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Post Info TOPIC: Biological Evidence all over the lasted Oppy pics


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RE: Biological Evidence all over the lasted Oppy pics

Screenshot from 2014-12-12 00:26:38.png 


Above image at the top is a sort of froggy thing with crab pincers and below him to the right is a silvery ring, seems he is standing on a cloth hat

little guy at top shown here bit bigger                                           Screenshot from 2014-12-12 00:52:20.png




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No sure what to make of these lines in this latest left mast cam image, initially I thought it was due to vibration from the rover, but on closer inspection I am not so sure anymore as the lines look to of been made by something living...... Curiosity Sol 653 


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1P441383127EFFCADPP2384L7M1crop2.jpgspirit pan 874 color crop.jpg

-- Edited by Levelwind on Sunday 5th of January 2014 03:17:15 AM

-- Edited by Levelwind on Sunday 5th of January 2014 03:19:27 AM


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I know the quality isn't the greatest, but I still though this could be worth a look.  The crops on the bottom here remind me of a crabby turtle looking thing I found a while back.  I'll see

if I can find it.




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I have always wondered why some areas near to rocks and between rocks are clear of the spherules. I think it must be something pushing them out from the area. Now... that could be water, wind, or something else? No-one has come up with an explanation that seems to work for me.



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You can see them here all the way back to sol 17.  And if those are rabbit turds then that must be a cow pie on that rock
oppy pan cam 017 1.jpg


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RE: Biological Evidence all over the lastest Oppy pics

Thanks for link Gmantoo.  Here is the close up.  Sure looks living to me.

rabbit turds.jpg


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RE: Biological Evidence all over the lasted Oppy pics

I like the rabbit poo idea the best.biggrin


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I believe the name given to the 'blueberries' is spherules.


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...and here is a real close up of them too. They are known by a special name (cannot remember, blueberries I think).

[joke]Possibly due to rabbits having been introduced onto Mars by the early settlers - much like in Australia - and this rabbit population has grown, and grown to be a major life form on Mars.

These blueberries are nothing but rabbit droppings.[/joke]



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RE: Biological Evidence all over the lastest Oppy pics

Here is a link where Skipper talks about these balls being some kind of fungus.  It's report #141 part 4.  Opportunity has been seeing them since day one at Eagle crater and everywhere inbetween.  I just thought they were really thick in the lastest round at Santa Maria.  And thanks for the inhanced close ups Goggog.  I love looking at everything you post and thought you might find this interresting also.  I'll try to get some more posted soon.


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RE: Biological Evidence all over the lasted Oppy pics



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RE: Biological Evidence all over the lastest Oppy pics

Close up of the little fellow sitting on a rock with his legs crossed. Nav cam sol 2478.

oppy nav cam 2478 3 cropped and fixxed.jpg

Here is the close of the sol before.  Here the legs are uncrossed and he is sitting more upright.  The horizontal stick to his right also changes.  Like I said if you tile these two pics with the guy lined up and toggle back and forth you can really see the change.  same nav cam 2477

oppy nav cam 2477 cropped.jpg


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RE: Biological Evidence all over the lasted Oppy pics

Puff balls and something strange.  Kind of reminded me of the flipper guy head.


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More puff balls and a gliph circled in red, smudge tampering circled in blue.

oppy pan cam 2475 2 circled.jpg

A close up of the gliph

oppy pan cam 2475 2 gliph.jpg


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RE: Biological Evidence all over the lastest Oppy pics

Lots of paths, with puff ball mushrooms.  Oppy pan cam 2486

oppy pan cam 2486 3.jpg

More biological evidence Oppy pan cam 2475

oppy pan cam 2475 circled.jpg

A close up.  Are the red arrows steam or smoke of some kind?  And the blue arrows pointing to one of those little black fellows crouching down?  Looks like one of those chairs behind him. 

oppy pan cam 2475 cropped with arrows.jpg


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Hi OSD,  thanks for the input.  The fractal geomentry I was refering to are infinite mathmatical equations used to generate landscapes.  Like the ones explaned here  It looks to me like the bottom of Santa Maria could be an overlay of one of these with some smearing going on as well.  I'm sure they employ all of their tricks when needed and they are getting some pretty good ones these days.  Sorry about the links, I've posted a few here at the bottom.  You might have more fun with it looking at all the raw images from the past week or so.  Like this one from Oppy's nav cam 2477. I think the link is the sixth one down at the bottom.  There are so many anomalies in each photo it would take me weeks to post them all.  I live in Northern Minnesota with a slow dial-up connection.    
oppy nav cam 2477 2 circled.jpg

I wish I had more time to zoom in on everything and make a better essay here.  Not to be lazy or anything, I just wanted to point out that the lastest round of pictures are pretty fun to look at.  I go back to work on the night shift tonight and won't be back for a couple of weeks at best.  So if I don't get back to this for a while I'm not trying to ignore anyone.   Have


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RE: Biological Evidence all over the lasted Oppy pics

Hi, very interesting. Fractuality is a mathematical-geometrical modell to simulate the growing and developping  of certain shapes. It does not explain, why these forms exist and by which forces they get created. It is a simulation, a model.  By the way in this sense dunes, coastlines etc. are "fractually created by nature"on earth etc. .., but I agree, this environment looks unnatural.

