the pic on top appeared in an article at the entitled Mars Orbiter Spots Rover on weroid Plateau
They state....
"The color image of Spirit on Home Plate was taken on Sept. 27 by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter's High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, better known as the HiRISE camera. At the time, the spacecraft was flying about 168 miles (270 kilometers) above the surface."
Also they say ....
The resolution of the image released Monday is not good enough to see Spirit as anything more than a dot on the rock. One pixel element represents about 32 inches or 81 centimeters. Nevertheless, the picture provides important confirmation from above for what Spirit is seeing on the ground, Herkenhoff said.
The last paragraph is clearly wrong as I show Spirit rover has tuned into a pensive thinker .....
One last remark, as people here put down dozen pictures of pebbles who have face features, I am aloud write down my last remark
You see, it's like the Hollywood movies in the 1960. The whole crew took off to Granada in Spain and made their Western Spaghetti movies.
Letting us, the innocent audience, belief it was all New Mexico or Texas were the cowboy's were riding their horses.
Same today with NASA. If America did not had the huge Arizona dessert as a decor and the money budget to pull it all off, they get away with this virtual Mars fraud...
The purported spirit tracks on the B&W image on the right don't match the purported trajectory followed by the spirit on the left, plus the alleged track prints are featured on walls in the terrain.
We have shown the same picture, colorized thrice and smudged and distorted likewise. -- Frutty
I get the impression, more than half of their (NASA) budget goes to camouflage department. The employers working there to let us belief they been there with a rolling-robot, eat all the USA tax money...
This is the last straw they even have a route map of the trajectory followed by spirit. If you follow the trajectory you will realize that the rover would have to have arachnid skills to be able to rove through walls (leaving tracks in there) and flying capabilities to be able to pass through chasms and not to roll down the hill
I get the impression, more than half of their (NASA) budget goes to camouflage department. The employers working there to let us belief they been there with a rolling-robot, eat all the USA tax money...
I stabilized 2006's home plateau official Hirise PIA09089 image with that reported 2007 at, after desaturating it (taking out the color from it)
What do you guys think, it's the same image with some more blurrng, smudging and tampering or the home plateau is cracking up laughing
Both images are the same. They were taken on Dec 13 2006. The only thing that varies is the location of the spirit rover and the colors. Examine the same annotated image and you'll realize they are all exactly the same picture rehashed throughout the virtual mission.
Frutty, both images were taken years apart and the one on the left shows Spirit as seen from MRO on 27 September 2007- she was stuck in loose soil back then.
Right image was taken by HiRISE on 15 February 2010 and was probably additionally colorized.