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TOPIC: Curiosity Update

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RE: Curiosity Update

goggog: something was bothering me about the pic you sent in, so went back to study it again. The fact is, I already ' knew ', but did not consciously ' connect ' an avalable infromation. So, here's where we stand now. Am attaching 3 pics, 1. My original study of your pic, which has a key element nearby the part of your red-square area. This is found on the left-side about one-third up from the bottom. It is , in my opinion, a soldier in a trench with a large caliber sniper-rifle. This scene caught my eye, but did not register at the time, but on a second scrutiny, can now connect it to a previous ' sniper ' submission ( see either ' Post by Morbius '/ which has been slapped with 4 ' access denied ' codes) or, ' Repost by Morbius '  ( which still stands ). I am including an enhanced version of picture 1, which shows this soldier, and what I suspect under all the obfuscation layers, is another tank or armoured-vehicle of some kind. Plus, 3, a pic from the previous ' Repost by Morbius ' showing that sniper and an armoured-vehicle behind him also. The parallel between this, your pic, and the earlier ' Sniper on Mars ' from Repost by Morbius, is unmistakable. So goggog, we may have found an answer after all.                      -Morbius


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The entire picture has been specially-edited. This obfuscation is, in various degrees, evidenced everywhere. This includes goggog's area of interest, where these obfuscation layers are covering ... something ... and quite large at that. What it is, I would not even offer a guess at. One area that is of peripheral interest, is in the top left corner, near the ridge, but below the farther mountain line. This area, and in some degree the mountain slopes, are less obfuscated, and therefore show small amounts of what should be visible on the whole picture itself. Rather than trying to extract any meaningful infromation on the goggog-site, have done an extraction on the higher, less obfuscated areas.   -Morbius


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Polluks, hello. Have downloaded and examined your post submission. The import of the particular piece of machinery you have highlighted, is found in its relation to the top of the closer hill above it. This artifact, I surmise, is, or was, a part of a larger machine. It now lays, smashed and destroyed by some incredibly powerful explosive force of some kind, on the sands of Mars. I believe it was part of an attacking army's war machine. As we can see, they did not do so well, but , as shall be demonstrated, neither did those they were against on the summit fortifications of the hilltop above. What had really transpired on that fateful day of long ago, with some near unimaginable violence, is now a mute point to us of this present age.

I am attaching 4 pics that will perhaps explain this ancient battle site better. The first pic is labeled as to your find, near the bottom, as well, the site located on the high ground above, the Hilltop Fortifications. It need be noted, that the photo is heavily layered with obfuscation, and required some serious effort to beak through this unnecessary shroud of secrecy. But it is done, with results that are fairly clear. Just pay attention and catch the slightest variation in shadings, then you will grasp the picture content and detail without too much difficulty. That said, we go on to view your pic (2 ), then ( 3 ) the Hilltop Fortifications are revealed. The labels, etc., should be self-explanetory. Just give your eyes time to adjust to the smaller level of detail available. The final pic ( 4 ), is the same as 3, except unmarked, so that you, or anyone else who wishes, may pursue the picture detail unimpeded. In any event, take a good look, and consider these at your leisure. Thanks for the lead Polluks, and a very good find indeed  -Morbius



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Curiosity, Sol 043(Navcams):



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Macten, hello, have returned your pic, two actually, to give you a new perspective on what's really down there. Have examined the scene for awhile now ... and it is really something more than strange. Even starting with the large boulder or rock in the forefront. I don't think it's a rock at all, but something  ... alive, mabee like a hippo. After that , things just get weirder. But thats just my view, opinion, or comment. I may be mistaken, but I wouldn't go in there with a bullet-proof jockstrap on! Anyways, take a look and see what you come up with on this.

                                                                                                             - Morbius



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Morbius, it is said that mars was named for the "God of war" for a good reason. I am believing it more than ever. I am also referencing the installation on top of the hills from the post "the ship on mara". A similar gun emplacement??? A mortar?  I would also like to address a reply with photos you sent to Goggog earlier in this post. (spaggetti factory) This was the first I had seen it but the object he found looks similar to a creature I found in the early Spirit sols.  I will re-post this pic that I had posted earlier in the re-vamped "Something creeping out" series. Tell me if you see any similarity or am I just Mars-struck?





