Yes, this is sad news. I really enjoyed going to his site and reading his reports.
Hopefully someone will continue with his website and keeping his work online.
Unless we have published it online, when we 'go upstairs' so much is lost to the world from our PC data. I am sure we all have GBs of data on our machines and it will probably all be lost when we drop dead one day. If it IS published online, then it will disappear when the subscription runs out to our domain name/hosting.
Of course, there is the internet archive which is a great project but it does not copy everything.
Anyway, one day it wont matter because the truth will be out and everyone will know what is going on. Until that day we just have to keep plodding onward.
It is with great sadness to inform viewers of the news that Skipper has passed away, I have no news as to the circumstances for his passing other than he passed away while being cared for by the carers at a local hospice.
I join the whole community in showing respect and admiration for the the work and evidence he shared with us, he was a leader in calling for the truth in spite of the obstacles put in his way.
Please find the linksbelow to the notice of passing.