The authorities where I live have blocked the pds so I cannot get on there to try out her instructions. They will unblock it eventually so I will just have to use a different site. I dont do much MER stuff now anyway.
The tif should display OK. Have you tried another tif file to see if it is just the one you tried which had problems? As far as I am aware, the Opportunity and Spirit IMG files have .gif files inside them not tif at all (because my links to the pds USED to work!). Do you use GIMP program which is free and has a version for both Unix and Windows ? It is fairly complicated and I have never been able to get into it, although I should do because there are plugins to do all kinds of useful things.
The TIFF selection downloads but the display is black in 3 different viewers I tried. All the other selections ,GIF PNG and JPEG download and display in all viewers
Any tech gurus out there to help? I really want the TIFF to work as it is the best.
I dont think we have this on here already, but if so, I am sorry to re-post. It is useful info anyway.
I thought you may be interested in the post by Emily Lakdawalla posted 2 years ago now. It details the differences and processes bringing a raw image through to becoming an eventual PDS archive image.
Her article shows the difference between a raw and an archived image and explains why the publicly released jpg images are not really worth using for anythng other than a photo album entry(my words not hers).
It explains how to get the PDS data that the scientists use with only about 4 clicks of the mouse, so it is not a difficult task and one which I think we all should get used to using.