Yes there is something there, but rock itself is like rear end of lying animal with thick skin like a Rhino and gasping mouth like some prehistoric beasts.
Right on people we are moving in the right direction. Remember the martian puppies I spoke about before? they appear in plenty of pics in the martian imagery available, even since the times of Viking back in the 70s!
Q, you are right. I have been calling this particular type 'split-eye' myself as they keep on cropping up in images and they normally have what looks like an 'eye' and strangle folds/splits.
You have just started the I will post my examples here when I have a moment, and please other members do that as well so its all in one place....
gmantoo?Thanks for observation. To be remembered I too placed a similar picture with pair stones in the beginning of the registration at a forum. I am glad that is not lonely in the assumptions. Here that picture Here identical stones-colour of a point identical. Can which where I was mistaken, but a thought vector the identical
спасибо за наблюдательность. Помниться я тоже размещал подобный снимок с парными камнями в начале своей регистрации на форуме. Я рад ,что не одинок в своих предположениях. Вот тот самый снимок Тут одинаковые камни-цветные точки одинаковые. Может кое где я ошибся,но вектор мысли одинаковый
I have noticed that there is the strange number of similar looking rocks dotted about this picture. I have arrowed some in green (the red arrows are for a different post) where the profile is almost exactly the same. Now, I know some of our members have theories about this, but I thought it may be worthwhile to build up a portfolio of standard 'rocks' and see how many times they appear in any given picture and in other pictures too, not necessarily from the same area. "There is a type 'A' rock, and there's a type 'C' rock".
No-one really knows if these are real or not, but we have to question what kind of geology produces these similar shaped rocks and why they should be often pointed in the same direction.
And, before anyone jumps in with this explanation, Yes, I know that some kinds of rock are a particular shape, but these are usually regular hexagonal or crystalline mineral shapes (such as Giants Causeway in Ireland). You do not get granite or sandstone, for example, producing the same shaped rocks.
I am sure there is a reasonable explanation(?), but just in case our suspicions are correct, I will see if there are enough examples of 'A' type rocks to allow me or someone else to begin another thread to classify them.