My Observation of the differing soil color is that the area has been disturbed by the rover moving or running over part of the area in question and pushing up fresh soil from below the wethered crust. We have all seen that before especially in the spirit and oppy pics. The laser does make marks just like the ones pointed out by the Watcher, so, that is the most logical conclusion. I have not seen these type of marks in other pics from spirit or oppy. My opinion.
I dont think you should just pack up and go, Watcher. You know there is a defense mechanisim in all of us. YOu have made me re-examine lots of evidence, some I agree on, some not so much but the research still holds value. An individuals First reaction to criticizim will most likely be defensive. And you cant expect perfection or even cross checking from people who dont do it all the time. Sorry to see you dissapointed in our reactions but we are only humans who want something more than what we are being told. No one wants to believe that those in charge lie. but they do.
And NASA ignores all of us. They allready know what is there.
I dont think there is any anger there at all. I just think that it is a good practice to acknowledge to ourselves and to the forum members when something turns out to have an explainable reason. Living where I do, I fully realise that there are people who do not like to admit that they are mistaken, but it is all part of being human. We all do it and I have made some very silly mistakes in the past - far worse than this one.
It really does not help to keep the peace by calling people names either, and not only that it just shows that a few more learning experiences are required before we get humbled into realising that, as I said, we all make mistakes and part of that learning is to acknowledge it to ourselves and to others - when it is warranted.
It may say "newbie" on my profile, but I've been watching "The SO-Called Watcher" since he has started posting. Great resources and work undoubtebly, but what a douche. We are all on the same team here, so maybe fill in that chip out your shoulder, grow up a touch. Keep your personal anger at bay and away from people that are tryin' the best with what they have. If he wants to take his ball home and sulk then that's his deal, I will miss his great posts(less vinegar the better).
We all miss out when the quiet are kept silent with fear of humiliation.
I understand your problems TheWatcher, but remember you are not alone. As you surely know, we're here to examine various ideas.
I have no problems. You asked a question about an image. The answer was in BIG letters on the ref source at JPL. You didnt even bother to read it. Dont you read your own sources?
Examining ideas requires some kind of ability to objectively analyze and debate. The skill of cutting and pasting is highly over rated.
1. Just check your PIA refs before posting. 2. Read the acompanying text. 3. Absorb. 4. Then engage the visual cortex, armed with some kind of context.
This isnt difficult but it is blatantly ignored with regards soil tones demand!
Many may think im being harsh but I feel that the stagnation is chokeing the anomaly hunting field. Not all of us will swallow everything thats thrown our way. I mean from others from within the community. No wonder NASA just ignores most of us (wink)
Finally. Iceman dont worry about responding. I can almost predict another strange response completely avoiding the points in question lol.
OK im off! I have to return to others where I will certainly learn more.
Thanks again and I can say hand on heart its been a dissapointment ;)
Ill be around but not posting in AA for the near future. That should be a relief to many here... Including me TW
HENRI BERGSON, Matter and Memory
One has not only an ability to perceive the world but an ability to alter one's perception of it; more simply, one can change things by the manner in which one looks at them.
Cant reply until you deal with the initial posts to ur anomaly. No point in ignoring it. Professional courtesy ICEMAN. Its a pattern everyone has to get used to. You punch up an anomaly. People take the time to respond and a conclusion is jointly reached.
Now your 'Ant burrows'. Do your feel an adequate answer has been reached? This is the only way to underline certain anomalies.
As for your previous post. Heres a clue. Look at what the rover was doing through the refs. .. I can take you to the watering hole but Im not going to show you how to drink. Your an anomaly hunter? The clues are already in this thread and in your broken initial link.... follow links and refs and you'll find your answer... I would also advise you and anyone else posting images to try and read the accompanying data from source , Everything!! TW
-- Edited by TheWatcher on Saturday 23rd of March 2013 02:31:41 PM
HENRI BERGSON, Matter and Memory
One has not only an ability to perceive the world but an ability to alter one's perception of it; more simply, one can change things by the manner in which one looks at them.
Yup Mars ;)... I'd say 100% cause on time scales and ref sequences.. Cheers
HENRI BERGSON, Matter and Memory
One has not only an ability to perceive the world but an ability to alter one's perception of it; more simply, one can change things by the manner in which one looks at them.
