Manmade laws are not adequate tools, wether to describe the relative and the absolute nor to stabilize it. The sheer quantum of laws is breathtaking to normal humans and threatens everyone , going wild and pointing with the sword of guilt onto everybody. I am not only talking about juristic laws, I mean each kind of socalled law. The imperfection of societies leads into a demand for more laws, demanded by stupid or evil people. Because laws are not the right tool to stabilize societies, just to enhance the number of laws cannot create any real progress and leads to more thread. Each new law brings automatically two more lawless areas into existence, two new lawless areas between the already existing next two neighborouing laws. There is a law, that says : More laws =more lawless areas.
not that many people have ever even heard of the Voynich manuscript. Please let me explain it this way
or that way
".....There is a place out there, or deep inside, -who knows stays quiet, - follow him !, where Flowers sail through empty Skies, leaving behind, what once was home, the Craddle of the heavy Soil, the burden of the daily Work.
As they`re grown up, become so light, their inner Compass shines so bright. To them the heavy winter Storms are just mild Breezes , that the wisdom forms......" (From the Cryptic Book Inside.)
OSD, you have a lovely gift of expression in your art, none more so than in this thread, it has been many years since I had a cherub growing in my garden, a sign of a warm summer I feel
"Creating a fiction when stating a fact destroys the credibility of the truth one are trying to convey"
From my experiences, the alien people are indeed friendly...
There were cases of abduction many years ago but it stopped in the year 2000. And the two races of alien people did this only because they were desperate to save their dying race...
Also from what I understand, and looking at this part from a spiritual point of view, we make prebirth agreements with some races of aliens. So we already agreed to everything before birth... Nothing is against our will.
I am looking forward to governmental disclosure, as I have faith in humanity as a whole, that we are much smarter than the governments believes us to be, and that we are ready to step into the next level of human evolution... that being a member of a greater and larger Intergalactic Union if I may....
We have a brain to use. Unfortunately we prefer to use foreign brains, depending on what these brains believe, following foreign suggestions. Most of these foreign brains they/ we follow are human brains. Most of these foreign human brains belong to people, who are not master of their own reality, who do not know more than we know. They are not in the possesion of some superior state of consciousness. Those seeking our attention, often in a violant way, are selling too many worthless selfish, sometimes hurting and dangerous messages.
Everybody has its own brain. An invaluable instrument. It`s free. Why not use it to explore the universe, starting with what we believe to be our personal reality ? Why not use our abilities to get rid of foreign opinions, experiencing how to make own decisions, based on own experiences.
Aliens ? Aliens are the least part of the puzzle, but a popular one. Why should "Aliens" reflect a higher state of morality than the one we own ? Showing us our picture in some kind of mirror, would be a nice thing, filling the first chapter of "contact". Thank you very much for your substantial reflections. Without thinking about, too many people would love to change Jesus into an ancient astronaut, for example, instead of trying to leave their own cage.
Unfortunately, I do not think that many of the aliens are friendly. They may be some, but many of the rest seem intent on performing experiments on humans without their consent. I feel that to contact any of these alien types can only lead to manipulation and eventually being subject to their control. I do not look forwad to the day when we get disclosure, because the game at that point will be over, and there will be no reason to play any longer.
So, the universe may be free, but I do not think humans are free but are under some kind of huge manipulative agenda. As far as being opened - well, yes, for some it may be, but for the person in the street, it is still millions of miles away and out of reach. The people we have trusted with the exploration of it, appear to have their own reasons for keeping what they find a secret from us.
As I open this forum for the whole community to enjoy and take part, I am reminded of the friends and the experiences that have evolved these past 50 years of my life, it is amazing the amount of knowledge and inspiration that can fit into such a small space over time, but it is sometimes difficult stopping it trickling away without a means to capture it, and I feel this forum serves that purpose.
I hope members and guests will enjoy using this forum, as it is a place where you can let loose your creativity and show the world how you see it, I imagine quite a few people will get to see your work, so please show consideration at all times to others belief, status, and privacy....Enjoy
-- Edited by Xenon on Monday 11th of January 2010 06:53:52 AM
"Creating a fiction when stating a fact destroys the credibility of the truth one are trying to convey"