Hi qmantoo! The Picture I use as an avatar is cut out from the panorama on Everest_L257atc-A622R1 There is a number of other interesting stuff in that panorama picture. Among those there is something that I think looks a lot like a rat or rodent, I have seen posts on rats and rodents before that looks similar, but I can’t find them to compare; maybe you know which pictures I’m talking about? It would be fun if this turned out to be solid and not a trick of light and shadow. If it’s possible to post such a big picture on the forum I can highlight these finds.
Hello! I have been visiting this forum for a long time now. As a guest I have enjoyed the interesting and sometimes mind blowing material posted here. And I appreciate how much time and work you all spend to find and present that information in such a perspicuous way.
Mars is in so many ways an enigma. And every new piece makes it even more fascinating. I would like to contribute to this and share some of my own findings; I would certainly value your opinion on my posts. Bear with me if my grammar or spelling is inadequate, English is not my native language.