It is quite possible that the item in question is debris from the lander, I did see an image of the area with the debris highlighted so I will try to find that.
There are also similarities between the second item being presented and the bags on the lander...
-- Edited by Chandre on Friday 15th of June 2012 01:23:52 PM
-- Edited by Chandre on Friday 15th of June 2012 01:33:54 PM
sorry, perhaps the attached enhancement will bring out the possible symbols/writing better, and yes NASA indeeed does an awful lot of special editing on their releases.
-- Edited by Chandre on Friday 15th of June 2012 01:19:38 PM
Just tweeked the pic a bit, noticed what appears a series of symbols/writing s the red arrow in attached does indicate. Definitely a very odd area ... and definitely filled with constructed debris.
-- Edited by Chandre on Friday 15th of June 2012 01:19:08 PM
you're right GBULL, as knowing the scale of objects? , someone knows (if any know please tell us), maybe it can be a helmet or maybe some broken piece of a device, or a rock as u say, who knows?.
Also I suspect it may be some sort of error introduced by NASA in trying to manipulate the image (software error), no wonder!, NASA manipulates each of the images that are published by them, are in black and white!, are low definition!, and many of them are missing parts!.
We just have to settle for the remaining spoils of the real images ...
YES, Levelwind, you can see various symbols.... and yes , rdunk, I agree what you say, the rover is far from the surface...
So you can see, the surface is quite polished, the symbols are reflected dimly, must have suffered the ravages of time, perhaps a reflection of sunlight that can be contributed to see the symbols from a distance ...
All you can clarify this doubt is that NASA's original photography more definition, rather than compressed jpg. This photo (145kb!) can not be said that most of what you see ...
But only a "miracle" make that NASA can deliver the originals!!! , for that the doubts will clarify...
Pato1646 - first, I mis-spoke in the prior reply, as I should have given you credit for this OP.
This anomaly is a fair distance from the Rover, so, I would not think it to be a Rover reflection.
Thereis really no way to know more about what this is, especially since it definitely is not "smiling at the camera". It would be nice if we did have pics taken from other camera angles, but right not that is slim chance.
The visible shape of the anomaly is similar to the shape of a partially buried piece of a skull. But.................we need to see the other side??
It is different from any other object in this area!!
Thanks Levelwind and Rdunk, I be thinking, perhaps, what is seen and interpreted as letter s, is perhaps part of a more complex symbol, if there was any alien civilization, would have other symbols I suppose ... but the important thing is that I think that the chances of a natural phenomenon of the Martian atmosphere to form these symbols must be one in a million ... The stuff polished surface (rounder, rounded or semiplane)... what are the possibilities to be a reflection of Spirit rover ?
Levelwind, this is a good "find"! Yes, i can see the "S" too. And no, I don't know of a better pic, than the one you have.We can look around a little but I wil be surprised if a better one is found. I did look at the nav cam, and at the next sol day or two, but did not see it photoed again either.
Yeah, there is got to be a better one out there. The jpg,s from nasa can be pretty rough. A lot of folks here use PDF's I think they are called, and this being sol #2 for spirit makes it pretty likely that someone will have a link. Cool picture though, it looks like an S with a circle around it to me. Could it be something left over from the landing?