The image posted above only gives a general overview of the area selected and I would be very surprised if you could see any structures at that distance.
Steer clear of Google moon for your research. It should no be used for any scientific research.
If you are looking for shapes that have the appearance of being structures I suggest you use Quickmap and start at the coordinates given below. 1m/pixel resolution.
Try 22.0071 S; 21.5264 W and 22.0109 S; 21.5299 W
The LROC imaging of this particular area of the lunar surface is the best I have seen. There are many interesting features to view.
Select an area, do a screen capture and save as a png and not a jpg.
Reason:- This is a lossless format whereas jpg is a lossy format and will contain compression artefacts.
It's a bit like comparing the quality of a WAV audio file to a mpg.
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."