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7 accompanying pictures for below. -Morbius


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This is a follow-up set. Some may say it is boring, flogging a dead horse, or otherwise, but it is also for those who may wish to have a choice too. This is the results obtained and the viewer is free to consider and decide for themselves wether it does, may, or may not seem clear. The first pic is the mosaic that goggog presented a source for, and no, it's not " Attack of the Killer Cyclones " as I first thought ! The major obfuscation line is at the top and extends over the land to some degree, and is quite pronounced. Pic 2 is of the original site examined alongside an even larger hilltop installation to the left. Pic 3 is of the original site. Pic 4 is the larger installation. It is quite obfuscated, but the discerning eye will see the many ruins peeking through the obfuscation smog. This should be a fairly clear and detailed pic, probably was , and that is not low-lying clouds, fog, or mist covering the view. In the 5th and 6th pics we examine these tricky and difficult layers present in an attempt to penetrate this unnecessary shroud of secrecy evidenced. Keep your eye on the great pillbox and gun placement, as it is one of the first intact ruin remains to emerge through the obfuscation levels 3 and 4. At this point, pic 7, I can only ask that you adjust to the picture. Look at the Great Gun or artillery piece and follow its housing structure downwards slowly. You will pass a white band with a dark circle ( radar? ) underneath. Below this is another white band with a large entrance doorway to the left. In front of this huge fortification is another, smaller, grey pillbox, and in front of this a flat white-topped roofed building ... from there you should be able to roam through the ruins at your lesiure. For those who make it this far ... enjoy the view!    -Morbius

7 attachments should be above.









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OK will try again/ 4 to upload


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pics for below, this set 10, the above should be 4 -Morbius


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From: Glavnoe Upravlenie ispravitel'no-trudovykh LAGerei !

Sorry goggog, I'm not clairvoyant on tuesdays and thursdays. Is there something you wish to be done or looked at .. any instructions or hints for the disembodied picture-number sequence which appeared uncaptioned or annotated on the blog site here? But yes, I think I know what it is! It's  special ' picture-test ' , to give a name to it ... right! You see, a contact in Hollywood tells me it's a code for the new super-secret science-fiction movie being made at the Skunkworks division of MGM Studios! It's name is " Attack of the Killer Cyclones " starring Babushka and the 7 Pimps .. Ya! Da! Ta! se! wee! and ah ..oh yes .. Luigi ! I know, that's only 6. The leader 'weeWee' was in an unfortunate motorcycle accident on Mars and wished to remain anonymous to protect his wife. Unfortunately she was apprehended, and made to pay for his crime, and sent to the dreaded Goovyenko Gulag for 30 years ... with no toilet-paper! This is an outrage, a traversity, an inhuman sentence ! I .. what ! This is all very interesting Morbius, but meanwhile, back on earth here, is there anything you might possibly wish to explain or report on? Ah ..yes, OK then ( what a grouch ) ...

Have downloaded and examined the picture in some detail goggog , and find there are indeed some rather extrordinary points of interest to report. Firstly, ' someone ' has done their usual finger-painting session on the pic. There are, among other obstacles, three basic lines of obfuscation present, and these overlap and run the entire length of the mosaic, albeit only a sample area is marked, as presented in two of the attached pics. The first two layers of obfuscation were manageable, the third, from the foothills to the far erroded peaks can be done also, but was interested in the valley and raised hills there with only two coatings applied. Hopefully the viewers will take this into consideration when seeing the lack of good detail near the  horizon, but reasonably clear resolution in the central ' valley ' strip focused on in this report. With the central ' valley ' strip cleared in great degree, the next thing noted was the perfect line of bunker-type buildings running in the center, for the total length, of this very long valley. These are, as so many other sites that we have investigated, in ruins or partially destroyed. For reasons to be discussed shortly, these ( buildings ) are, in my opinion, a veritable equivalent of the great French defensive system called the Maginot Line. Yes, that is, a militarily designed great system of well dug in and fortified trenches, tunnels, numerous and strategically placed pill-boxes and bunkers which served to complete this extensive defensive-line on Mars. Built by whom, when, why, to stop or protect against whom? Yes I know, these, and so many other questions, come to mind. Have choosen a section of this Line for an example of the entire complex, and annotated the huge, still intact, artillery pieces, the purposeful deflective angles of the massive walls ... the spacing of the larger fire-power on the higher grounds, with the smaller defences so arranged in sub-defense units of the overall plan embodied in the design and construction of this incredible installation. So, am attaching a set of 14 pictures, of which the last 4 will, obviouusly, have to be sent seperately, as the second attachment of the series. These are to be viewed thus. 1. This just a visual of the introductory mania I usually go through before settling down to a long and serious work. I ' just have to ' think of something totally rediculous as a warm-up ... and usually succeed .. but if you take it lightly, it will do the same for you goggog, and all the viewers too. Pics 2 and 3 are of obfuscation evidence. 4 is a selected area of the Line which contains a major defence complex, and is unmarked. 5. is the same, but marked to identify the basic layout and placements to observe in understanding this strange and puzzling scene, 6. I put this in sepia-tint as a kind of nostalgic piece ... perhaps the viewers might feel this way too. 7 to 14 are various views of the Maginot Line for familiarization and comparisons of these strangely simular defensive systems. Don't particularly like these kind of pictures, so sad, but, will leave these with you for now, the pictures of the past, or, hopeully not, our future too.     -Morbius