On the thought of Mars "ants" or insects, in 2011 I saw features in a Rover Opportunity photo which I thought had a general look of insect type ground work. Of course, the wind can blow dirt around, but this bit of soil has some slight mounding characteristics that appear maybe a little "un-natural".
As a matter of interest for this thread, I will post a screenshot, and a link to the Rover photo for any interested.
We may need to add "OFF" and "Seven Dust" for the Mars "things to bring" list, if anyone ever goes there. :))
From the chemcam - sol 174: Looks like this is likely it - (remember the laser works in conjunction with the chem cam): And front and center - we see the crater like depression: Someone can try and match this up to our image - but this looks awfully close.
I think the depression is probably caused by another instrument or piece of equipment touching the ground - which we do see in other shots in this area.
-- Edited by marsrocks on Friday 22nd of March 2013 07:55:34 PM
Cheers MarsA Further investigation on image sequences show that Curiosity had been firing her laser and drilling in PIA16804 location.
PIA16804: 2013-03-18 Bluish Color in Broken Rock in 'Yellowknife Bay' Full Resolution: TIFF (3.821 MB) JPEG (219.4 kB)
PIA16804 Iceman theres an error in your initial link to your image.
5 days earlier MSL rover had been firing laser in vicinity.
PIA16765: 2013-02-13 Laser Hits on Martian Drill Tailings Full Resolution: TIFF(7.962 MB)JPEG(319 kB)
Further evidence points to laser activity due to the MSL rovers science packages being engaged in next frame (Spectra image taken). Images shot 'again' from mast cam which holds laser. Small laser contact holes can be just seen above drill target.
Looks like Curiosity had been firing around area of interest. PIA16805 clinches the scenario. The deployment of spectra camera happens after previous frame and only happens after firing (POI PIA16804). Whats been witnessed is an image after firing. The holes.
Unfortunately no anomaly.
Full sequence list 'JPL'
-- Edited by TheWatcher on Friday 22nd of March 2013 07:55:46 PM
HENRI BERGSON, Matter and Memory
One has not only an ability to perceive the world but an ability to alter one's perception of it; more simply, one can change things by the manner in which one looks at them.
Intriguing find, iceman. If anyone finds anymore of these, please post them. It will be interesting to see if any others seem to have that crater rim around them.
The Mast Camera (Mastcam) on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity showed researchers interesting internal color in this rock called "Sutton_Inlier," which was broken by the rover driving over it. The Mastcam took this image during the 174th Martian day, or sol, of the rover's work on Mars (Jan. 31, 2013). The rock is about 5 inches (12 centimeters) wide at the end closest to the camera. This view is calibrated to estimated "natural" color, or approximately what the colors would look like if we were to view the scene ourselves on Mars. The inside of the rock, which is in the "Yellowknife Bay" area of Gale Crater, is much less red than typical Martian dust and rock surfaces, with a color verging on grayish to bluish.
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., manages the Mars Science Laboratory Project and the mission's Curiosity rover for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. The rover was designed and assembled at JPL, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.
Hi, I've seen similar holes left by Curiosity's laser analyzer.
Zapping soil
Hitting Rock.
(B) This mission has 17 cameras. They will identify particular targets, and a laser will zap those rocks to probe their chemistry.
More holes (before and after shot) from laser asset.
Theres a number of possibilities. Need to check image ref against her activity.. should rule out or explain the anomalies. I do remember her firing on soil too.
Cheers TW
-- Edited by TheWatcher on Friday 22nd of March 2013 05:14:30 PM
HENRI BERGSON, Matter and Memory
One has not only an ability to perceive the world but an ability to alter one's perception of it; more simply, one can change things by the manner in which one looks at them.
Xenon, That's right, thats just one of many possible hypothesis. The concept is based on a single item that is not obvious at first inspection but it can also be formed by water leaking from any surface above it.
Iceman that is an interesting theory, but the holes could be made by many other things, such as gas, liquids and other natural forces, to me they look like worm holes (notice the concentric rings that makes me think liquid is involved), I have mentioned before that many images show holes in rocks and soils, and to date I have not read any scientific explanation as to what is causing them except they are gas bubbles made by igneous rocks.
"Creating a fiction when stating a fact destroys the credibility of the truth one are trying to convey"