not sure where to put this thread guys, move if you want!
i find it very odd that the Huygens probe had an acoustic mic on it.
when none of the mars probes had them?
sure, there was a mic on a probe that was lost i believe, but why wasn't that a standard piece of equipment?
for MARS!?
i watched season 6, episode 8 of "The Universe" Alien Sounds and it was pretty cool, since i have used saturns "audio" in a composition of mine.
also they had a audio program that converted what you would sound like on mars and it just sounded like any voice modulater that a kiddnapper would use when calling in a ransom!
besides, sound being, what seems like a universal constant, our audio is very important to us as an entity. even if it is limited to a small section of the whole. like visible light!
anyway, i found it quite odd that NASA would put a mic on something destined so far out there.
not that they heard anything wierd, or did they? just why?
here is a link to the ESA sounds. sorry if this has been addressed before.