Would you mind to post some direct links leading to the images , so anyone may follow easily ?
Thank you very much.


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Thanks for the response Gman, I didn't think of the dust devil senerio, I just saw the little black guy and thought something is running around there.  If you take both pictures from  each sol and tile them you can toggle back and forth, then you really see the movement and the change in everything.  You have to line them up just right to see it.  Futty can animate this somehow,  maybe he will.  As for the lines in the path I noticed them too.  I thought they looked like dips to me, with the shadows and all, but I have got that one wrong too.  Maybe I will get some more feed back on that one?  Anyway, there is a lot of fun stuff to see in this lastest round of pics.  Like how it looks like the rover tip toed around in this nav can 2478, Can it do that?  Look at the tracks, I haven't seen tracks like this before.  Looks like something could have been messing with the rover.  Who knows?   It will take me awhile to post all the stuff I think I'm seeing, but I will keep at it on this one.   
oppy nav 2478.jpg


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the paths: The straighter sections look as if there is a ridge in the middle of it which is strange. I assume it is a ridge and not a dip because the shadow(?) area is slightly darker along the left far side of the 'ridge' than the nearer side, and this would tie in with the shadows elsewhere on the nearby rocks. If you disagree, please say so as I am not very good with bumps and dips and shadows etc. In the past I have mistaken rilles for craters and visa-versa.

I cannot think what would make such a path with a ridge in the middle unless something was dragged or rolled along. It is true, it does look like a path. I cannot think it would be made by the wind although there are 'dunes' with these ridges in other places and it does look as if the location is at the top of a rise or escarpment.

I do not think a 'dust devil' would have made this track either as it is too perfect in some places and in other places it looks as if it could be explained by a dust devil (I am not sure I believe in dust devils on Mars anyway, in spite of the video and pictures captured by the rovers).

Probably the best example of a track that we have so far.



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I also think that the floor of Santa Maria is fake.  It's just too perfect, it reminds me of the fractal geomentry that Frutty has talked about.  Notice how they smear out of the fractals into the rougher rock areas.  I'm sure they are covering up a good one here, if you can find scraps of evidence with tampering like that.  Check out the press release photos, they're even more troddened upon.  Here's one of the latest press releases from NASA, the only really clear things in the photo are the rover and the fake fractal cover-up.  The second comes from the raw data. (Oppy nav cam 2467). 
Oppy press pic Santa Maria 2.jpg
 oppy nav cam 2476.jpg


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Here is a  close up of one of the paths from Oppy's pan cam 2486.  Bottom right. 
oppy pan cam 2486.jpg


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RE: Biological Evidence all over the lastest Oppy pics

Ok, here is another one from Oppy's nav cam 2478 that I thought was weird.  There are these loose balls all over the place and yet there is a cleared area in the bottom right that looks like a path to me.  For this to happen in spite of the wind covering it back up something would have to travel this path quite regularly.
oppy nav cam2478 6.jpg


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Biological Evidence all over the lasted Oppy pics

First of all let me start out with the tiny balls in all the lastest photos.  They're all over the ground in almost all of the pictures. I agree with J. P. Skipper that they are some kind of fungus.  Like the puff ball mushrooms here on Earth.  You can also see that weird fungus growing on several of the rocks,  (Oppy pan and nav cams from 2475 to 2478).  But then there is this strange fellow sitting on a rock by a cave with something on a rotisserie looking thing. (From Oppy's nav cam 2477)   See what you think? 
oppy nav cam 2477 circled.jpg
Here is a close up from the same picture.
oppy nav cam 2477 cropped.jpg
As if that's not enough, this guy is out there the very next sol cooking something else.  Notice in this next set how the stick has more on it and how he's sitting in a different position, (from oppy nav cam 2478).
oppy nav cam 2478 3.jpg
 Here is the close up.
oppy nav cam 2478 3 cropped and fixxed.jpg
Next you'll have to look at all the cool stuff around him.  There is a weird looking chair thing with something in it to his right.
oppy nav cam 2478 3 crop.jpg
You can see this from different angles in lots of the pics.
There is too much too list right now I'll get back at this later.

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