uploading seems a problem so will just sendd them next and they will then register above in the next reply space..


Teaching the truth

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Mosaic panorama photos:

pan-sept-13.jpg  «JPEG», 14465x1691 


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hello ejwilson, good point to ICEMAN. I have seen rain clouds, and the downpour underneath in the distance on Mars pictures, I believe it was near a point called the Hand of God but am not certain. Anyway keep on looking ... and carry an umbrella! -Morbius


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thanks again geomeo, families will have their squabbles, but then they can be stronger than ever! -Morbius 



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White clouds have been disclosed in previous photographs.

I believe this picture was from one of the MER rovers. (Spirit or Opportunity)

And here's one on the JPL website. also from MER


As far as water, Phoenix lander found water ice just below the surface. If you are referring to liquid water, you'r right, I think the PTB will be a while on admitting that. -- E.J. Wilson


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RE: Curiosity Update

hello goggog; have made a few variations on your mysterious object to make some sense out of it. This and the pieces lying about it are clearly made by intelligent beings at one time. We cannot, in their present condition, put them back together, especially long-distance. They were however, at some indeterminable time long ago, an intrigal part of some larger machine or electro-mechanical consruction of some kind. Anyways, brouse over the 3 attached and if it still makes no sense, we can always say " we think it was a mars spaghetti  factory that blew up " ! ( mabee I could work on that one a bit ... anyways,    -Morbius


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  Timewarp: Yes, they are becoming quite well versed in their special-editing techniques. Most earlier, and cruder, errors are corrected, and better application processes developed. It is interesting that you mention Malin (SSS), for their cameras are usually deployed with an integral Bayer filter array, such as ( 400-500nm/blue, 500-575nm/green, and 575-750nm/red ), and, obviously, designed for the rigors of launch and space-flight in general. Admittedly, their wares are pretty well thought out equipment, quite good actually. If I remember correctly however, there is a puzzling down side here, for part of, or a sub-clause of, their contract was that he ( alone ) would have complete custody of all pics sent back, for a period of six months. Here we may speculate ad infinitum , but suffice, the pro-offered ' picture-quality ' speaks volumes for the appointed interim period of Malin's condition of product delivery. As you mentioned, there are ways to detect and counter these ( Gaussian blur, a bit of sharpening, and other effective methods too) finger-painting sessions done on ' public releases '. Some day this Agenda will be clearer, but in the meantime we will still make some ' discoveries ' and have a bit of fun too! Cheerio      -Morbius


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Timewarp wrote:

What do you think?


You're right. I also noticed that the image quality are becoming worse and worse


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Moribus, I do not think they have had time to 'change' the imaging although the colouring may be the classic NASA version. Hint: Look for any shades of green in the images.

