Does anyone know the depth of the ocean at the coordinates given in this thread or where I could reference the information?
Coordinates, 55 59 23.86 N; 19 21 56.57 W.
The depth at this location is about 5,000 feet deep, the area of interest is about 100X80 miles.
What we have to remember is that the original data is from echo soundings made by ships passing over the area, and the graphics used for this area are purely artificial.
This video shows that the lines in question fit exactly with the tracks made by the routes of ships using echo sounding...... video
"Creating a fiction when stating a fact destroys the credibility of the truth one are trying to convey"
qmantoo wrote, "Since these are 'blocky' and appear to be covering everything, going up the sides of humps and down into dips, I feel that he (Mr Skipper) is probably correct in that the smaller pixellated-like image covering squares are compression artifacts.
With respect, why do think in this instance Mr Skipper is correct. The image shown on Google Earth displays hardly any compression artifacts.
I have done some work on this particular image and will post my findings shortly. You may be surprised at what is showing down there.
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
Is there an area close by the one you show which shows an un-compressed area? Since these are 'blocky' and appear to be covering everything, going up the sides of humps and down into dips, I feel that he is probably correct in that the smaller pixellated-like image covering squares are compression artifacts.
However, the larger structures and straightlines, I think are probably there on the ground and are worth investigating.
Frutty said, "However Mr skipper thinks there are jpeg artifacts that could have been amplified giving the impression of smaller grids all around"
In this instance, I cannot agree with Joe Skipper. I have examined the image in some detail and found very little evidence of jpeg compression artifacts. The smaller grid pattern is real. What can be seen, thanks to Frutty, is quite amazing and makes a lot more sense when the image slightly processed and viewed in the negative.
This area under the ocean is worthy of a lot more research, not only by us, but by anthropologists and archaeologists as well. There is much to see the detail of which is obscured in the original image posted on Google Earth.
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
I believe Skipper's last report was featuring some of these, as evidence for an Atlantis. They are strange and I wonder why no-one has really investigated them on-site. Maybe they are too deep?