It has come to my attention that some members are feeling intimidated and too shy to post, can I just reassure everyone that anyone posting (or reading) will not be flamed or judged, if a member is having difficulty in using the forum please feel free to PM a moderator or myself, if any member is feeling intimidated then please contact me at once and we will put things right for you.
This forum was freely opened up as an extension of Mr Skippers site for all the community to use, it also became the home of the Planetary Truth Project, which is separate to the rest of the forum, no member is obligated to join or post in the PTP forums and no member will be associated with the project unless they state otherwise, all members are still free to use the other threads, if any member has concerns about this or any other issues please contact me or a moderator.
"Creating a fiction when stating a fact destroys the credibility of the truth one are trying to convey"