Sorry, have lost the location of this picture from the boards, so am making its analysis available here anyway. It is of a much debated crater, and would like to present a missed view, or ' opinion ' of this subject matter. The attached set of 6 study-pictures are annotated and basically self-explanatory. In brief here, I presently conclude this is a site that was hit with a devastating arial bomb-strike, which was likely part of the same war effort afflicted on Vesta. The obfuscation levels that needed clearing are presented. Thus the clearer view obtained, with the ruins and levels revealed ... just as the Vesta blast exposed their own gigantic underground installation ( I just noticed a strange thing on the main Vesta photo attached, and appears in the center of the picture as O.USA (?)). Anyways, enjoy the view for now. -Morbius
Edited to insert images
-- Edited by Chandre on Thursday 11th of October 2012 07:42:49 AM