Status: Online Posts: 791 Date: Mon Oct 4 22:13 2010
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Looking at your posted image, and without downloading the image, I notice the orb in the sky watching. I do not think it is a planet or a sun flare - but there again, I could be wrong. Seen this in other images too. Perhaps it is Saturn or Jupiter or Mars even...
In another thread, there is an image of the same scene (AS12-48-7029) and there are four 'orbs' showing. I have checked them out and found that the luminosity value differed on each one. It's hard to determine what the 'orbs' are as they are not clear enough to analyze using the normal sharpening processes.
For the image under discussion in this thread, it is best to download it from the link then zoom in to analyze the surface anomalies in more detail.
Revealing a truth denied by science becomes a revolutionary act.
In another thread, there is an image of the same scene (AS12-48-7029) and there are four 'orbs' showing. I have checked them out and found that the luminosity value differed on each one. It's hard to determine what the 'orbs' are as they are not clear enough to analyze using the normal sharpening processes.
The same pattern of four blurry spots in a line appear in AS12-48-7029, AS12-48-7030, AS12-48-7031, and AS12-48-7032.
In every one of those images, the line of four spots has a ghost image below and to the left. The ghost image is a replication of the line of four spots, with the same ratios of intensity as the brighter four.
Notice the barely visible ghost at the bottom which follows the same intensity pattern from left to right: medium, medium, dim, bright.
Zoom, brightness and contrast increased from AS12-48-7031
This is very characteristic of what multiple reflections from windows look like. The Lunar Module windows were made of two panes of glass separated by a gap. One pane had an electrically conductive coating on one side, and a high efficiency antireflection coating on the other. The reflectance of the ECC surface was about 5% and the other side would have been negligible. The other pane had what was called a blue/red coating on one side (to restrict UV and IR light into the cabin) and an HEA coating on the other side. This pane woud have been less reflective than the ECC pane.
So, two panes separated by a gap, one with a higher reflectivity than the other. A row of four status lights in the cabin (different colors would show up as different intensities) would look exactly like this ... four dim blurry spots from the inner ECC pane and four similar but dimmer blurry spots from the outer pane. They're blurry because they're out of focus from being so close (notice that the thruster cone out the window is not in focus because it's too close).
Ask anyone who does a lot of photography, especially from inside of cars or airplanes, what he thinks this "anomaly" is.
Status: Online Posts: 791 Date: Tue Oct 5 08:13 2010
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Yes, I have to say that that makes sense although I would like to believe otherwise. I too noticed the feint repetition below and to the right of the higher images and the different intensityies and your explanation is probably correct. Good to know about the windows too it is all 'background' information which is useful to sort out things which should be there and things which are anomalous. thanks.
Status: Online Posts: 791 Date: Tue Oct 5 20:25 2010
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Yes, I posted a thread which shows the 4 'lights in the sky' and I am satisfied that these 'lights' may well be a reflection in the window of console lights. Particularly relevant here is the different colours would show up in different intensities. For example a yellow one may be brighter than a green one. Since that is the case, I have moved the thread to archives so that it does not distract from the other stuff we find.
Timewarp, If you feel you have found other things in the foreground, then perhaps you can open another thread and we can all discuss them.
In that sky, there is also another 'blob' which is NOT a reflection and which may be something else closer than another planet.
Perhaps O'Brien would like to comment on that one too?
There is a worthwhile post about these objects in this thread which makes sense and offers an insight into how the windows are made with differently coated glass.
It is most probably the explanation for this image.
I believe the Apollo astronauts used to call the UFOs "Santa Clauses" and here are some of what they were referring to, watching what they were doing all the time. I think this was really what the astronauts were photographing and not the landscape at all.
Just turn up the brightenss in these pictures and you will see all kind of strange things as we have seen with this thread.