Here is the "dollhouse" you pointed out in your Youtube video. Respectfully, I don't see anything resembling such a thing, hopefully you can explain your finding.
I've just had a good look throught the photo and have found a number of things that leap out at me as possibly not being rock. It does look to me that at one time hundreds of thousands of years ago Mars was populated and all we're seeing in the photos released anyway are small signs of there once being life there. I would love to see the unreleased photos that NASA have.
Feel free to discuss the photo's i've posted, many I'm sure can be explained but they just don't look right especially in the surround context they're in.
You are 100% right, if you go onto Nasa's direct link the one that they color corrected to earth colors you might see what i see ,I just was giving things names so if I had to refer to something it had a name for what I think it is thats all ,good info thanks for your help .
Sapa wrote:
Rather than name things that are obscure and that you are unable to demonstrate either by reason or by intent on the part of the makers,
personally I think that pointing out to people Why you see what you see instead of just saying this is This and that is That would be more "scientific" and also more credible.
It's like looking at random dots and we all see different things. You have to bring it out and show it instead of expecting people to see what you are seeing, (unless you have ulterior motives)
That's what they do with Hubble photos, all we know is photos and we can shape a universe with it!
I don’t see a doll's house at all, I see in that section an arrangement made by Curiosity of a squashed metal shape leaning against a rock -but I could be wrong, I haven't looked at it for myself.
(they are all rocks remember until you pick them up and look at them)
Rather than name things that are obscure and that you are unable to demonstrate either by reason or by intent on the part of the makers,
personally I think that pointing out to people Why you see what you see instead of just saying this is This and that is That would be more "scientific" and also more credible.
It's like looking at random dots and we all see different things. You have to bring it out and show it instead of expecting people to see what you are seeing, (unless you have ulterior motives)
That's what they do with Hubble photos, all we know is photos and we can shape a universe with it!
I don’t see a doll's house at all, I see in that section an arrangement made by Curiosity of a squashed metal shape leaning against a rock -but I could be wrong, I haven't looked at it for myself.
(they are all rocks remember until you pick them up and look at them)
The farther one goes, the less one knows - Lao Tzu
This is a 1st for me Ive studied pics from other planets for years but this to me is the holy grail take the time to watch my 1st youtube video trust me this is the real deal all links are on my youtube video please pass this around ,Ive sent emails to NASA,ch 4 NY new,ch2 NY news ,ch 7,ch12 NJ lets see what happens but Im sick of being feed 1% of the truth when it comes to mars God created all this beauty for all to see not just a few on the inside help me please link repost get this video out its a 100% real check for yourself on NASA JPL.