in o...
Hello Everyone !!!
Hello Everyone !!! New Arrival lol I've been going through this forum sometimes and find it very interesting , so decided to join to learn more and hopefully help unravel some cool stuff...
Greetings from UK
Hiya decided to join you, I have some tales to tell and add to the knowledge pool
Hi there !
Hello everyone ! I just joined an interesting forum, I think. There is much to learn and much to talk about.
Newbie sticking his toes in the waters.
I'm not one for pealing off the layers of image distortion/mis-direction myself. I don't have the time nor software to do so, but I very much love cruisin' the Mars surface on google. I come across "interesting to me" images and would like to share one. I have not see this particular imag...
My mission statement
I have always had a quest for knowledge and never shrunk away from asking the hard questions whether it be spiritual, Physical or extraterrestrial in nature. I am a wide reader and in doing so I kept seeing a reoccurring theme throughout my reading over the years. I would like to share with you two rese...
Quick introduction
Hello Everybody, I go buy the Name of Phil, which is easily replaced with; dude, fella, guy...you get the Idea. Father worked for Transport Canada as a helicopter pilot for 40+years, the Airforce as an Enginneer before that. He was privy to work with, on or around some interesting projects and areas...
Hello Hi...
Hi chaps, This is nobel here basically from Brisbane/Australia. Well I just join this community and want to explore some knowledge and want to expose some what I have inside. So please guide me where I put a wrong thread at wrong place. Really appreciate to you... Have a splendid day....
Spirit rover http://marsrovers.nasa.gov/home/index.html
I was looking for some different angles of pics I got from this website. I have some cool pics of artifacts on Mars taken by Spirit. The odd thing is, these pics no longer exist on the website. SOL's 1600,1658,1660,1666,1676,1741 and SOL 1513 with one of the skull pics. Look and you will see there is...
Glad to be part of this community
Hi there. Greetings from South America. I'm just a guy also looking for answers and also evidences. I hope to bring to light some of them.
Watch Out Here I Come
I was invited by an old friend to join this site and I´m amazed how many good people are posting here, also the forum layout looks really great.......good job guys. I´m a 34y old German, highly interested in space related topics and a Moderator at a madhouse called Disclose.TV Prost
Hello! I have been visiting this forum for a long time now. As a guest I have enjoyed the interesting and sometimes mind blowing material posted here. And I appreciate how much time and work you all spend to find and present that information in such a perspicuous way. Mars is in so many ways an enigma. And...
Hello Everybody
Glad that Skipper recently put a link near the top, where I could the more readily find it. Thanks in advance for your many comments: past, present and future.
New To The Forum
Hi, Interesting forum! I have some lunar anomalies i would like opinions on, where should i post them? Thanks in advance!
Hey there fatman here
Hello co-curious people. My main reason for joining (i usually just wander around) (wonder or wander? oh well) is I have some pictures I was hoping I could get a little help with. I dont think it would be acceptable to post them here so I will throw them over in the "solar anomaly" section. Ple...
Hello-- silent long enough!
HI gang, I have been a skipper follower for a couple of years now. I have checked the website almost daily for new stuff to view and read the posts and discussions. I am joining in tonight because I wanted to say to willease, please keep posting your findings I dig them and I will give you all the feedback I c...
I've been a Skipper fan for years, never knew about this forum
I'd even go so far as to say he indirectly got me started anomaly hunting. I have over 1700 ready to post, but obviously not all at once. Perhaps one a day will be appropriate. Looking forward to the feedback.
Hello I am new to this FORUM
Hello Everyone: I just came across with this forum as I was seraching for some j p skipper images. Look forward to interact with everyone here. Thanks
I am very interested in some of the photos published in this forum and would like to show some of the work I have done in this area. I have sent some pics to Skipper but he can only publish extremely clear evidence and so far has not published any of my work. I can understand his point but would like your opini...
Hello one and all I've been reading Skippers' postings for about six years now. It's been a fascinating and eye-popping journey of discovery. For you too most likely unless you're dead or frozen and if you're frozen you'll soon be dead so it's all the same thing. Right? I pray to NASA every night to fina...
Hi all, I just wanted to say hello to everyone. I hope I can contribute in someway to the forums.
Hi people, my first time on this particular site, my main interests are the moon and Mars but anything concerning space/ET fascinates me. I am also a member of another related site.
greetings from spain
hello, I present myself. I am Javier Gomez, I'm from Spain. my English is very bad and I used the google translator to speak with you. I am an amateur photographer but I really like the subject of color management in photographs and photographic treatments. long ago that I follow the forum but I never de...
