I believe that humans are just an Aliens passed test. I believe they took their DNA and combined it with something else to form us. And with all the weird giants that have been dug up, or weird shaped skulls etc. I think they basically kept trying till they got it right....once they got man made correctly...they took off and were like "Their on their own now, they better build some stuff =)
being mars is smaller, it might of cooled a little quicker and got a head start on life.
things might have went right there and it was a few million years ahead of earth, then martians knew that they were doomed and sent the dino killer, 65mil yo. notice where it hit?
the only place that would do the most damage to the whole planet, lol!
that is of course life follows a pattern, waited till it was ok to come and set up all kinds of stuff and get whacked again and again!