Up to sol 003 we had some splendid high resolution images from the Mastcam to ponder and investigate but all of a sudden the supply of these images has stopped and it's not related to the transfer of data from the satellite orbiting Mars. What we have is monochrome images supplied by Malin Space Systems (MSSS) with added Bayer effect which for investigative purposes are practically useless unless you know how to smooth out the effect. Hint: apply gaussian blur or soften filter first then sharpen a little. This helps to eradicate the effect. The only decent hi-res images that are suitable for investigation are the PIA tiff versions. I have looked on our university server to see if they have any further hi-res images and could find nothing. So, what is NASA/JPL up to? Have they realized all of a sudden there is intelligent life on the surface so this kind of evidence has to be supressed. This would be reason enough to hold back the decent imaging or could they possibly be 'adjusting' the images before release into the public domain?

What do you think?


"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

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Recently, I have added some links to the thread about water on Mars and there are NASA and ESA articles about finding it there, so I dont think they should be holding back from posting water evidence. I am sure they are though.

The Curiosity team want the rover to "interact more with the public" so they are tweeting stuff. (to make it more 'real' to people perhaps?)




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Found this to be a rather interesting tweet to say the least. The Curosity Rover recently tweeted teh following


Curiosity Rover @MarsCuriosity

From Where I Stand: Interactive panorama shows you the view from my landing spot on Mars #MSL


Check this website out. Some interesting pictures and comments posted.

click on the skull picture.




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Again Moribus, excellent and insightful writing. Thx...


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We can give NASA points for that Mars is becoming more and more blue, in their presentation of footage from Mars, even the sky has moved from yellow-brown to green-blue. The only things missing are the clouds, but they can not show them until they have found water.
You see, NASA could find water a million miles away in space, but not directly in front of its nose.


Teaching the truth

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Thank you for that. It must have taken some time to write. The thing is that I have been here for a while and have been more involved in the past than I am now. Mainly due to my interestes moving in other directions, but I still have that fascination and more importantly the incredulation that NASA can continue to pull our chains and try to make us believe their unlikely story. My attitude is that I know what I know and whether others believe me or not does not matter much any more.

Like religion, we can try to persuade until we are hoarse in the throat and unless it is the right time, our ideas will not take root in the minds of others. We do not have the media resources that are used against us, to batter the factoids into our brains to make us believe their version of events. However we do have a few choices which we can still use which allow us to choose which information to believe and which to reject.

Most of us are on here indulge ourselves and to show our discoveries rather than to actually think about the wider issues of alien discovery. For example, if we find a place which undoubtedly shows aliens living in Antarctica, then we have the responsibility if we expose some peace-loving people to the wrath of society. It is almost inevitable that if aliens were really discovered on Earth, that we would have a need to go to blast them to Kingdom Come just like we may have done on the Moon with the LCROSS mission. The new rover has high power lasers on board which could be used for offence/defence purposes and if (a big if) small Martians exist, then it is likely that we have squashed and killed a good number of these in the name of our Earth science investigations. No wonder any Martians will be wanting revenge for the loss of their families and all because NASA would not tell us the truth and allow us to be part of the decisions.

Yes there are many people throughout history who have known things they could not possibly have known and who were ahead of their time. All that we can hope is that these people and those who come in the future are both wiser and more loving than the normal person in the way they use their extended powers and knowledge.

I have no problem with anyone on here, as we are all looking to discover what we can and learn more about the space exploration which is being done whether we want it or not.

Occasionally on the forum, we get the scientists type who wants to promote scientific principles which I find rather trying but they do not stay long as they appear not to be able to handle the one-the-edge thinking which often goes on here. Good for us. We dont always get it right but at least we are willing to wildly speculate which is something scientists are rather scared to do.




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gmantoo: Thank-you for a reply that was hoped for, factored in, but not expected. It was a thoughtful and commendable reply actually, and rightfully deserves a fair and honest one in return. Firstly, I thought, or felt, my work was not very good or of acceptable standards. That its denigration was not right, or a right. So, after a few weeks, I became determined to a respose was necessaary and took the elevator to the Nasty Level and started to formulate ' the counter-measures'. By this time of course, you were worse than a little man running through the jungle with black pyjamas on, and I wuz gonna get you, and real good! Nobody's going to push me over the edge! I'm sorry to seem rough on you, but I thought I was right. I feel that I owe you an apology. I'm not going to give you one, but ...I do owe you one. When I was a youth there were no instant blogs or posts. You were lucky to have a pencil aand paper, and you 'wrote a letter', put your whole heart into it, and it was a good letter too. I am of the old-guard, fewer now we are, and this habit still remains. So gmantoo, bear with me. I will reply to you with a good letter, which I hope will put you at-ease, make you laugh, and warm the heart. This I can do.

