I think the whole left side is a structure/machine. The front of the structure is extended making it look like 2 separate structures. You can even see the extending supports between the 2. It must be ancient because of the meteor damage to the center.
Images are littered with dust and other bits and pieces, but it is easy to see these structures.
c080 hiding in the shadow on the left of the crater is some structure.
c169 - seems to show a huge structure spanning kilometres in length because the full size image shows nearly quarter of the moon. This structure is halfway down the left hand edge.
c172 is showing this same structure again.
c192 somewhat similar to 'the boat', dead centre of cut image. c192 another but lighter
c197 and c198 craters with 'things' in them. (c198 maybe too big and is breaking up)
Right in the middle of number c078 there is a strange creature-like shape in a crater, see below, I wonder if it is a trick of the light or whether he thought it was something which we should not be finding on the Moon. The link is the same as in the first post but just a different image number in the gallery.
I feel that a lot of these astronomers found stuff which they cannot disclose because it would ruin their career, so they have to take pictures of it and hope that someone notices it later on in their images.
Today I was looking at some of the Patrick Moore images and came across a similar structure to Stonehenge in the UK in c078 image. (top centre of original image, down 1/6th perhaps) c078.jpg
What are the chances of this happening naturally? I mean a crater is usually formed by a meteor smashing into the surface, so is it likely there will be anything left standing afterwards?