2500 years ago the planet Earth was visited by the spaceship from planet Svok. In territory of Italy have landed 4000 men of race Svag. They were exiles from the native planet. Within a week they have found out that their organisms are restored after reception of traumas, and also immunity to the effect of viruses and bacteria. Disembarkation of Svags, which where sent from the native planet, has appeared in territory of Europe in one place - in Italy. By that moment Rome only has started to be organised, the Roman Republic only began to develop.
To space emigrants have not left the weapon. The part from them in an attack of powerless fury began to kill fellow tribesmen, for this purpose they used everything that came under a hand. But the most part of the sent has managed to avoid conflicts and was settled on numerous territories of known then world. However finding-out of that fact, that in the conditions of the planet Earth they became practically immortal, has given to them the hope of the further successful life. But escaped Svags hated each other and at each opportunity tried to kill similar.
From the native planet Svok those, who were in ruling, have undergone to exile, initiated destruction of Friks’ race. Each of Svag constantly accused other Svag in errors, and it led to deadly conflicts.
Svags took active part in the politics of the earth dwellers, it happend from the moment of their appearence on the planet. Last stage of war between Carthage and Rome, and in particular, between two conflicting Svags, known as Consul Publy Karnely Stsepion and Gannibal became to the first serious conflict with participation of representatives of Svags’ race and men kind. Partly it was war between Svags, which have lodged in Africa, in territory of Carthage, and Svags, which have lodged in Rome.
Also known Roman commander Guy Mary and the known Roman dictator Sulla who has killed many of Svags, living in Rome, by murders of the Roman senators and patricians. Also Svag was tsar of Kimmeriya Mitridat, who in his turn, tried to kill Svags of the Rome, and Carthage. Neron also was Svag.
The well-known pirate Morgan was too Svag. He pirated 72 years, and pirates considered him as devil incarnate. The person, who lived under his name, has only appropriated his glory. Svags did not try to prove and remain in the history, because of attraction of attention was always undesirable. In the conditions of the Earth Svags could not have children, and among sent there were no women. After destruction of Roman empire Svags could disperse and wars between Svags with participation of people have for a while stopped. But still interpersonal conflicts and murders proceeded. By the time of rise of new Christian religion, what has served for Svags as a starting point for new wars, them remains about thousand.
From the moment of Svags’ appearance on planet Earth till rise of Islam occurrence has passed about thousand years. In this time age changes have not concerned to Svags as bacteria-simbionty supported level of their organisms in the same condition in what they have appeared on planet Earth. Life term on the native Svags’ planet - 270 years. However other composition of atmosphere allows to make active exchange processes to such degree, that regeneration of cages and fabrics happend instantly. The one way to kill the Svag is the destruction of the central nervous system. Usual wounds has begun to heal quickly and if during battle the hand was lost, for example, on its complete regeneration left some months. If the chopped off limb within five minutes could be found and put on the place, regeneration happend within several hours. At excision heads it was possible to bring back to life at Svag if to connect the head to the trunk until as the brain will start to die. Regeneration in this case also took several hours, and every time was successful.
Immortals, which supervised history and channelized social processes to race of men, nevertheless continued to be connected by mutual hatred and desired to kill each other. The history of their organisation is subject to uniform algorithm. Group immortals, that was aspiring to destroy singles, or group of similars, created an organisation with attraction of people. When the purpose has been reached, the conflict between groups moved to the organisation.
From the point of view of human being, top contentions looked as a race for power, however, it was only integral sign of any group of Svags. Similar societies carried as secret character so from time to time got also extraordinary scope. One of examples is Knights Templars, what management was carried out by Svags. The Most part of their activity has been directed on destruction of the similar organisation of immortal, existing in Middle Asia. This organisation was called "DIVAN", under leadership of Saladdin – who was Svag to. However award activity of Templars has been stopped as a result of plot of other group of Svags, the directed avidity of the French kings against this award.
