Mashjosh, In my opinion the anomalous shape does not look like a rock and is very non-descript.
There are hardly any features showing on the shape that would give a positive indication of what it really is. Of course, I could be incorrect in my deductions
I think the left-hand side of the shape is the give-away as it would appear to be at ground level. I have done some more work on this image and have found a way of revealing some of the small object detail that is on the surface surrounding the shape. It is advised to enlarge the image to view some of the recognizable shapes.
I think this is the type of image clarity of a distant view we should be seeing in the downloaded images.
The image reveals that what is really on the surface is not a load of rocks but some very small objects that are a lot more familiar.
Edit: After reviewing what can be observed in the image above and enlarging it by 125% I have had another thought as to what the anomalous dark shape could be.
If you look carefully it can be seen that the whole image appears to be full of very many tiny structures. Is it possible that the large anomalous shape could be an area that was affected by fire. I know this would appear to be way out but considering the surface objects do not appear to be rocks but constructions could a fire possibly be a reasonable suggestion for the blackened area?
Looking at what can be seen in this view makes me think that humans on this planet are the giants in our solar system. What do you think?
Also, could there have been a fire in the blackened area?
-- Edited by Timewarp on Friday 9th of May 2014 05:46:01 PM
Q ..... But, are we mad or deluded in trying to find the truth of what is really on the so-called 'red' planet? I think not.
It's a sure bet that we are not going to get any help from any of the scientific sources.
An old trick I used to use when viewing images that were either out of focus or slightly blurred was to squint at them and usually whatever is in the image will show up a little clearer.
Give it a try with this image and see if you spot anything of interest.
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
Oh dear, timewarp - I fear we are both as mad as each other!! Me seeing white rabbits/aliens and you seeing structures. Oh well, maybe it will help me to appreciate the faces other see in the landscape. I think I need to go and lie down for a while with a cool towel on my head.
I have had another look at this image and have enlarged the area in question and it does not appear to be a rock but an open space on the surface.
When you look at the image you will probably notice there are many shapes in the view that do not appear to be small rocks but shapes more recognizable.
Maybe I have been right all along and there is a species living on Mars that has been in plain view all the time but not noticed or is being ignored by the scientific world.
Anyway, I think the anomalous 'rock' shape that qmantoo has pointed out is a visual illusion like the appearance of faces in the images that are really something else.
In the downloaded image it would appear to be a rock but on closer inspection it can be seen that the area is bordered by what would seem to be many tiny structures.
The view below is a 75% version of the above image.
Do the shapes surrounding the anomalous area appear as rocks to you?
-- Edited by Timewarp on Monday 5th of May 2014 10:17:23 AM
I dont know whether I am seeing things in this one. However, as far as I can tell, this looks like a rabbit-like being standing behind and to the right of this rock. I only noticed it because it is slightly paler than the surrounding background, but, as I say, maybe I am imagining this. Could be a machine?
Whatever this is, whether it is a rabbit or a machine it is not a rock. What first attracted me was that I thought I saw a 'leg' sticking out at the bottom right front of the rock and then I looked closer. Now I am not sure at all what it is, but I have tried to do some magic on it anyway which has not helped much at all!!
Can anyone see something there?
Edited to insert images
-- Edited by Chandre on Wednesday 3rd of September 2014 03:26:47 PM