As far as the fine sand that has "blown" onto the rock....its on a couple others as well.... Yes, it is. Have you actually looked closely at these images and does it look like wind blown sand or dust? If thie sand was regularly blowing around these rocks, you would expect to see some serious weathering, wouldn't you? Some kind of shallow under the rock where the wind has blown away the sand next ot the rock itself? Neither of these features are present and should be if the wind is a regular visitor.(an to capture it on camera on more than one rock, it must be). Use a little common sense like I hope I do and see what conclusions you come to.
OK, sometimes I am wrong, but then, we are investigating something which is allegedly being continually hidden by others.
Well....I am no all I have is life experiances to guide me....I would like to think I have some commen sense....
I thought I stated that there does indeed appear to be somthing going on here..?..
Thank you Iceman for that....very interesting...;)
However qmantoo, I agree.....somtin ain't right here.
This has probly been the best I've seen yet since I've been here,,,specially after that presentation from Iceman
Get your facts first....Then you can distort them all you please.
Something strange is going on here. Last night in my final post I noticed a difference in the sand patterns between the picture I had just down loaded and the one in gmantoo's post. Well that still looks good in my post but I just noticed that gmantoo's pic looks like mine now. Is anyone seeing this?
At this point I think is the time to look at the wind waves on water (the wind effects on surface water).
In accordance with the wind direction, select a key point (geographic reference) around which you are to plan your approach. The key point serves as a reference that will enable you to keep track of the field location. Importantly, its position should match the approximate position that you would turn final for the landing.
Wind assessment is important. Remember that it is likely that the winds have not changed from your takeoff winds if you are flying locally. You have to be careful when outflow winds are present in the coastal valleys, as these can create localized wind phenomena. Obviously, look for smoke trails from burning occurring on the ground. With crops, you can sometimes see the wind effect on the movement of the plants, but the winds must be pretty strong for this to occur. With water, remember that the wind flows perpendicular to wave rows, but this is only.
useful if you are near a large body of water where wave rows develop. For inland waters, look for the development of ripples. On the windward side of small lake or river (the side that is closest to directional source of the wind), the shore will shade the wind making the surface glassy in appearance; on the leeside, the ripples will continue to the shore edge. Trees can also be used—on the windward side of a tree stand, the leaves are upturned by the wind, exposing the lighter sides.
As far as the fine sand that has "blown" onto the rock....its on a couple others as well.... Yes, it is. Have you actually looked closely at these images and does it look like wind blown sand or dust? If thie sand was regularly blowing around these rocks, you would expect to see some serious weathering, wouldn't you? Some kind of shallow under the rock where the wind has blown away the sand next ot the rock itself? Neither of these features are present and should be if the wind is a regular visitor.(an to capture it on camera on more than one rock, it must be). Use a little common sense like I hope I do and see what conclusions you come to.
OK, sometimes I am wrong, but then, we are investigating something which is allegedly being continually hidden by others.
Alright, I can't stop. Another strange thing about this picture is they seem to still be editing. Notice the differences in the sand patterns from my pic to the first one in this post by gmantoo. I just got mine today and there is quit a difference. It would be fun to see your full picture gmantoo.
Ok I'll stop after this one, but doesn't this look like another head. I took it from the left center and rotated it 180. I think it's feline with a crown. Too much fun.
I think the patterns in the sand below the carved head looking thing (bottom left) are probably conforming to something below. They are too uniform and there is some smudging where it meets the head.
looks like a old VW seat. you can even see a spring poking up on the top
I agree, lots of tampering in this one. But still fun to look at. I could have listed more things I think I'm seeing. The white stone at the bottom left just below the Mayan head looking thing deffinetly doesn't belong. The shadow is all wrong. Wish we could see through it. A lot of smudging at the top, and in real small places over the entire photo. Good one.
gmantoo, I've also highlighted these strange 'dunes' as tampering in some of my posts. When I see them I always look closer as inevitably they are covering something up !
I am completely agree with you qmantoo, I'm thinking about looking Drugs in this picture when I have time. It seems to be discrepancies between the Shadows Even though the stones stand more up. Shadows seams to follow one thumb rule.
This picture has strange patterns in the sand/soil and I dont remember seeing this kind of thing before in the rover photos. The one at the bottom left appears to have been added which is even more curious. It appears to flow up to and merge with the rock and there is no shadow underneath as you would expect. If this is tampering, it marks a new direction - creating new features in the sand that are not already on Mars. Of course, it could be a completely natural soil formation caused by weathering by the high dust devil winds! Who knows.