Greetings One single drop. Understand, there are moments when errors in messages come to light, especially mine because I write only by means of the translator, and sometimes my messages turn out as a full pun and there is a necessity for editing of the messages. If you are afraid of chaos editing can be resolved during 15 - 30 minutes after the laid out message, but after function is disconnected. I think such position fairly.
let me first say that I appreciate the work you are doing in your Anonymuos Anomalies thread, but only the moderators are editing, if necessary, otherwise the danger of chaos and confusion would become very real, in my opinion. If you want something to be edited please talk to the moderators. Regarding your latest post in the Mars jokes thread, I am responsible for deleting it, `cause this posting seems to make no sense ( no source nor image credit is given , by the way).
Please feel free to add your latest Mars jokes post to your Anonymuos Anomalies thread.
I like to keep the mars jokes thread clean for special kinds of " jokes", education and information, politics, science and metapoliticalscience.
It is insulting and is shocking when there is no possibility of editing of the messages. Really it is impossible to include function of editing of messages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????????????
this is looking good guys, i like the starry background.
Thank you gbull for your kind comments, the forum is not yet complete as we still have still some modifications to be done (and some bugs to iron out), but we are nearlly there.
"Creating a fiction when stating a fact destroys the credibility of the truth one are trying to convey"
I am looking into the problem which is just one of many unforeseen events of the forum changes that is being dealt with, as Chandre has said, "please be patient", as the transformation of the forum is nearly complete.
Best wishes
"Creating a fiction when stating a fact destroys the credibility of the truth one are trying to convey"
I have alerted Xenon to the problem and I am sure it will be addressed shortly. As you can see we are busy moving the posts around so please be patient as they may not be available for periods over the next few days while we are tidying things up
how to disable post preview in Geological evidence, Biological Evidence, Civilisation Evidence, Tampering Evidence , The Strange and Mars General Discussion sections?
im trying to make it from my profile->settings, but it doesnt works.
just dont like to scroll, scroll, scroll so many times when i'm searching the forum. these sections are opaque and inconvenient to use.