When we look at item # 1 on the big picture we see that this thing is covered with sand, this shows that the sand is tampering performed at NASA. Other labeled objects (2 and 3) are quite clear but there seems to be the case of two different types of extraterrestrial.
Aren't we looking down on an area and the foreground slopes away from us? It could be taken from the top of a hill or cliff perhaps? If so, I dont know how they managed to stop the Rover rolling over the edge. What are the photos either side (in time) like?
Here I am trying to locate the visual angle of the camera that took this picture (camera view point) that but it is defined as the circular on the picture, the lines are a guidelines for your brain to make it more easy to understand (it works as you sit on an airplane)
Notice the question mark I placed over an item that looks like a hood on a jeep.