Ya...I agree with all you guys...I was just really P--O'd that day
Sometimes I just get so frustrated....with the mountain of evidence that would be more thatn enough to convict a criminal for life in court...yet...for our purposes its still not enough..
I get discourged in the "battle" as "they" always have the upper hand and it seems to wear oneself down quite a bit over time.....
I do understand that its one grain at a time.......( but sometimes I wish I could just end it alll in one fell swoop)......Myabe ET will do that for us by landing on the white house lawn....but I won't hold my breath for it.
I do apprietiate all of your guys hard work and attention for detail that makes all this possible.... But like I said.....I just get so frustrated...Arrrrrrrhhhhh.
I am a no nonesense kind of guy, I am the kind of guy you want on your football team or the guy you want on your side in a bar fight....believe me...I won't let you down
I am the type of guy thats better with interagation then photoexsamining.
Get your facts first....Then you can distort them all you please.
SP, your frustration is shared by many members. You may enjoy reading a popular thread called the 'Perception Discussion' which dealt with some of the issues you raised.
As Papa so accurately put it, most members posting finds are non-academic average citizens that do it because they want to and have a passion for the work, not for approval or acceptance from others. Most of us post what we find and state that it is a matter of personal interpretation.
We would love to take on the big guns but we don't have the credentials to do so, we would be laughed out of the room by the academics.
What we are doing here is attacking the snake from behind. We are a grassroots movement, each little piece of evidence we find (despite the tampering and yes, in my opinion and experience there is extensive proof of tampering on the images) is a prick in the skin of the snake, We are not killing it, it may not even notice us but over time it will weaken and then maybe some big guns will come forward and chop off its head.
Our planet is populated by sheeople, comfortable in the safety of their ignorant state. There is not a lot you can do to directly influence them if you have no access to the media. TV is the opiate of the masses, this is a basic fact. If you are not on TV you are not real to the majority of the people that inhabit this planet. NASA can tell you there is no water on the Moon and Mars for years and then in a late night interview tell you there is...and you will not even blink...because you saw it on TV so it must be Ok and it must be true.
Our aim should be to get on TV, it is part of the PTP strategy but it is so much easier said than done. Very few TV or Radio stations are brave enough to go against the mainstream flow.
So do we all give up, throw our hands up in despair, cry to the heavens for help.... no, we need to get clever. We need to do what we have seen others do succesfully, YOUTube and Twitter video campaigns, Facebook sites, viral advertising, podcasts, e-books, clever marketing campaigns by creating an 'underground' grassroots culture to infiltrate at the most basic level, a level where normal people like us can have an effect. This has and is being discussed in the hub.
So in answer to your question, we are not Davids, we will not take on the Goliaths as we cannot win in a direct confrontation. We are more like the little ants that through concentrated and determined effort emptied the grain silos of the Egyptian empire, one kernel at a time.....
Our ( OUR ) homeplanet is full of life. Even if you are not been able to detect it with your eyes, `because it may be too small, or camouflaged perfectly, it is everywhere. ( Except in the gulf of Mexico, but once some time ago, there had been life there too.)
Experiment: Take some shovels of soil and make a pile. It has not to be very big, just four , five shovels full. Let it alone, but watch it over some weeks and some months. The soil is already full of microbes, small insects, small mushrooms etc. If you want to start nearly from the beginning, cook the soil at 100 0 Celsius. Anyway. Plants and insects start to populate your tiny biotope at an incredible speedrate. Maybe one day a mouse is digging a home, where once was just a pile of earth. If you want to remove the earth, think about your decision, the earth is full of life.
How come, I am convinced the universe is full of life ?
Skipper makes some pretty compelling cases on image tampering, and I don't think you would say that if you have read some of his findings
There are quite a few people that Despise NASA and any thing that has to do with NASA. This very forum is full of people that are convinced that image tampering is being carried out on a daily bases.
While I am intrigued by some of these members findings...I am not 100% percent convinced. Maybe more like 80%.
Get your facts first....Then you can distort them all you please.
I do not feel there are any conspiracy theories running on this form as all the image analysis is based on the genuine science data as distributed by NASA/JPL.
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
I do understand that what people do here is a necessary thing, BUT let me be clear.