Many years ago now, I was in the American Army. After a while, they said I was a winner, and would be sent to an exciting new South East Asian Health Resort. I said " Oh Boy!" Then they gave me a large green plastic bag with a neat zipper on the front. They said it was an advanced type of waterproof sleeping-bag, I'd love it. Then they said " now get on that plane!" Seeing some hesitancy, they added" or we'll shoot you ... where it hurts!" I thought that could be most anywhere, but ...not there, thats gonna really hurt! Sensing more hesitancy, they switched tactics, adding " and when you get to the other side, you will get a brand new silver-plated BB gun, and, an ice cream cone!" Well, that closed the deal! I said, perhaps with less enthusiasm than before " oh boy ", tucked my new super sleeping-bag under my arm, and marched up the gangplank. Once inside however, I felt a new and overpowering happiness, that I belonged, for it was packed with all these nice people who said they too were winners, and that they too were going to the very same Health Resort! And would you believe ... they all had the same marvelous little sleeping-bags. Just like me! It was wonderful. Oh well, " It was the best of times .....". Anyways, don't talk about it much, suffice to say, do I have an anger problem, yes ...I'll drink to that (have to ), other faults? Like being highly reactive? Yes, not an excuse I know, just wired-up that way, goes with the territory, and I live with it. Admittedly, a part of the post was designed to draw you out. That you avoided this would do credit to Sun Tzu or Von Clausewitz. I, however, sense something simpler is at work here. An unperturbed and native grasp of the situation, a modest education perhaps, and a dash of ' civilization ' for good measure. Be that as it may, I do recognize a decision of such quality as a quality of leadership. And I respect this decision, moreso ...the person. Being cool under fire is a rare bird these days. Very good call gmantoo, indeed.

gmantoo: Look at our association, a group, relatively small in number, but of great character and spirit. I feel it is a family, and goal. There is activity, zest and enthusiasm just buzzing around the halls, and our ' comrades of bizarre and amazing adventures'! There is goggog with her quaint Cyrillic address, and Polluks, 'Vadim', both from the Russian Federation, a proud and beautiful people. Timewarp, from the UK, born five months after me, in 1944, strangely, with his interests and qualifications in planetary research and ancient history, being exactly my own pursuits for these last 50 years now! How I miss corespondence with those of such stature and achievements, fewer and far between they are. And let's not forget ICEMAN, up there in the frozen-meat department, his teeth chattering as he tries to type in a language he's not quite confident with, I josh him on occasion, a good man. There is the geneologist too, with one eye on the history of man, recording their lineages, their families, for many generations, another eye to the future. Like Janus, looking to the past, and the future. Remarkable. There is Macten too, who tries so hard, and is so astute, that I am compelled to to assist him with any help needed. Then there is gmantoo, with an encrpted eMail even my powerful mind cannot penetrate, how is Mars associated with Pelicanbills ? I know a secret inner cabal are privy to this devious anagram, or whatever the hell it is! And I'll find out ...eventually! And then of course there is that berserk screamer Morbius who, in some dillusional state, is declaring he is the sole representative for some tiny colonial outpost in the north called Canada ( who the hell invited him!). Yeah, shure , go ahead and laugh all you want gmantoo deserve it. And the list and names go on, sorry I can't greet them all. So we have here a tiny core of humanity gmantoo, but we will try, and succeed in our quest, of this it is certain. I have spoken to you gmantoo, and now wish to speak with the many. Of things I have seen and know, and they are true things. To say, to believe, to remember and pass on.