In territory of all Planet Earth Svags have organised about two thousand secret orders. Most known of them - Illuminates, Masons, Rozenkretsers, and also a number of orders of devilish sense. However every time of Svags continued to kill each other, and the people included in the organisation, remained only as a keepers of empty traditions.
In the beginning of 20 centuries in territory of Europe had created the organisation of immortal Masons from a top, pursuing by the purpose power capture all over the world and gradual murder of all fellow tribesmen. Groups of Svags, which were in different parts of Europe, tried to oppose it, that has provoked the First World War.
However similar crisis has only given the chance to this organisation to strengthen the positions. So in territory of the Russian empire there has been begun red terror when among millions bodies had hidden more than hundred immortals. Considering always the high official or informal status of the person of immortal, its murder demanded set of precautions, and also creation of a mystical situation when singularity of an event will not be evident.
In Germany the organization of immortals was called as "Aces", they have created the Third Reich. They gained in strength, therefore, being afraid of fast murder, groups of Svags began to leave Europe, were getting to the countries of Central and the South America. As the highest level of the civilisation was observed in the USA and Canada, the greatest quantity of immortals has appeared there.
By that moment the power in the USA belonged to Svags’ group, which supervised over it from the moment of declaration of independence. The given group was called as "Settlers" and have killed by Svags-Europeans. However after that the course of history of the USA has got lines of chain of the revolutions. Speech naturally goes about the internal history.
Svags of the USA, which have kept communications with Europe, could influence both continents, thus having increased possibility of influence on other countries. Especially clearly it was showed after defeat of the German-Italian group, which has for a while seized power over Europe. Using the knowledge, the American group "Force" has achieved total superiority, having shown explosions of nuclear bombs.
Being afraid of total destruction of the population of the planet, alien’s race of Nine Governors, the first created the colonies on planet Earth, has forced to conclude for Svags the contract on repartition of spheres of the influence association American and the European groups, and also full isolation of Svags, group, what was in territory of the former USSR, called "Red" became result.
All presidents, who were in power the USA, were the only preliminary selected people, who were carrying out will of ruling Svags’ group. All it occurred up to John Kennedy's murder, which has simultaneously served as the reason of inihilation of ruling immortals’ group in the USA by people who submitted to them.
John Kennedy was the superfluous figure for group of Svags, who became uncontrollable and, having got the false idea himself the governor of the world, began to demand too much for development of arms and the space program, and created opposition that got rid of influence agents.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation, created by Hoover, was directed immediately to needs of Svags and was engaged in performance of their orders. In due course the analysts involved in this structure, have come to the conclusion about an extraterrestrial origin of the given group, than has been made revolution in FBI.
The history of the USA represents a kaleidoscope from constant attempts to grasp and keep the power of all new Svags’ groups, however, after scandal with Nixon, any of Svags expressly or by implication did not operate state affairs. By this time in the USA there were 250 individuals. The most part from them are the singles, not wishing to draw to itself the attention.
FBI management possessed sufficient base of data on race of immortals to manage to distinguish them from usual people, therefore penetration on territory of Washington became impossible. Gradually leaning the resource of people race about organization of immortals, new US authorities succeded in destruction and the European organisation, gradually spending cleanings in numbers of Svags in the USSR.
However similar abilities were not the personal initiative, but only a part of the plan of two Svags - heads of the American organisation of immortals which thus have got rid of three thousand, who let into the Svags’ secret, and more than 400 fellow tribesmen. They managed to go into the background, and disclaimer management of the USA has brought it possibility separately to wait a natural outcome of events, when all Svags will be killed.
By 2010 on planet Earth will remains 52 Svags’ individuals. Changes because of the Collider in matrix structure of the matter of planet Earth will lead to change of properties of an organism 15 of members in race of the immortal. As a result two from them will be lost, 10 will lose property doing them impregnable, three will sustain the heavy injuries, however the changed structure of their organisms cannot start regeneration process.
The more detailed information about the alien races, living on planet Earth among people, it is possible to read in the BOOK, which has published in 2007 in Israel, part – Aliens.