1) If image tampering is fact- Then I feel all this "talent" so to speak, is being wasted , and could be better applied to more legitimate factions...such as real image analysis, instead of "wasting" the talent on fake ass images.....All these people that have a very good trained eye could be doing "real" image analysis and finding new cultures and new life organisims.
2) If image tampering is a myth - Then it is quite clear that we are all wasting our valuble time on nothing other than a bunch of conspericy theories....
P.S. Grammer is not my strong area I am a horrible speller
Get your facts first....Then you can distort them all you please.
Software Pyrate, most people posting on this forum do so because they have an interest in planetary issues and the research of the images that have been returned by the various missions to Mars. Some people persue the research as a hobby.
Unfortunately, there can be no disclosure about anything until whatever it is has been thoroughly researched. An issue cannot be made of something based on a whim with no genuine research to back it up. No need to get frustrated about anything as it all takes time to bring about full disclosure.
I have to disagree with you when you say 'What a waste'. What members on this forum are doing is definitely not a waste. Many of the topics and subjects aired here are valid and the more people that are made aware of certain discoveries tends to promote a more conscious understanding of planetary issues by the general population at large.
The subject of tampering I find amusing. It would appear that some people have been 'brainwashed' into believing that tampering by the distributors of the images has been taking place. This is utter rubbish. I have researched hundreds, if not thousands, of images returned by Phoenix and the two rovers and have never yet come across an image where tampering has been applied. What would NASA/JPL have to gain by carrying out such an operation? Tampering with the images would serve no scientific purpose whatsoever.
Some images are of low resolution which is a pain when trying to produce a clear idea of the surface detail. On the other hand, some of the high and medium resolution images are brilliant and some very fine detail can be observed.
On the question of aliens and whether there is an alien presence on earth is debatable. Some have made claims that they have seen them or have made contact with them. This may or may not be true, but until a real live alien is shown to the general public either 'in the flesh' or on TV many are still going to be skeptical that they exist.
My own view on this subject is that the universe is so vast that there just has to be other life-forms out there somewhere either in our galaxy or more remote galaxies. It could be possible that they may have visited this planet. If they have, it would show that their technology is far more advanced than what we have at present time as they would have the capability to warp time, but that's another story.
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
"You also seem to not understand that there has been an alien presence here for many years, and they are controlling and manipulating the current Earthly dramas according to their agendas."
Forgive me for not understanding this, as I am sane.
The alien presense part....Ok i'll go along with that..but the later
Don't tell me the reptiles are up to all this as well..........
Even if, they are medeling in our affairs, There still are humans in the mix of it. No matter how you want to surgar coat it, There are some humans that are purposefully selling out there own race. These are the ones that I'd like to be locked in a room with for just 5 minutes....hell...3 minutes.
Of course I understand the implications of secracy!!! Same reason Big oil refuses to let clean energy out....Control and Power.
However, there are far more people on our side of the fence then theirs . That is where our power comes in to play. One fact has always remainded tru in nature and everything else... Power in numbers.
Get your facts first....Then you can distort them all you please.
Yes, I do not think violence is the way to go at all. There will be enough disturbance when the truth really does come out.
I too think that Steven Greer is a plant - to appear to do things, but not actually do anything. His idea about using alien energy technology and bringing that to the people was good, but where is it? It will die the same death as other zeropoint energy projects.
The disclosure project is rather like SETI which probably started out as a good idea, but has been taken over by the money men and now controlled by them. If anything were found, we would not hear about it.
The thing is that the problem runs very deep and has been going on for years and has been building up for years. There is a whole infrastructure and culture associated with this stuff, and if you destroy it in one go, it would be as devastating as if you were to bring a real live alien on CNN. There are thousands of people involved in the secrecy of this. I realise it is not millions like the ones who know nothing, but still would create a stir.
Unfortunately, even if a live alien were to appear on CNN, no-one would believe it, as there are so many deceptions and illusions created by the media in the course of their work. Sci-fi films create these illusions every day and makeup is so good too that we cannot tell any longer what is real. There is a whole multi-million industry around creating illusions called movies so it is quite possible to create the illusion of an alien being interviewed if necessary.
That may be an idea for a TV program - a fake interview with an alien. It would certainly cause a stir and probably one as large as H.G.Wells' radion program. Of course then, people could not see as well as hear, because it was on the radion and not the TV, but illusions are so good that it will still create an effect.
