qmantoo That's True, I've seen those tubes like stuff and almost in every case there is obfuscation going on, and every time i see something that looks biological or designed it is obfuscated in such a way that the important detail is lost, ohh well will have to dig deeper lol
Levelwind i see those there is definitely something there too.
The other thing to consider is that occasionally (well, quite often actually) I see pipes running across the landscape which occasionally might look like sticks or other straighter objects. I know in these cases above they are not like pipes, but sometimes these structures are blacked out or partially covered up by NASA so it looks like they are shorter than they are or not connected at all. I do think there are root-like things possibly vegetation as well, but snake or worm beings are most definitely one of the aliens which live on mars along with more rabbity or cat like things. Those are the normal sized ones anyway.
See this post here and that image He says it is Sol145 and I suspect it is Curiosity so you can have a look there for the original. Anyway, there are a couple of snakes/worms in that image. I am sure there are more there too.
Edited to insert images
-- Edited by Chandre on Wednesday 3rd of September 2014 03:09:21 PM
Really good find Abnormal, I mentioned a while back about the holes in many of the rocks we see on the Martian surface, so seeing worms makes sense more so if they are feeding on the minerals or bacteria in the rocks and soils , we also find small tracks that seem to vanish into the soil or under rocks so it is feasible that a worm type species lives on Mars.
"Creating a fiction when stating a fact destroys the credibility of the truth one are trying to convey"
Welcome to the forum. Good first post, you have a good eye for detail. These small things could be snake or wormlike creatures or even geologic odditys of some type unknown on the earth. Whether they are alive or long dead, there is no way for us to find out as all here is speculation. Also there are many who would like to discredit any evidence of life off this planet for reasons of maintaining the power they hold over thier religios minions or to keep thier standing in the closed minded scientific community (IMHO)
Well enough politics, keep up the good work and look forward to your posts.
Thanks Levelwind ,is good to be here.
When u say sticks ,do you mean wooden sticks from trees or sticks from weeds??
I tried to find that thread posted by Goggog but couldn't find it ,if you could post the link or PM would be cool, i would like to check it out.
The #4 is odd,it does look like a head there on the right but could be just optic illusion , either way doesn't look like just a Rock, that picture you posted has similar features, Very interesting
It seems like something growing on a rock, but its not clear enough.
Thanks a lot for your input , i hope more people look into these.
Good eye Abnormal and welcome to the forum. Your # 2 find looks like some of the things that Goggog has found in the something creeping out thread. It's hard to say what these things are, I like to think there's life on mars. Maybe they're sticks? We sure have had some pretty good evidence posted here. I don't know what to say about that 4th crop. I see all kinds of possibilities there, it even looks like a lions head on the right side to me.
Kind of reminds me of this one cropped from PIA16453. Maybe some kind of root ball or something.
Hi this is my first post i know is a bit long but i hope is clear enough.
I found four things on this picture that i find odd , there is more but i will focus on these 4 for now, first 3 look like either small worms or little snakes and as a souvenir number 4 looks like an animal with claws (see annotated image) .
if you guys could check it out and share your thoughts,it would be awesome .
This is the original NASA Picture PIA06917 Cahokia Panorama constructed by NASA from photos taken by the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit between sols 213 to 223 (Aug. 9 to 19, 2004).
The next Image is the same as the above but smaller and annotated so we can see where these things are .
Lets start with the number 1 , cut from the original one full size No Processing.
Zoomed in on the highlight annotated.
Zoomed in Unannotated. Can you see ? its head is above the floor and has what seems like a shadow underneath.
Sharpened .The head is a bit more defined here,but note there is a rock just by the head which is cracked the crack looks dark is not part of the little guy,
the creature's shadow and head end just before this small rock's side wall...
Now Number 2
Zoomed in on the highlight annotated.
Zoomed in Unannotated. Can you see ? seems that half of it is in the crack on the floor and the rest coming out.
Colorful too , Weird
Number 3
Zoomed in on the highlight annotated.
Zoomed in Unannotated.
Notice The Shadow Underneath the head
Zoomed in Anotated
Zoomed in Unannotated.
What!!! No Way
i find this "thing" particularly interesting because there is nothing like it , the color is different from the color of the rocks surrounding it, and the patterns on it are at the very least intriguing but as always you decide.
That's it please share your thoughts, check the original photo and follow the steps.
i hope i made it clear how to find these , there is no processing at all besides the sharpening where stated.
Thanks 4 your time .
-- Edited by Abnormal on Saturday 20th of July 2013 01:41:27 PM