It's not the same as images that NASA has still available. I give you this example.This is the first image I saw that blew away all my pre-conceptions. It needs to be viewed full size. This is no trick of the mind making shapes from random noise.
This image was taken by Mastcam: Right (MAST_RIGHT) onboard NASA's Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 365 (2013-08-16 03:07:34 UTC).
This is an attempt to laugh at myself. I am sorry if anyone on here takes offence at it. # I thought it would be interesting to see an image generated by a Perlin Noise Generator program. Take a look at this and see if you can 'see' any anomalies. Depending on the settings, it will generate all kinds of shapes and so someone could easily be pulling our chains and making fun of those who are looking for anomalies to 'help' us to see things in their images. I myself have seen many anomalies just like these. There are Perlin Noise Generator python programs available for free to anyone who wants one and I am sure the boffins at some of our universities could generate a whole raft of interesting landscapes for us to look at.
I tried to stop myself doing a little sharpening, and filtering, adding circles around the best bits (the tracks, the areas where the aliens have built their dwellings/shelters) so that others could 'see' the anomalies too.