SP, you make a good point. Most members have been posting here for a while and their eyes are accustomed to the tampering and quickly see the anomalies. It takes time to train the eye, which is why we encourage posters to highlight the anomalies and explain their interpretation of what they are seeing. After a while, newer members get into the groove and see them more easily as well.
The public is not too stupid, we are all the public and we can see them. The difference between the masses out there and us is that we are looking, they are not. They do not want to see so it really doesn't matter how startling the find is as the mindset does not allow accepance. Again, please see the 'Perception Discussion' thread for our ideas on why that is.
As for the role od Devils Advocate, you are welcome to play it. We can only grow when challenged and we all seem to take turns playing the role on the Forum,
Even if you point the smoking gun into the face of the person, he will not acknowledge that it is smoking.
The images of the concrete re-inforcing rods are a really really really strange thing to find on a planet without water and without life of any kind, but so what? They are in full view and I do not know what else they can be interpreted as. Maybe it is one of those things which only I can see and JoePublic cannot.
How big does the gun have to be? How much smoke needs to come out before we(Joe) decide it has just been fired?
The point I would like to convey is this: While numerous images are shown to be tampered with, altered, or manipulated, the general public cannot "see" the things that a lot of the members here can "see" (on a side note...neither can I).
There have been countless images that have been shown to be genuinly tampered with and while you may be in the "right", the commen public does not "see" the things that -you guys- "see".
I do agree that a lot of posts show genuine image tampering, the general public WILL NOT.
That is why I like to position myself on the "Joe the Plumber" type point of view, (while I may agree with the origianl post- I position myself as the general public) to give a sort of "other side of the coin" type perspective. And I believe this is healthy as it encourages a more detailed and comprehensive Post.
So to reiterate, just saying that your guys' posts and findings are note worthy in my opinion(which means nothing), but to the general public-as they do not have day in and day out image verification abilities; means nothing.
Until there is that one .......smoking gun so to speak that will alter everything...
Just my 2 cents people.....nothing more
Get your facts first....Then you can distort them all you please.