Hi Gmantoo , I'll try and make this a bit easier.. The picture your looking at has brown in it? Like I said before, The stains could be from processing rollers .. Developer - stop bath-= Fixative - washing - drying etc due to the fact it is repeated exactly again on the panoramic and extends almost to the bottom of the image always a sign of dirty, ill kept rollers on some stage of processing.. I hope I got the order right.. its been a while ;). Ok.. Now You take a picture of that black and white (even though I know its color) with the brown stain. Lets say I shoot the print in black and white. Obviously only black and white will appear in final print of print.. yes? Not brown.. Shoot image in color of the black and white print with brown stain and of course being a color print the brown stain will show as brown. Your forgetting that this is a print of a print.. You cant get brown in a black and white print.
Dont focus on the image.. focus on the process to get the image and things will come clear.
Not necessarily a colour picture. Old aged fixer chemical on black and white prints is brown too dont forget. If they did not wash the print properly, the fixer would not have been washed out and after a while goes brown with age.
Just my two cents. In my opinion there are several composite layers overlayed in the same photograph. That explains the "coffee stain"
However I managed to portray an avrage of the different levels in the composite. Just to illustrate the depth of the landscape. -- Even the sky was averaged out
Red Box: More detail has been pulled up on the (tail fin like structure). It is not as smooth as initial view depicts. There are surfaces on the (mostly) central raised section that progress down to ground level.
Yellow Box: We found this a very interesting structure. after treating the image, faint signs of gearing appeared more defined. the structure took a more 3 dimesional shape with added complexity to lateral structures and cogs.
GreenBox: A highly complex structure that may possibly hide a supprising structural reliance on the surrounding background. the so called Tea stain is an interesting stain. A closer look revealed that this not a tea stain as this very pattern is repeated on the wider panoramic image over a different background, from same shot.. being caustious, i'd say its due to very poorly drying rollers after proccesing. this would explain the repeated appearance of the patter. also it has a brownish tint implying that this whole scene has been processed as a color print!
(Below find image with stain extending down to bottom of print.)
We are currently locating wider panoramic with exact repeat of stain.. work load high so please be patient..
The cylinder looks like an old drill piece, but it is the Moon buggy and astronaut that has my attention, I tried the image in paint then inverted the image, and low and behold the Moon buggy and astronaut have blue colours yet the surrounding scene does not, which tells me the original image has been edited (lol...after the coffee stains), I am having trouble uploading images due to the wife adjusting the PC settings, but viewers are welcome to try it for them selves.
This image is a combination of these three parts. It looks like the astronauts and his vehicle is set into a form that is otherwise more or less false.
In this context I would like to point out the fact that film production giants worked out for years to develop the colour film. Problems relating to hue and color consistency with each other. They were dealing with the color scale (light) completely different to that on the Moon. So in this context are a hundred questions unanswered.