Thanks TW , for a thoughtful and unexpected reply. I was going to say repercussion/ha. I realize you have a keen perception and good discernment in these matters , and so do respect and consider this an asset to AA understanding of the , at times confusing , variables and configuration priorities inherent in comprehending or even grasping image analysis. Methinks, over a couple of beers ( preferrably more ) we would be having a great time. You could bring me up to speed on image analysis, I could tell you things you wouldn't believe even after you believed them ... or something like that.
Oh yes, Chandre's elusive quote was from the prolific Shakespear's Hamlet ( to Horatio ) " there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreampt of in your philosophy " -Act 1 scene 5 I believe. There is still contention, in those circles, as to the literal or esoterical or hidden-meaning within these lines. To be shure however, he must have ended up with severe Carpal-Tunnel Syndrome .. quill pen and all!
Thanks once again TW and ... all repercussians gratefully accepted/lol -Morbius
Am posting this to elucidate a point brought forward by rdunk in regards to possible tampering evidence in a post " More detail to an Egyptian Friend!". The subject of this post then, is obfuscation or smearing and altering of an originally pristine picture. For this I have choosen a recent Panoramic View from" Rocknest " Position ( 708542main_pia16453-43_946-710 .jpg). To become aware of this condition, if you will, there is a relatively simple procedure to apply, and it goes like this. Download the pic and put it in your image program, Zoom a slight amount and slowly apply what is called Gaussian Blur till a usually off-white finger-painting smear will appear.2. slowly apply 'contrast' ... and that's it! Usually the darker areas of a pic are visible remnants of the original pic, thus ruins, machinery, vehicles, buildings, etc. In the next post or so, will be shown how to work around this unecessary condition and secure some rather clear pictures to work on, view, and share. I encourage the use of this simple technique, as it works on all past, present, and likely future picture releases. The attached should give some example, and encouragement, to use this system to see what may be salvageable from these notoriously deceptive official presentations of our neighbouring planet ... Mars. I would also like to bring your attention to the attachment " Gaining an Obfuscation Awareness " -what should be a relatively clear picture, has been layered with various colours that run across the picture horizontally. From the mountains and hills down to their base is a layer, then another begins, which then runs into the lighter " fingerpainting "( forefront ) area.
Still, and despite these challenging obstacles we are confronted with, there is detail trying to emerge from this shroud of secrecy encountered. In any event, give a try on the noted technique to expose this obfuscation, and feel free to post your successes, or otherwise, as to the results obtained ... or not.
One last item need be mentioned here, whatever the repercussions. rdunk has made mistakes, so have I. It would seem , by extension, that this would describe most everybody on earth, else we wouldn't be here in the first place? It would seem appropriate that children, small or big, need more need of example and encouragement, than criticism or rebuke. Find room in your heart to treat people like human beings, not slip into a contemptuous mode of avoiding a pariah or lesser being by assumed parvenu. Just think a moment reader, does not something about this honest straightforward report strike you as right? Just think, how many are the upcoming anomaly researchers? Not a great number be assured. This is a rare, specialized calling, and those with some, or a lot, of experience need accept and encourage such as rdunk and other seekers. This is the whyfore of this post, in fact we are all students of the Universe, and can learn and share with each other the many treasures gleaned in our travels ...!?? -Morbius
This was from something else i was working on.Thought this might help in showing variants in depth , structure and how non-conclusive tone maps can be. The true structure is more complex. SEPIA Lower image INFO: MASTCAM LEFT Assets used on Image: SPTN 0087ML0614003000E1_DXXX sol 87 taken: 2012 NOV 03 10:03:45 EST released: 2012 NOV 26 15:08:47 EST
Surrounded by lava and mud flows this corner , 'like' rampart and incomplete buttress tells us more about the strength of the flow (eroded buttress base) and hints of an incomplete foundation on wider context images. HiRise will eventually give us a better look at Glenelg. Its a stunning location . There are many variables to take into consideration before maybe considering tampering... Color filtration, resolution, depth of field, focal points, camera in use, angle, lighting, and many more. Some times the images appear more tampered due to simply not being the main point of interest. Good Post.
-- Edited by TheWatcher on Wednesday 5th of December 2012 01:30:22 PM
HENRI BERGSON, Matter and Memory
One has not only an ability to perceive the world but an ability to alter one's perception of it; more simply, one can change things by the manner in which one looks at them.