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Post Info TOPIC: Return to PIA16701

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RE: Return to PIA16701

Thank you Q. I did forget the link to the original picture.  And glad you liked it AVM. More to come....


Teaching the truth

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catalogue page for PIA16701




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Looks Fantastic, great finds! Good work.


We all miss out when the quiet are kept silent with fear of humiliation.

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In the future I will post in this manner.

First the original unmodified crop.



Then the layered version with the anomalies marked.


It will be the responsibility of the viewer to download and zoom in on the picture for more detail or closeups.

Thanks for your support Morbius. Looking forward to your next post as described in the last one.


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Firstly, I feel obliged to post this reply with a disclaimer, or caveat as such. To, in future,  ' concentrate on the evidence or chosen topic ' as possible. As it was already drafted however, I felt it might be overlooked as such, and will make this the last ' lengthy post/reply '( yes .. I hear the cheers and hurrahs in the background .. thank you thank you!).


No offence taken whatsoever Macten. Many is the time I had taken a shot for presentation lackings, including your ' hate to be a party crasher, but... ', which I thanked you for pointing out the error in that one too. Don't think there is ill-will or something if a comment is made on some aspect of your submission .. they can often be nothing less than accurate observations that were just jotted down in good will , and in foreseeing an even finer presentation in future posts. They are, especially from members who have been here awhile, not up all night pulling their hair out wondering if you will take freely offered advice seriously, like it's too close, or too far away stuff! No indeed Mac, not at all.

I am truly sorry you have to put presentations together at work. I wish I was some kinda Bill Gates guy and could get you set up with a little hideout or such and a good computer to enjoy posting more, but I'm not even close Macten .. so I can't. The entire world is in trouble and working under intolerable and unnecessary stress nowadays. Not easy to find spare time to enjoy a chosen hobby .. or even relax. So believe me you are not alone. Yes, and contrarily, everyone's work is taken seriously here Macten. We choose a descent pic, find some possible anomaly and present it with as competent as possible write up too. That's as good an effort as anyone could be expected or asked to make .. and consider taking advise kindly, and as well meant too .. simple.

You know Macten, I have been especially observant on the work and progress of you and rdunk. It was my privilege to be tutored some by Q , and others, and , I believe, became a better poster .. and person too. I too would like to pass on some things to benefit your way, and you also may some time, take notice of some honestly striving member, and pass on some hints and knowledge gleaned along the way yourself ? Also, be glad Xenon is guiding the Ship on course ..through fair, and stormy weather .. that we are among the finest crew to to be found on earth, and be proud of that too. I really don't know what more to say here .. maybe ( as usual ) said to much already. But one item then. Your knowledge of Nordic Lore struck me somewhat, and so will add a little on this too. I had put the addition of Fenrir and Odin's Great Hall in the post for a reason Macten .. to bring out the number 432,000 ... as it is directly related, and forms an inseperable and confirming link in the Earth-Mars Catastrophy Events . Just how so I have decided to present in your previous post question of a desire to hear the true-history, but will put this up soonest .. and such an excellent question too.


Please hang in there .. if the horse throws you off .. get right back on and show who's in charge of getting across the Great-Divide intact ... you ! Cheers smile  / -M




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I dont mean to be a boor or seem disrespectful but I have to put presentations together at work. To put something together like that , unless there is some kind of template, would take too long and seem like work to me. Just seems like a lot of effort and time for something some one will eventually just brush aside or tear up anyway. I dont expect the criticizim to stop . Thats how it works here. If I am too far out then someone will say which one of those objects is the Anom? If I am too far in I get fuzzy comments.  I just dont care. Take it or leave it.

And about the Snagit, I appreciate the input and If I get some time I will look into it.  If it makes life easier Im all for it. 

Fenrir is still bound until the Battle of Ragnarok.  Odin Beware!  Loki rules here.


