If you look at the other shadows in the picture it looks like this thing has eaves. Who knows. I just thought it looked cool. I'm glad to get some input. I've been reading all of your posts for quite awhile. I love looking at all the mars stuff I can find.
Hi Levelwind, what seems like a skull might be a flat rock surface that happens to resemble a partial skull. One thing is certain- it has a flat, levelled surface unlike the surrounding rocks that are 3 dimensional. Look it up yourself
Thanks for the help. I love the 3D thing you do. Here is a close up of the half burried scull. I hadn't seen anyone talk about this one and thought you might like it.
This is from Spirits Nav cam sol 2175. There is a half burried skull in the fore ground and what looks like a house of some sort at the base of the mountain also. If you look at the shadows it would be correct to assume that there are eaves the structure casting down on a gable wall.