Thanks Xenon, that was inspiring and thought-provoking.
Robert Dean spoke with such depth of honesty, knowledge and obvious intelligence. This is the first time I have heard of him. I have not really been following the UFO debate currently raging on the planet. Imagine my amazement when he referred to the 'needle' ships in the rings of Saturn, that was part of the Cassini anomalies I had seen and could not understand (and part of the images that I seem to have 'misplaced'). They are obvious and visble in many of the Cassini images of Saturns rings as well as Jupiters moons. No need to post that now as they are obviously being observed and documented in other forums.
I was also interested to hear him state that there is life on Mars and then to have that supported by the Project Camelot Team (who I had also not previously heard of). I have been doing a lot of reading on the Project Camelot site and finding interesting information in a sphere of the 'life out there' that I had not examined before.
I have always been supportive of abductees, believing they are being victimised twice, once by the abduction and then again by people discrediting them when they try to speak about their experiences. I have read a bit about this, as I am sure most of us have, and have been glad to see attitudes changing over the past 20 years and people speaking more openly about it and being more accepting and open to the information. The essence of my thinking on this is why would all these people lie about it, and why would people from diverse cultures, countries and socio-economic groups all describe almost identical experiences if it was not true.
Personally, I do not agree that whom/whatever believes it is acceptable to abduct people without their knowledge and consent and violate them in a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual manner is an advanced and 'friendly' culture. In my opinion this type of behaviour is totally unethical and unacceptable. I would never find any excuse offered by a government or the supposed 'aliens' that are doing this as acceptable or be able to forgive them this violation of basic human rights and dignity of the abductees.
I guess I am one of the group that would not be running towards a UFO that landed waving a white flag and shouting 'Welcome to Earth' !
P.S. I really think you should post the link on Skippers site.
Thank you Chandre for a great post, I am glad you found the link interesting, and I will take your advice and post the link at Skippers site.
I first began researching the whole UFO/ET phenomenon over 20 years ago (although my interest goes back much further in time), I have watched many groups form and disband over the years, some had very convincing evidence and others credible members, but very few have the passion or persuasion of Bob Dean and the Project Camelot Team, and my dream is for all of the credible groups to amalgamate into one body, one voice, and one purpose.
In 1991 while studying psychology I actually sat in on separate interviews with two people who claimed to of been abducted, both experienced trauma (like rape victims) and both had similar experiences, the main difficulty they had was coming to terms with the helplessness they felt at the time, and the hopelessness they felt trying to find answers from their doctors and other medical staff (all of which thought it was a chemical imbalance of the brain), such is the mind set of the establishment they where ready to section the subjects rather than offering counselling, I don't know what the outcome was for both parties, as I had moved on to other studies, but it does show the inadequateness of the system in dealing with such matters, I recommend they all should read books by John E Mack to get more insight into the subject.
I agree with your outlook on abduction, it is a violation of basic human rights and dignity, but we are dealing with entities that may have no real concept with regards to human rights or dignity, and the fact that it is still happening today tell me we still have no way to stop them.
"Creating a fiction when stating a fact destroys the credibility of the truth one are trying to convey"
Thanks Xenon, that was inspiring and thought-provoking.
Robert Dean spoke with such depth of honesty, knowledge and obvious intelligence. This is the first time I have heard of him. I have not really been following the UFO debate currently raging on the planet. Imagine my amazement when he referred to the 'needle' ships in the rings of Saturn, that was part of the Cassini anomalies I had seen and could not understand (and part of the images that I seem to have 'misplaced'). They are obvious and visble in many of the Cassini images of Saturns rings as well as Jupiters moons. No need to post that now as they are obviously being observed and documented in other forums.
I was also interested to hear him state that there is life on Mars and then to have that supported by the Project Camelot Team (who I had also not previously heard of). I have been doing a lot of reading on the Project Camelot site and finding interesting information in a sphere of the 'life out there' that I had not examined before.
I have always been supportive of abductees, believing they are being victimised twice, once by the abduction and then again by people discrediting them when they try to speak about their experiences. I have read a bit about this, as I am sure most of us have, and have been glad to see attitudes changing over the past 20 years and people speaking more openly about it and being more accepting and open to the information. The essence of my thinking on this is why would all these people lie about it, and why would people from diverse cultures, countries and socio-economic groups all describe almost identical experiences if it was not true.
Personally, I do not agree that whom/whatever believes it is acceptable to abduct people without their knowledge and consent and violate them in a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual manner is an advanced and 'friendly' culture. In my opinion this type of behaviour is totally unethical and unacceptable. I would never find any excuse offered by a government or the supposed 'aliens' that are doing this as acceptable or be able to forgive them this violation of basic human rights and dignity of the abductees.
I guess I am one of the group that would not be running towards a UFO that landed waving a white flag and shouting 'Welcome to Earth' !
P.S. I really think you should post the link on Skippers site.
I thought I should post a link to the videos from the 2009 Xenopolitics summit, feel free to discuss your ideas (and post the link on other sites that you visit)