Святое дерьмо, goggog!Твоя техника безупречна, как он доказывает с помощью широко используемых фильтров, что скрыто внутри там.Это очень странно вещи.Поздравляем!
Holy crap, goggog! Your technique is flawless as it proves by means of commonly used filters what is hidden inside there. This is very odd stuff. Congrats!
After carefully considering your panorama cut out, I calculated the bullet would be fired in a direction that would not compromise the rover ... Take a look -- Frutty
I feel that I have to draw your attention again to these guns. I think it is strange that no-one has commented on this picture and thread but it may be either because no-one can see what I am seeing (and you are all too polite to say so!) or else the title is not a good one. Please let me know.
Press panorama picture These were taken from towards the right hand end of the panorama although I have not found the original Rover pictures from which the panorama was made.
This is an IMPORTANT find and may be the reason why we are taking a rock-zapper laser to Mars on the next Rover.
The Martians would not have built these guns/weapons if they have not had experience of other races trying to attack and destroy them before we arrived.
These are relatively plain to see.
I have seen other round holes which could be similar things but have been more obscure than these ones. It is as well to bear this in mind when we see other round holes in rocks where they are a little out-of-place. Put your gun/weapon examples below please.