Imagine a few feet of Martian sand dust on top of that debris, I tried to do it but do not have the skills to add sand layers to the two images, it would leave just the tops of that debris exposed and it would then look a lot like the areas we have seen on Mars (IMHO)
This image shows a closer view of the landing site of NASA's Curiosity rover and a destination nearby known as Glenelg. Curiosity landed inside Gale Crater on Mars on Aug. 5 PDT (Aug. 6 EDT) at the blue dot. It is planning on driving to an area marked with a red dot that is nicknamed Glenelg. That area marks the intersection of three kinds of terrain. Starting clockwise from the top of this image, scientists are interested in this brighter terrain because it may represent a kind of bedrock suitable for eventual drilling by Curiosity. The next terrain shows the marks of many small craters and intrigues scientists because it might represent an older or harder surface. The third, which is the kind of terrain Curiosity landed in, is interesting because scientists can try to determine if the same kind of rock texture at Goulburn, an area where blasts from the descent stage rocket engines scoured away some of the surface, also occurs at Glenelg.
The science team thought the name Glenelg was appropriate because, if Curiosity traveled there, it would visit the area twice -- both coming and going -- and the word Glenelg is a palindrome. After Glenelg, the rover will aim to drive to the base of Mount Sharp.
These annotations have been made on top of an image acquired by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
It appears that the area we are currently viewing is close the the 'bedrock' mentioned. The definition for bedrock from the Collins Dictionary
the solid unweathered rock that lies beneath the loose surface deposits of soil, alluvium, etc
basic principles or facts (esp in the phrase get down to bedrock)
the lowest point, level, or layer
So if I am correct, that means that the light coloured area in Gale crater pictured in this image is bedrock, that means that some action has taken it down the the base layer of the planet, erosion, wind, enormous blast.....
Then there is an an area with craters, mmm perhaps thats where the eroded/blasted material landed.....
Then there is the normal soil with lots of debris fields...
Pure speculation on my part.
Thought you may appreciate the traverse map for perspective
-- Edited by Chandre on Tuesday 13th
of November 2012 03:27:52 PM
-- Edited by Chandre on Tuesday 13th of November 2012 03:31:53 PM
Casuality has very kindly reminded me of two other Earthly examples that I overlooked.
The first is the vitrified forts found on the Scottish coast dealt with in the Ancient Alien episode dealing with an ancient heat/laser ray weapon. Scientists can find no explanation for how solid rock in the walls literally melted and fused.
Then in Ancient X-files they were examining the remains of pottery found at the Soddom/Gomorroh site in Israel that had been subject to extreme heat and had also melted.
Casuality supplied a site to the Libyan desert glass anomaly that also is evidence of extreme heat that caused substances to melt.
Q, you are right, if we really knew where we came from and the history of our race there would be less reason to see ourselves as seperate from each other and more reason to unite as one race that inhibits this beautiful planet !
I started looking for answers when I saw the image in the 'cat' post. The rocks had been worrying me as they seemed to be a melted/fused matter rather than actual rocks as we are finding all kinds of strange things in them/on them/carved in them. I started wondering what fused ceramic would look like and searching the net I cam acroos the Hirishima site and was startled by the images. I also thought it had been completely destroyed but that is not the case ! An explosion above the surface, generating extreme heat and winds does this. Who's to say what weapon was used, I doubt an atom bomb, but something that had the same effect.
What really makes me sit and pay pay attention is the image of the very common white rice bowls, and then you see the white fragment under the 'cat' and you wonder even more...
Certainly very relevant but I think that anyone with space-faring technologies where they could fairly easily get away from their home worlds and out into space, would probably have a better more powerful way to kill people. These things are always used as weapons first and then the technology is used for other things later it seems. This means that the beings who probably blasted the surface of Mars may have used an extremely powerful weapon which I have no doubt would be far more powerful than a nuke.
That being said, I am surprised that there is anything left at all, and this brings me to believe that possibly there was no blast on the surface but a war in space which saw a large number of craft or fragments of craft coming in like meteorites do - as blazing fireballs and exploding on impact.
Some people do say that there were Electric Wars in the past with space ships blasting each other all over the place and if that is true (we'll never know) then this debris we see could have come from those wars. I am sure that there are still things to fight over, however much we evolve and however long we have been around.
I just think it would be much easier on everyone if we knew our history and knew where we came from and why we are here. None of this nonsense we have now which is so many different factions believing different things and fighting over it and whatnot. All I am saying is that as soon as we get to the truth, we can have a proper relationship with our creator - whoever he/she is.
I realise that this may seem totally disconnected, but I am going to present some images on Hiroshima and some thoughts that are purely speculation that may connect Mars and the images Curiosity is sending back with Hiroshima/Nagasaki.
I apologise for not posting links, but I really trawled the net just to find the few images I am posting and I did not keep records of all the sites I visited. I also warn sensitive viewers not to continue reading.
I have absolutely no doubt from the work done over the last few weeks that what we are seeing is a very large debris field from a previously civilised area on Mars.
I can only compare it to one area on our own planet that was subjected to forces so far beyond the norms of nature we are still reeling from the horrors it created.
Some of these images are disturbing, but you need to see all of them to understand the impact a catastrophe of this magnitude had on the constructions and material of an Earthly civilisation....and then you need to consider for yourself if there are any similarities with what we are seeing in the images we are working on ?
This is what the bomb did to the ground around the centre of the explosion
The heat was so intense it melted this bronze statue
It melted glass, plastic and ceramics, roof tiles made of ceramic are reported to have fused together and melted leaving a hardened, bubbly mass.
It fused pottery bowls together
And finally it did incredible damage to humans and other organic matter, and I apologise in advance if this image offends or upsets you *believe me I feel exactly the same ) but I am posting it to show how a body would look after this kinf of attack.
Now, remove all the oxygen, add an inert blanket of carbon dioxide to preserve the site, possibly freezing temperatures and a few layers of fine dust......
-- Edited by Chandre on Sunday 11th of November 2012 05:50:00 PM