It is sad really. I too am hooked at the moment on this subject and I need to get on with other things. Haven't we got better things to do? Obviously not as I enjoy it so much !!
(In contradiction of my "inadvertantly wasting time post")
I just wanted 2 give a pat on the back to all the people that invest there time and effort towards the "cause".
I recently made a post that basically states that I am furstrated with all the wasted "talent" on this forum. I didn't mean that members posts' were irrelavent... I just wanted to say that u ppl are the only thing that keeps me going. YOur finds, your discoveries, is what keeps me egeraly waking up in the morning.
So...if I havn't said it before...U ppl ROCK!!!!
Get your facts first....Then you can distort them all you please.