well we have videos of the accident only from 3 angles all videos come from cameramen professional, working for TV : the shots u have seen have been took from TV-talk shows and TV news concerning the fact. someone alterated something here, i'm not saying it's all a fake, but these are official videos and someone must be alterated by official medias. ( i mean, if there is an alteration it doesn't come from internauts )
I agree with qmantoo, you cannot trust You tube or any other media, but I think the silver object the bodygaurd is holding could be an coagulant spray, I have used a similar spray from a first aid kit I bought in Florida (notice a glaze affect on Berlusconis face when he is in the car), I think the carrier bag is just "a bag" which was used as a compression, sorry but I just see an incident blown out of all proportion, and manipulated to be something else.
"Creating a fiction when stating a fact destroys the credibility of the truth one are trying to convey"
The trouble is that anyone can post anything to Youtube. where are the originals? That is what you should be asking in the first instance. Follow the trail back to the source. You cannot believe anything you see on YouTube, and probably not from the media either. What other reliable avenues do we have? I dont know.
u probably know that the italian President Silvio Berlusconi has been hitted by a solid object in a public place in Milano city.
well, this is an exemple of the level of manipoulation operated by medias.
several strange anomalies have been noticed by many observers and posted . look to the following videos and see by yourself.
1. In the first video u can see in the order a- a squared glass to the left side of Berlusconi's face ( 1 second before the aggression ). notice that the object launched officially to B. should be a block of iron of the approssimative dimension of a pocket of cigarettes ( in this video at the beginning u can see the dimension of the object http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBMxo5bGnmo )
u can catch easily looking the images that isn't the object that hitted B., or at least there is something interposed between his face and the object. look also the following second video and stop at the moment of the launch )
b- Berlusconi keeps in the hands a mysterious black bag ; after have been hitted, he use the black bag to cover his face ( did u ever see a president with a black bag like the ones u use to bring out the dust ? ) first video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YVGBQSmI3k
2.In the second video u can see in the order
a- Berlusconi after the impact is in the security car, he has an evident and deep cut under the left eye b- u can see the object to hit Berlusconi, but there isn't any cut open and no blood after the hit c- u can see that he has this black bag to cover his face e- u can see Berlusconi to exit from the security car after the aggression : the procedure in case of a similar event is to bring away the target under protection second video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWmvrYIKitA
u can always see that B's dresses are clean from blood ( officially he had damages to the mouth and broken nose, if u ever broken ur nose u know much more blood comes down )
this is the level of our "reality" it remembers something...9/11 operation
turn on the brain and turn out tv we will never surrender to this shame