It is just that, at the moment, no TV station wants to go there and test the waters. It would probably be stopped before it hit the airwaves anyway. Also, it could go very badly wrong and cause civil unrest which may cause shooting in the streets and such like. The government knows this and this is partly why they cannot just come out with the truth.
However, whatever happens, I do not think people will believe because there is good solid evidence out there and still no-one takes any notice. People are still asleep and will not realise even a small amount of the truth which is staring them in the face.
You seem to forget that nasa and the government have such a lot to gain from their secrecy. MIneral depostits, first contact with aliens, technology benefits, military benefits , etc. All this is secret knowledge is power when you have a need to keep on top of things in this world. It keeps your country at the top and it keeps your technology a much-wanted commodity. You can give special contracts to selected companies, you can use the technology to do deals with other countries, you can even provide a safe place for your special personnel if anything should go wrong here on Earth (like the oil spill will cause mass decimation of the population and great hardship).
You also seem to not understand that there has been an alien presence here for many years, and they are controlling and manipulating the current Earthly dramas according to their agendas.
cut the head of the snake...would be nice...unluckly it's snake much bigger than us, we need to work him from the tail, attacking in many, with little wounds, just to make seen to evrybody that he can die, then he will die when will come his moment.
an example : the disclosure project, if u don't know yet it u can find all in just a click. a usa organization of retired cia or pilots confirming the existence of aliens. i mean, an ex high cia officer, not a strange character found at the first pub, speak in an almost naive way of the races of aliens our governments currently know ecc..
the wc is blocked, a lot of ****s have been unloaded to block it, but now the pressure is starting to rise and soon evrything will blow up.
just a question of time. unless you tell me a way to cut his head off faster, i don't see it, but if you have an idea well this is the right place...but no bombs or stuff like that lol ;)
And I agree that we can't just come out and say...Hey there is aliens and they've been here the whole time...
I agree...the simple minded pathetic people that do not want to let go of there crappy little world would devastate them...
I think a more aggressive approach is needed for more aggressive times...
If you think disclosure will happen in your lifetime or your children s lives(if you have any) by merely pointing out crappy image tampering then you got another thing coming....
Yes, information has been slowly coming out.....but hell....information has been coming out for 50 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eye witness testimonies pictures images whole groups of people seeing the same thing at the same time....
What has changed i ask you.....
Not a god da* thing
Whats my point....my solution....
Well....I think you are going about it all wrong......
Meticulously going through photo after photo of the same old shi*. What has been accomplished...Where is all this public enlightenment ?
We need a new approach on the matter. Some one that has the balls to stand up against the ones who are causing all this in the first place.....
Go after the source....cut the head off the snake...why bother with its end trails.
Get your facts first....Then you can distort them all you please.
well in a certain sense u are showing a sort of frustration, it's common to evryone who has intrest in investigations related generically to the alien phenomenon. i can feel ur same feelings so i can catch u very well, and i think almost evryone here too.
but ur approach isn't corretc, we do it first for ourself, for our intrest and passion into an alternative knowledge, then for the others that are eventually intrested. we don't want to impose what is coming out as an official reality : it will be an official reality when it will be the time. we YET know, and we're ok with this.
the knowledge and the proofs are yet here, from years, frome centuries, the alien presence and activity into the Earth are yet something accepted by a good % of the global population.
some militar authorities are relasing documents upon the UFOs as u of course now, UK, Usa, and maybe others i don't remember : this is a first and importan sign of what will come out in the future. They are doing it for a reason. they are preparing the people, they cannot tell all the truth, there are too many problems, social control, religion...it would be a chaos, they need to spread the knowledge slowly, who want to know the real reality has all the elements to get prepared for the contact and to accept the truth. that's what we have done.
about the skeptics, i'm sorry but the impact of the alien contact will be devasting on their life. sometimes i speak about aliens or rleated matters with skeptic friends, i can feel their feeling in the air, they are just scared, damn scared. so scared that their mind simply refuse to see the evidence. a part of the planet earth will never accept the reality untill the moment it will be no more possible. we cannot do anything for them. just they can.
and by the way, of course many anomalies are more doubts than certain anomalies, whatever a fair % of the sighting u can see here or in other sites in the web are clearly "out of place". just take a look around.
