Generally it is better to investigate the same area in many other images and from different angles and from different sun-angles. I have been convinced that I have found a moon base with the number '4' so obvious that I could not understand how others were missing it, but unfortunately it turned out to be a combination of things and was shown to be not "real" but a trick of the shadows. There are many images of Tycho crater and I am sure there are others of this area which we can which will show the same area under different conditions.
We all hope to have found the one image which shows an anlomaly that is proof-positive to the world that aliens exist, but without many different images taken at different times and from different directions, no-one will believe that it is actually there. As you have found out from the official replies, finding the best possible resolution of image is mega-important to this line of investigation too.
I have come to the conclusion that the aliens whho are in the local area are gong to be revealed whenever the agenda is near to completion and that may be over the next 12 months or so, so hopefully we will all find out what has been going on out there. On the other hand, if they are revealed, then things are pretty bad for humans and we will probably have other things to worry about rather than anomalies on distant planets.
In my first upload to the site the photo shows a machine like anomaly to the left. To me it appears to have a claw like attachment together with a central cab. The central 'control cab' is distinguishable by the shape of its roof. The Arizona State University say that I am seeing faces in the clouds.
So in this slide I am trying to show that these 'lifting machine' like anomalies exist in a different place in Tycho crater. Co-ordinates have been suppliedsothat members can judge for themselves.