Gather round and listen friends, for I will tell you of strange and wonderful things, that were, that are, and are to be. A long time ago, in the land of Italy, there was a remarkable and wise man. Some said he seemed from another place, or time. He did not affirm this, but then, he never denied it either. His name was Giordano Bruno, and he was, nevertheless, a respected man, and openly reported his opinion. He considered that earth, and the other planets, orbited the sun, and the stars were in fact but other suns as viewed from afar, and they also were with planets orbiting them, and there were people, like us, who lived on those planets! For this, in 1600, the Church burned him at the stake. But you know what, someday we , perhaps not you or I gmantoo, but our children, our grandchildren, they will go to the stars! And they will see these glorious worlds, with their wonderous cities and towers and buildings, built with materials that never age. And they will meet and commune with these people, the Builders. They will dip into a vast storehouse of accumulated knowledge, long hidden from us. Science and arts that were old , even when our own world was still in its infancy. Many and marvelous these treasures will be, that they will hear of, and see, and be amazed at. Just think! A hundred billion inhabited worlds, mabee more! Waiting a long time, for us. They might not have much to offer in return, but you know what gmantoo, they will be faithful, to recite the History of their Ancestors. Yes, you, I, all of us. That it started on a world far away, and there was the homeland. Out in the backwaters of a small arm of an average galaxy. There was the place of origins. Of the first ones. They will speak of us! That we met, that we looked at little rocks on Mars, and wondered, and discussed many things, and spoke in awe of far away worlds. That we we finally prevailed, sending them outward, to a destiny among the stars! And you know what gmantoo? They will tell the story of Bruno. That he was right! That he did not die in vain. I know, for I have seen him in the dream-time. I know who he is, he is the Phoenix, of this I am certain, now you know too! And that is the way of it my friend. And that is how it shall be.

There, I have " written a letter ", to put you at-ease, make you laugh, and warm the heart. Now I am happy, and methinks you be satisfied too!                                -Morbius


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um.. yes, it seems that you also have some anger issues to address. I was only drawing a parallel to Timewarp's way of expressing himself and your own. That should not cause too much of a problem, but obviously it struck a nerve somewhere. We all can express our opinions and my opinion was that some of your postings are not showing anything which we can clearly see as anomalous. In my opinion, you were showing image compression artifacts and since I think you mentioned Mr Skipper somewhere, I will say that he always likes to make sure that any anomalies are clearly shown at a reasonable enlargement or probably < 5x maximum.



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gmantoo, hello, I see that you've been quite busy! Three messages to me on the same subject in 19 minutes! Is this redundancy, overkill, or just an attempt at the Guiness Book of Records? They are however informative in being poorly written and barely veiled examples of a viterous and troubled mind. In reading this trash it becomes clear this is not the expected protocol or standards of AA, proper respect, nor can be construed as representing any constructive criticism. Rather, these, as will be explained, exhibit a blatent abuse of senior-member priviledges. To wit, don't ever, for whatever reason, tell me which guy I should " get together " with and you believe we would " get on well " together, for whatever reasons! Who I choose to associate with or like is none of your business and dosen't belong on the AA boards, or are you some kind of pervert-matchmaker? From this background, I, Timewarp .. whom you name specifically, as well anyone becoming aware of your twisted inuendos, would appreciate you not calling us mate. I am not by any stretch of your sick mind 'your' " Mate". Got that Perv?

Fact is, you don't get up early enough to land any psychotically written sucker-punches as you think you have liberties to do. You'r not fast enough, trained, or experienced enough. They will be blocked, I will find an opening, and drop you where you stand, trust me. This attitude of disrespect dosen't make a ripple in my day, but I am concerned for others because you are becoming known for this unwanted behavior. " I know you will not like this, however it has to be said and the sooner you start believing it, the better." gmantoo, please, you have to seek professional help soonest. With proper anger management, good councilling and therapy you can be rehabilitated. If not done, " you are just kidding yourself " and living in this delusion will only take a further toll on your life and sanity. I am truly glad for your posts in that they have given me an opening for reply, especially with your express permission " you can flame me all you like ". Thanks much gmantoo, and, as you are becoming aware, that's just what I am doing. Just remember, as the real AA requires, you need first acknowledge that you have a real problem, but don't take these internal seethings and anger out and focus it on AA members who are just honestly trying to contribute and turn in post offerings, and whether these be good bad or mediocre contributions, it is not up to you to judge and enforce malicious attacks on those you think are not up to your sick standards, especially on an open forum. Just piss off Bozo and leave these AA members alone, they never did anything to you and don't deserve to be treated like personal targets of your twisted mental orgasms. You and your 'work' are becoming a liability to the group, not an asset, as it bears the classic characteristics of a psychic-predator. Get a life of your own gmantoo, don't try to steal it from others! I also believe that your peers and superiors will view this reply and have the discernment and courage to take responsible corrective action on your disruptive and assumed liberties with AA members. When you are right gmantoo, I will know it and back you 100%. If wrong and you need be confronted, I will, 100% and then some. I hope this 'flaming' is reasonable and you take it to heart. Think about it, get back on track, and let's put some good stuff up on the boards!                      

