Howdy rdunk, thats a very fine piece of writing and I can appreciate, and respect, your view. TW too, unfortunately I've learned to respect your insights, and your advice is well taken. Must try to find less watches in future, and next reincarnation will take a course in Martian Geology and Remote Viewing 101/ha , -Morbius
How does one post here without the lines running way out to the right? When I type it in the reply, it is all in the small box, but when posted it doesn't adhere to what I typed.
I am not sure what to say about this either. It does pain me a little to see so many "rocks" being termed "anomalies" here at AA. I absolutely do not have a skeptic bone in my body! In my anomaly searching, I have been strongly attacked by obvious skeptics - and the better the anomaly, the stronger and more personal are the attacks. I say that to convey that my comments are sincere. And, I deserved some of these attacks, because in the beginning I started out using "bad photo data" (google Mars).
Mars is a huge planet, and the library of photo resource is enormous, both from the ground Rovers, and from the Orbiters. And on the planet Mars, there are a really large number of real anomalies of intelligent design that have been found (some I have found and posted), and just as likely many more remain to be found. And all "findings" are in spite of what appears to be NASA et al attempts to hide and cover up items they want left unseen.
All that said, to say, we anomaly hunters just do not have to look for "rocks" that we can make into something besides a rock. Yes, the Mars geology is very "rocky", especially in some areas where some sort of surface disruption has occurred, like meteor impact, or possibly incoming missile impact, volcanic action, etc. But, rocks are rocks and anomalies are anomalies.
If we scan the surface detail in the photos, with a keen eye, the anomalies of intelligent design are there to be found, but it does take a lot of searching, and a lot of time to find these.
But...........I do find that even with the best of anomalies, there are still some persons, at times, that seem to "not get the picture". And for some, they will never get the picture, until there are boots on the Mars ground, to prove it!! :))
Unfortunately not saying very much about the anomalies and the so called 'GOLD Standard' is a little off target! How about..... Learning to understand Mars geology standard! Topographical studies plus a deep understanding remote data would be ur 1st class. No need running when one can barely walk ;) TW
HENRI BERGSON, Matter and Memory
One has not only an ability to perceive the world but an ability to alter one's perception of it; more simply, one can change things by the manner in which one looks at them.
Yes Levelwind, you've spotted one of the many jewellery-items .. good show. I notice you are up a bit too close ... step back and benefit from a fuller picture .. you'll still get all the details you need. The attached should be of some interest to all. I believe the site, and the surrounding surface area, have been picked clean, and what we are seeing here are just some ignored scraps, although there should be bushels still hidden beneath the sands. As you say ' there are strange things laying all over the place ' .. so true. -Morbius
Yea I see what you mean. It could be a bracelet or a watch of some kind. And there does seem to be concentrations in front of rocks where stuff would settle. This one is just up stream of where the watch is and shows a few right angle block looking things poking up through the sand.
As the PIA16701 pic has been cut off before the watches area is reached, I have posted this ' relocation ' reply for those who, understandably, ' can't see them.' -Morbius
Was just finishing a 4th sweep of PIA16701 when something clicked in my mind. The results were not unexpected, but the form did kinda suprise me, so am presenting this post for your consideration too.
One of the many considerations to keep in mind when examining a pic, is to observe the topographic layout, particularly here, the forming and re-arranging of the martian surface features by hydro-action. In this particular picture we observe how the landscape was once covered by a mighty river of rushing water which, just as quickly, slowed down to a powerful surging stream, then .. to a trickle and, as we see it now, today ... it is dry. Now, when a surging river slows to a halt, the dirt, sand, clay, minerals, silt and other debris form an alluvial-fan ... these are especially evident ... after the water is gone. The attached pic has been Histogram Equilized to show these deposits a little better, and thus can be seen in the ochre or darker-brown areas in the centre of the picture, with the heavier deposits seen as the darker areas. What to grasp here, is that the suspended particles and various materials each has a specific density or weight, thus the heavier settle first, then the coarser, then the lighter material. These all tend to settle by weight into their particular groupings, order, and ... areas. From this somewhat simplified background, let's focus on but one grouping in particular .. the heavy metals .. gold, as is exampled here. Gold is much heavier than water or ordinary sand, so when gold rushes or travels down a river, especially a river loosing its momentum, the gold will sink and get trapped in pockets of slower moving water, as it sinks. We therefore find gold in slower moving stretches of water, especially around bends or blockages (-slowed momentum) in the river or stream. Thus a silt-rich overflow area in particular accumulates this, and other metals too.
This description fits exactly the alluvial-fan/s and silt-accumulations evidenced in the central area of our picture. So let's go down there and see if this equasion holds true or carries any weight to it .. so to speak. I can only assure you of what is already there, ' hidden in plain sight ' as they say ... oh yes, perhaps bring some smelling-salts along too. In the site-area marked, at the base and a little to the right of the shadow of the large rock outcrop, sits three watches in a row. And for those of you who are still immune to shock, just go up or down-stream, say 50 yards within this alluvial-fan site area, and you will find a bushel more of these ... and many other jewellery-type pieces, rings, chains, cups, plates and (now) unknown battered and crushed artifacts, just sitting there or poking out of the sands. I've already gone up and down the old creek bed and could easily mark out 30 or 40 more pieces for you, but you need the exercise .... so pack a lunch, and set out exploring friends ... let's see what you can spot and come back with, and report your findings on your catches!
I have something further to say on this post, as it is quite puzzling. Solving a riddle often leads to more questions than answered, and this pic and its deductions are no exception. There is something even more mysterious, inigmatic, and important about this whole picture and site, but will mull it over and put a ' reply ' post up soonest ... enjoy. -Morbius
1. PIA16701 -full res for viewers use
2. the deposit-site
3. topographic enhanced map/pic to aid in what we are looking at, why, and for.
4. find and
5. verification
-- Edited by Chandre on Tuesday 12th of February 2013 06:35:16 AM