After destruction of the basic Svags’ groups ruled over the world politics and economy, has been created the new organisation. The given organisation is called GLOBAL. It is the descendant of the organisation GOLD, which had made in 14 century by Jews the usurers giving loans to kings of Europe. These people, the aggregate number of 50 persons, members of 10 families. They supervised an economic and political life by means of financial influence. With opening of the new earths this organisation gradually changed the structure and an orientation.
By 16 century from group of usurers of the organisation Gold it was transformed to owners of manufactures and manufactories. In due course they have developed the industry to modern level. However, remaining true to former principles of not direct intervention, preferred to own the most enterprises anonymously and only in extreme cases to carry out cardinal changes. The similar way of development has led to modern system of Global.
Ten families what were at the beginnings of the organisations of the financial body, supervising the power, have destroyed by governors of the countries upon whom they tried to put direct political pressure, therefore Global were completely discharged of political and imperious mutual relations, being guided by possibility only of financial influence.
Considering that it is analytical structure, its influence on a political life is limited. In effect, the policy interests the directors of Global a little, and they resort to it only in extreme cases. Power questions in the given organisation are not actual, as comprehension of the fact of financial dependence of all politicians and power systems, allows not to perceive the power seriously. The policy is only a facade.
At present Global has no real competitors, as it is not the influence tool, but the analytical structure directed on development of a technological complex of the planet, as idea of the organisation - not profit reception, but increase of a comfortable life as a whole.
Continuous technological progress is the main objective and the basic merit of Global. But the given structure thanks to it is limited and cannot be stable. Without having alternatives of development and a regrouping, Global is extremely vulnerable to small interventions from the outside. The analytical system is capable to commit errors which, collecting, can lead to destruction of this organisation. GLOBAL will admit the number of errors, what will definitively destroy the adjusted industrial infrastructure of the planet.
At present Global consists of 10000 people. Generally it is financial and system analysts. Management of the planet is realizing by change of activity of the largest consortiums, whose stock belong to "Global". However this system is one-sided enough, as consider all factors of development of the civilisation it cannot.
The organisation of management of the planet, consisting of earth dwellers and the managing director at present the USA, is only a part of a global network of management of the countries, supervising economy, carrying out redistribution of material benefits. Existence of the similar organisation is justified, and its basic function - balance maintenance, but as any similar structure, it is subject to system errors, and not all factors are considered. It clearly shows behaviour of economic indicators.
System crises are periodical, however depth of crisis can be regulated. The situation which has arisen on the planet since 2007, shows inability of Global effectively to operate economic. Further it will lead to crash of many industrial concerns and economic stagnation.
Industrial production recession will lead to reduction of extraction of natural resources, however the prices for natural resources, in particular, on oil and gas, only will increase, as extraction reduction will lead to deficiency of resources.
Organisation GLOBAL is headed by six directors, each of which is responsible for the region. For more conformity with region parametres, these directors are representatives of a nationality of region. So the German is the representative of Europe, the Arab is responsible for Asia, the Nigerian for Africa and further on other regions.
These people make the decision on development and interaction of the regions. Each of them nominally is the owner of all industrial infrastructure. The decisions of inter-regional interactions are accepted only at all-round discussion by all trustees. In whole Global, is the usual industrial organisation, as a matter of fact.
Global initiated creation of the Collider, wishing to get access to unlimited energy sources. Fall of energy consumption as much as possible would expand possibilities of this organisation and would make possible creation of open megacomplexes, and would direct development of the civilisation by the way of technogenic revolution.
In 2013 organisation GLOBAL will be destroyed, and all its employees will be killed.
For management of economic and political system of planet Earth will be created the new organisation: - CSPF. Its branches will be worldwide, and all countries will want to have in it the representatives.
For the analysis of system errors of Global at different levels, will be required various information. For elimination of initial errors will enough write four quires. By the time of crisis of system errors the information will make 20 books on 500 pages everyone.
information from the book - To look in future. The extraterrestryals. The structure of the World. /published in 2007. Israel/