Yes...i to appreciate all the hard work everybody's "spare time" too. But, to do nothing, means u are OK with the present situation. You are Ok with looking at bullcrap images that show hardly anything.
And what amazing discoveries are you referring too??????? Has anything been documented? Anything been made mainstream...Of course not...
what, a little blur on some photograph....obvious signs of tampering...is that your smoking gun???
At the present speed , you will find nothing out about anything in your life time. and apparently...you are happy with it.
People that give up their freedom for temporary security deserve neither.
Big freakin deal....I have spotted image tampering......So freakin what...look at where its gotten you...gotten us......absolutely nowhere.
Has there been some huge apocolyptic discovery that has been made public.....has all this raised awareness at all.....maybe for .00000000001 percent of the population.....but I don't see anything on CNN yet...and You will never see anything at all if you are satisfied with the present situation.
Of course I appreciate every bodies hard work...but as the POST states....its all a WASTE.
a waste of energy and resources when these talented people could be using there talent for "REAL" un-doctored images.....
Ya i enjoy seeing the fakes as well as the next guy...but arn't u gettin a little bored of looking at the same O **** every day....O this rock looks like this...or.,..maybe it could be that ...
Gee...here is a thought...how about the real deal instead of guessing and making theories about blocky images.....
Simply being OK with the current situation is unacceptable.....If people would use there "spare time" to deal with the people right here in our own back yard...then TSWHTF.
Get your facts first....Then you can distort them all you please.
Heres my opinion, Its peoples spare time, they can do whatever they want. And if everyone did what you recommend, then we wouldnt have the amazing discoveries that we have now.. and not just mars... everywhere. I really enjoy the work the people on this site do, and it goes VERY much appreciated.
I think that if we all were to unite and draw out these people that call them selves human beings from there snug little work stations that manipulate images all day long.....and get them out in the open where we can exposee them...then we will have something.
Whats my idea u ask ?
I say we should suspend all research on all matters and start going after the people that are doing this to us. Start going after nasa, start back tracking were these images are coming from , who is manipulating them.
I want names.....I wanna see from start to end were these images are coming from and where they are going to....
Of course you can generic reply from Nasa.......but if we were all to unite and start diggin up the truth from our own backyard....Then...we would be on to something......
I say stop it at its source, stop all the lies.
Let me say this. There is not one company or government that can survive the scrutiny of Mass media and thousand upon thousand of people putting the very issues we talk about every day under a micro scope. Under a camera microscope that is broadcasting to the public....
Details emerge....people emerge.....insiders that were afraid to come out before are no longer afraid due to all the heat and focus on the problem.
If we focused our efforts on them....Instead of these obviously tampered images....I think we would get alot further in our investigations.....
Get your facts first....Then you can distort them all you please.
This is my first post, hope its in the right spot.
This thread is about the fact that there are so many of us wasting our valuable time and energy to the finding of, exposing of, and discovering of the truth.
First, let me be clear, that I do not think it is ever a waste of time to discover the truth.
However, having said that. I want you to take alook at all the people devoting there expertise and time into all the crap the government throws at us. All these fake ass pictures--excuse me--tampered with pictures they give us to look at. All the bullcrap that comes out of NASA and washington just makes me sick.
I see so many talented people on ATS and here alike that spend there time "debugging" or "weeding" through the garbage so to speak just to find some small point that ultimately leads to the big picture.
My point is this: What a Fuc**ng waste.
Just imagine if all of us could use our minds to inspect and analyze true images...without deception and tampering. Think how much further along we would be...think how much more advanced we would become...
Instead, we are left to arguee over the scraps that are thrown at us, and fight for them as well....just makes me want to vomit. All the time and energy people put into this stuff, could be used in so much more of an effective way to benifit all of humanity.
It makes me wonder what kind of scum would sell out their own race...O ya--Nasa scum....and washington scum.
I mean, we are purposfully being held back from evolving--wether it be interlectually, spiritually, technologically.... it makes me sick to think of the scum that calls themselves human to do this to us.
When is the general public going to wake up and start asking questions??? Yes, I do unserstand that it is forums just like this that is trying to raise awareness, but WTF. At what cost....how many years of wasted energy from our kind is going to be spent trying to get the truth out.
There is an old saying.....that kinda relates
I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Get your facts first....Then you can distort them all you please.