Hello, I've been following much of the research on this page for awhile now and find it all very interesting. Hopefully we will get to know each other and share some ideas as well as documented photos and other data in the forthcoming days and months. Regards, Mark Anthony
Hi Guys!
Hello to you all! A friend recommended me here to this site. Looks terrific! There's plenty to show you guys but a little later as I'm lazy to the bone!! Cheers! Mike
Mars Research
It is simply amazing to me that Fox News or a program such as the History channel has not picked up on the amount of interest the public has regarding Mars? The Mars research that J.P. Skipper published a book about would be an excellent source for a special, or several specials on television. However,...
Howdy all
Hi everyone. I am not new to this website only to this message forum. I hope to get to know all of you.
introducing myself
Hi everyone, I am here to confirm my intuitive feelings. I hope to learn from y'all. JohnG
Hi. What do you want to know about me? I'm interested in UFO's, alien life, other planets. I'm a writer (nothing published yet) of science fiction and fantasy.
Mr Skipper's beloved Sandy
From Mars Anomalies homepage: "PERSONAL NOTE (2/14/2011):Sandy, my wife, the light of my life, my close partner of 47+ years, passed away today at home in my arms of the cancer before I could get alternative treatment sufficiently developed. She was and is the most important thing in the world...
Hey, what's up?
Ok. It asks for interests. Alright. I have a love for art, biology, astronomy, physics, history, looking through conspiracy theories and figuring out which ones are bogus and which ones are not, psychology, and some basic information on "paranormal" material. I look at all ideas wi...
Just thought I'd introduce myself. Got into the ET/UFO issue about five years ago. After some 30 books and just about every non-televised documentary, I'm here because I am after the truth. Seems like I & we have been lied to on a monumentaal scale on just about everything. I'm still seeking answe...
Hi, newbie here
Hi all, been browsing the forum for a while so i thought i had better introduce myself. I`m Dave, i live in the Isle of wight in the south UK, been interested in the planet mars and its anomalies for a good few years now. I hope to find the time to study some rover pictures for some interesting thins very soon...
Hello fellow travelers.
Introducing Thisgoodriddle
Hello Everybody:) Thanks for providing this forum and for participating in it. As someone mentioned in the introduction to this forum, each of us arrived here after spending time to investigate several topics. Although all of us have presumably investigated the work of J. P. Skipper (JPS) to some...
My regards to you all
I live in the Netherlands.I am a older, mature man. Work as Art Deco decorative painter. Have my own Painting business and are independent. I did see the "moon landing" in 1969 life on black and white television. But...did I have seen what I thought was really happening on the television s...
Hi to everyone
I have followed this page and mars research for a time, before knowing that were published photos of mars (the important things do not appear in tv) accidentally looking in Internet Always I have thought that we cannot be alone in the universe, that our supposed superiority was not like they were expl...
Ten HUT! At ease, take your seats.
Hi. I've been reading Skippers site for about four years, maybe longer. I send links to his site to my friends periodically, and occasionally spark new interest, such as my friend James West finally getting on board. Like all of you, I'm patiently waiting for full disclosure of the truth about Mars as...
Hello to Everyone
This is Anamitra, male, 42. I hail from India. I live and work in the city of Bombay (Mumbai, as it has been known now for a while). At present, I do not believe that there would be many such as I am, from my country, who have introspected deeply on alien civilisations; and the possibility that humans are no...
Introducing myself
Hello to everyone on this forum, Have been looking forward to joining this forum for a long time but lack of time prevented me. My name is Sheila and have been a anomalies researcher for a long time (since the first moon landings) so I won't reveal my age. I have seen various post from the other members...
Hello all and Arrrrrrrhhhhh Been a fan of M.A.R. for a while but havn't nbeen to the site in some time, when I finally do come back I see that there is a forum now....! sweet!! Are there any ATS's in here as well?... Peace
Element 115
O.k. I suppose I am one of the greenest members here, just joined up on 04/07/2010. I had been frequenting the Mars Anomaly Research page for quite some time, and I just noticed the link to here on the main page. Had it been there a while ? I dunno, again, I just noticed it. but anyway, I never really had a who...
Welcome to Alien Anamolies
Welcome to Alien Anomalies I hope you will find the topics interesting, entertaining, and enlightening, Please feel free to post any suggestions for the site. -- Edited by Xenon at 17:06, 2007-07-26