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Hello Macten , I personally use the SnagIt protocol, a program that captures Images and has a built-in image-enhancer that has this option, and does it well too. It is easy to master, in fact had recommended it to Ken A as his presentations could use a little polish in the annotation/arrow/s dept. The program is available/ download-trial and use for 30 days and this should easily give enough time to see if you like it or not. Give a try anyways .. what's to lose? I just put that one together as a general example, but there must be a zillion other ways to arrange a presentation to your own liking or requirements, and still get the message across with a minimal, clear, and easily understood finesse about it. I say go for it ... will be interested to see what you come up with here. Cheers  /M


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I like the format and Its a good idea but how do I get my post to look like that? Is there a template with windows for text and pics?


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Iceman, now that is brilliant ... why didn't I think of that ! Now I can see the watch much better ... it is ten after eleven on Mars !! Just kidding my friend. Oh yes .. Fenrir has broken free again .. he is already off the Coast of Iceland .. on the Island of Surtsey , emerging from the volcano hole .. but what is that to us .. ha! takk vinur  .  smile


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SD I-L.jpg

SD I-R.jpg



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can't somebody make that pic more bigger !! I wrote it but can hardly see it myself !


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Am attaching a possible, of many I suppose, format that may present a way to be concise, easily viewable, and interesting as well. I don't wish to distract or get away from the continuity of this thread in any way, but have had some thoughts on this, and other related aspects of our efforts here as well. So will simply attach a short briefing, or review, on this matter. Cheers / -M .



Dedicated to the truth

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Here's a tip for all you photographic explorers.

It would be more useful if the images you are displaying were not zoomed in so far as they just become a blur and are not really helpful to observe detail. It's a bit like viewing a large bill poster, the image will be blurred and seem out of focus if you stand up close to it but the further away you get from it the clearer it becomes. Please, please. please bear this in mind when posting your zoomed-in images on the forum. Thanks in advance.


"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

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More stuff from 16701.

I had to get the color out of this crop because it disguises some of the features.  This is somewhere close to the center of the  PIA.


when I scanned over this (closeup) it kind of shocked me. It is on the far lower left of the scene.


THis  is in the middle of the "scene" and is fairly obvious. Allmost like a cat and dog face.


This one is on the object to the right of the main one and is not as obvious but can be seen plainly from a distance. Another Dragon.



THere are many more images in this scene but I decided to only point out the easier to see ones.  There is a lot in here that is impossible to interpret, being that I don't know the "actors" or the language involved. There is what looks like signage or language of some type on the upper right of the main object. It actually looks like mid-eastern writing to me.


I will post more from this PIA in a bit.  And I am working on that pic Wojo posted too. Good find!




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Morbius, Thank you very much. I'm new to this stuff and your instructions were very helpful.


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wojo , hello ... and welcome to the Halls of AA. Your 1st submission is a great choice. The PIA's are somewhat messed up with the usual ' treatment/s', but are strangely left with a good deal of useable detail to work with too .. 16701 being no exception.

Have trecked through this area many times, and so was at ease in locating the particular site you examined. If you put a thumbnail or such of 16701, with an arrow/star/circle. etc., it would be a benefit, as the pic is pretty large and of great detail otherwise. I know ... having mistakenly done so myself. It took friend Q .. and I think Timewarp , to straighten me out on that one.

Now, your initial description reads, " Here is something I found in PIA16701. Looks like a scull to me. What do you think ?"

Fair enough, and firstly though, am attaching a couple of cleaned up shots of the site. Both are ' unmarked ' for viewers use. One has been darkened a bit for you to adjust for detail when viewing the other, which has been brightened a bit to ( hopefully ) allow effected eye-contrast to provide a clearer overall view. In a short description of what may be seen at this site, we can start with the ' skull ' itself. Have you noticed that a closer look reveals a hexagonal ( 6=sided ) shape ? That this is exactly duplicated a few yards in front of the original site ? Your ' skull ' is actually a hexagonal configuration wojo, and yet, frames a person's head, -one of many lurking in the pic. ha .. as the ' head ' is also ( with ) ' a skull ' .. then we are both right ... how about that ?! There's also a lot of other stuff there too , and methinks I'll let the annotated /3rd/ pic do the talking for some other items not noted here.