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Dr. Morbius

" Our evolution is dependant on our being able to treat others in a reasonable way "

from: gmantoo's Whiteboard



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Morbius, Thanks for that expos'e but I dont think there are any more humans living there. If there are any more of those big nasty looking bird creatures I hope to god we dont piss them off.  All of the other little things I believe I have seen crawling from under the "rocks" look venemous.

Those photos are enlighening to say the least. Are they the PIA's from the curiosity site?



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Fuller and qualitative version of the moment of landing




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Morbius - Looking at these images, I think many people would suspect that you are pulling our plonker, however, I think there may be something under all the usual NASA smudging and tampering. If we get a closer look at these areas later, we might, just might be able to see some details. You and Timewarp should get together, you have the same style of expression. I am sure you would get on well.



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hello geomeo and thanks for the reply. It seems in our intense and high stress world, that a bit of humor helps. If you are the only one to chuckle .. then it was a wothwhile write to me. thanks once again                   -Morbius



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Great thoughts. Baseball bats and all!


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The main attach here is simply designated " Curiositypanoramapiece ". The path of Curiosity is towards the Gale Crater Wall with its Mount Sharp. It must first go across the badlands called the Mohave Desert of Mars then on into the foothills of the Gale Crater, wind a way over these and on into the Gale Crater. Richard Hoagland Enterprise Mission  has examined the photos of this area to be explored and points out the grid formation of huge ancient ruins, which building remains and their cavernous interiors Curiosity has been prepared for with headlights installed. As a previous post has presented, the initial area Curiosity need traverse is found with rows and rows of streets and avenues with their attendant buildings. It would therefore be possible that our AA members could examine, plot and extrapolate these streets and avenues to reconstruct the basic site layout and present a goodwill Texaco Map thereof to NASA. Think! If there be inhabitants living there, this incredible Map would be an unmistakable and loving gift to NASA, and they, recognizing our noble and sacrificing offer, might even respond with an autographed 'real' picture! The fact is, the remote-operator of Curiosity has quite a delay time between maneuvers, so, as it approaches this crater outpost of civilization, it might inadvertently come bounding over a sand dune and crash into a building, mabee a pawn shop or crack house! The poor denizens would become an infuriated mob led by a Khomenian High Priest who works them into a frenzy! They lie in wait until dusk for a suprize attack. At the signal ( two martian camel bellows!), the berserk rag-tag army pours out of their hovels armed with baseball bats and hocky sticks! They attack and smash to smithereens our poor little Curiosity who is armed only with a lazer disintigration beam. The far away handler sees to late the horiffic carnage and in shame climbs to the third stage of an Apollo rocket and leaps out screaming obsanities against martian cruelty.The local Lords now claim a victory over the monsterous beast from the heavens who would destroy their humble abode. All are estatic, save a few American tourists who felt it was a good show but really did not get their money's worth. Barak Obama misses the action as his summer house by the Great Canal is being renovated with a new basketball court. The CIA and FBI official websites ( check it out ) however, fervently swear Obama has not been to Mars ( what else can they say?), the reason these respected institutions choose to publish this infromation in the first place is still problematic at best.

The second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth attachments ( sorry I get sidetracked at times ) are of this " Curiosity Panoramapiece " and have been worked on to break through the obfuscation present. Beneath this covering are revealed the hidden or obscured ruins. These are pointed out with arrows albeit there are so many ruins that only a dozen or so arrows are deployed. The viewer will spot many more of these inigmatic ruins lying on the plains of Mars. It is inevitable that the closer Curiosity approaches these buildings, ruins and debris, the erasing and fogging of them will become increasingly difficult. There will also be diversions, breakdowns, transmission problems that will 'occur' as the weeks go by. One might suppose by then, that the Airbrush Army will be on steroids to keep up, while we are on anti-depressants and pulling our hair out trying to figure whats really going on out there. I am usually a serious person, but a fun guy who may inject a bit of humor to ease the seriousness. Hope no one was offended by the ocasional ramble, it is only meant well. Stay tuned



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