Interesting video Fruit.. Why the sensationalist intro?? Your over cooking your finds. Just let the images do the talking and if needed high light the points plus frame info. The public wont take this seriously if you state in the beginning that these images can be disturbing? Only to be dissapointed at the lack of any disturbing images. What you see may not be what they see..
Nice attempt though, just calm down on the intros.. Luved the music too.
(Honest review, this is only my opinion and im sure theres others whom will like it)
Till now, I missed this photograph in the articles. This kind of of photographs should slip out of the sensors hands more often. But then, if we get the real picture's, would we believe them??? Or start fighting over them...?
These is one of the most controversial photographs attributed to the Mars Spirit rover. Some found what appeared to be like dried dead snakes and other dead creatures.
What I see is live creatures I call them creeps. They are very similar to a species inhabiting planet venus, which ate the russian Venera probe before it could last 30 minutes on its surface. They have projected spears on their weird faces exactly like their Venusian ccounterparts.
They live in congregations like the typical one shown once the image is untampered, in the animation shown below. you can find the original here
you may also want to watch a short video I made showing how the venusian creeps look.