Well ... there you go wojo, and next post feel free to be a little more detailed in your descriptions as such. Will look forward to seeing them . Cheers  smile  / - Morbius



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Here is something I found in PIA16701. Looks like a skull to me. What do you think?PIA16701_e1.jpgPIA16701_e2.jpg


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howdy rdunk , and thanks for the reply . The bird was actually unearthed in China , and only meant to example the pics following. Will attach an easier view of the basic premise I was working with in the post ... what's that old expression ' Texan first ... American second '/ha .. see you at the next rodeo . / thanks again.            -Morbius .



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Morbius wrote:

Would like to present something I thought someone might have spotted, or mentioned, by now ... as it seems ' in  plain sight ' , but mabee not. The water that caused the topography present in this pic, carried vast amounts of sediment within its onward rush, i.e. Rock + Water = clay for example. Now, the broken-off ' boulder ' surrounding the  rocks that look like watches, is composed of ... clay ( note that the hydrogen ion displaces the cations ). Thus, this large piece that caused the water to divert and slowed the heavier metals, was once a mass of clay. This ' large piece ' also broke by the surging waters, and when the waters receeded, was left further broken. This is what we find in the ( now ) dry creek or river-bed to-day. The pieces fit exactly, as the attached does show. Actually, the cleavage or break-lines of this rock reveal what I was hoping someone might spot, as it is fairly, to me , easily seen. The outline-impression is clear to reveal, in my opinion, one of the victims of the flood catastrophy ... on Mars. If you may note, the ' rock ' is like a sandwich, with two seperate and distinct ' slabs ' melded together when soft. Between these is the encased, mummified remains of its victim. The top-layer had landed on his chest with great violence, in fact knocking his spine and vertibrate into the bottom layer. His face is quite contorted and smashed-in, his left arm has broken away somewhat and lies in front and to his left side. The inside of his arm and hand however, are still impressed into the layered clay ' boulder .' I have thought, what would Macten's new layer-program be able to do with these features ? I have presented but some of the details revolving around this, to me, remarkable Curiosity pic . The work is presented in elementary format in hope that others may examine and comment on this, or offer their own opinions or findings too. /   -Morbius

 Hey Morbius, keep it going! I do see the bird fossil in the first image, but my eyes just don't bring the others you mentiom into view. I suppose the others are not quite so obvious. :))


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Would like to present something I thought someone might have spotted, or mentioned, by now ... as it seems ' in  plain sight ' , but mabee not. The water that caused the topography present in this pic, carried vast amounts of sediment within its onward rush, i.e. Rock + Water = clay for example. Now, the broken-off ' boulder ' surrounding the  rocks that look like watches, is composed of ... clay ( note that the hydrogen ion displaces the cations ). Thus, this large piece that caused the water to divert and slowed the heavier metals, was once a mass of clay. This ' large piece ' also broke by the surging waters, and when the waters receeded, was left further broken. This is what we find in the ( now ) dry creek or river-bed to-day. The pieces fit exactly, as the attached does show. Actually, the cleavage or break-lines of this rock reveal what I was hoping someone might spot, as it is fairly, to me , easily seen. The outline-impression is clear to reveal, in my opinion, one of the victims of the flood catastrophy ... on Mars. If you may note, the ' rock ' is like a sandwich, with two seperate and distinct ' slabs ' melded together when soft. Between these is the encased, mummified remains of its victim. The top-layer had landed on his chest with great violence, in fact knocking his spine and vertibrate into the bottom layer. His face is quite contorted and smashed-in, his left arm has broken away somewhat and lies in front and to his left side. The inside of his arm and hand however, are still impressed into the layered clay ' boulder .' I have thought, what would Macten's new layer-program be able to do with these features ? I have presented but some of the details revolving around this, to me, remarkable Curiosity pic . The work is presented in elementary format in hope that others may examine and comment on this, or offer their own opinions or findings too. /   -Morbius

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