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Post Info TOPIC: 6 possible types of Mars worms. Is this the evidence?

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6 possible types of Mars worms. Is this the evidence?

Worms on earth, as supposedly worms everwhere, depend on an ecosystem: "...and digest the vegetable matter in the soil they eat. "
Vegetable matter is a product of an ecosystem.

-- Edited by One single drop on Friday 21st of January 2011 07:06:25 PM


Teaching the truth

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Earthworms do not rely on other species for their survival. They eat earth and digest the vegetable matter in the soil they eat.

The method of transport is possibly a very evolved method since in Earth-experience, limbs that are not used become vestigal and shrink, eventually becoming no more than a stump on the body. On the other hand some toad and frog tadpoles are aquatic at birth and evolve to become limbed and largely land-based after maturing.

If you have a pointed head and burrow into the soil to live or make tunnels/homes for yourself, then a worm-like body is useful as there is no part of it that directly blocks your forward motion. Worms are similar to mole heads, they are pointy!



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The existence of worms predicts an ecosystem. Giant worms predict a giant ecosystem, in my opinion.

May it be possible to integrate some images and datas of and about presumed worms on mars and moon into this thread , to illustrate what we are dealing with ??

How can be ruled out the markings are the result of:

Collapsed magma tunnels
meteorite impacts
gashydrate evaporations
destabilised layers, collapsing after melting processes
explosions of unknown origin, caused by exochemical reactions
intelligent design, like archaelogical remains
etching by highly acidic liquids
traces of energetic weapons
The unknown.

PS: Their genesis and images of different types of magma tunnels you`ll find in the web. Second, -  to identify this supposed organism as a "worm" is in itsself a comparasion with an earthbound organism. I would like to hear something supporting the claiming.

-- Edited by One single drop on Friday 21st of January 2011 05:52:00 AM


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Are there any craters on Earth with holes comparable to these?  If there are, that would support a collapsed tunnel or something inorganic.  However, if there are none, then that may imply digging organisms.
Remember, just as you can't properly compare an organism from Earth to an organism from Mars, you can't properly compare a subterranean organism from the Moon to one on Mars.  They didn't evolve upon the same lines.  So they may occupy similar niches but their appearances can be radically different.

What if Pinnochio says that his nose will grow longer?

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Worms on earth are no primitive lifeforms. They depend on other lifeforms and they interact with other lifeforms, means if there are worms on mars, there have to be other lifeforms too.

Some people believe ( and maybe some know if this is true or not ) mars bears intelligent beings. Try, for one moment, to empathize and to be a martian, who is  facing the barbarians coming closer and closer  and threatening him.

Technically advanced and morally superior civilizations will make every effort necessary to avoid or at least to limit and dirigize being detected , observed and spied on by primitive and unpredictable civilisations.

This requires a careful selection and a logically arranged presentation of instrumental datas , choosen and made avaiable to the instruments of the observers, to produce specific, precisely calculated impressions, followed by conclusions, in their minds . Where there are fields of grain, there are deserts, where large cities are shining in the sun, there are rocky hills. Where there is a constant temperature of 10 degree, there are 40 degree under zero. Even the lighting during the night will be not detectable. No radio wave reaches the receivers of the listeners. Only the desired is allowed to pass. And these choosen and constructed datas would be  what the observer gets and all his assumptions would be based on these datas.

PS.: Magma tunnel scheme
Magma tunnel.jpg


Eine technisch und sittlich weit fortgeschrittene überlegene Zivilisation wird alles daran setzen , um nicht von einer primitiven unberechenbaren Zivilisation beobachtet und ausspioniert zu werden. Dazu dient eine sorgfältige Auswahl und Präsentation von Informationen und Instrumentendaten, die, in sich logisch aufeiander abgeglichen, dazu dienen, ein bestimmtes, genau berechnetes Bild im Bewusstsein der Beobachter zu erzeugen. Wo Kornfelder sind, erscheint Wüste, wo große Städte glänzen, erheben sich felsige Hügel. Selbst die Beleuchtung während der Nacht wird abgeschirmt. Keine Radiowelle erreicht die Empfänger. Nur Gewünschtes wird durchgelassen.



Teaching the truth

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I have seen kind of 'slime' stuff too which suggests some kind of worm-like thing. I suppose it could be spiders web stuff instead. It is very difficult to know WHAT it is exactly.

No, I dont think that all these can be ruled out, but for example, collapsed magme tunnels would probably run along a certain direction and would leave other tell-tale signs.

Meteorite impacts often although not always, have shallow-ish edges. The ones I have seen are like 60 degrees, but could be in soft sand/earth I suppose.
Thunderbirds had a 'Mole' that they used, so maybe the Moonies have one of those too? I loved Thunderbirds when I was a kid...

Actually, I think there is probably evidence of worms in the form of casts and holes - like Lugworms use. I think I have posted a Lugworm U-shaped tunnel before on here. one end is the breathing tube and the other end the cast(backend) end.

How can be ruled out:
Collapsed magma tunnels
meteorite impacts
gashydrate evaporations
destabilised layers, collapsing after melting processes
explosions of unknown origin, caused by exochemical reactions
intelligent design, like archaelogical remains
The unknown.



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                                            Dune, mars and the moon.

Worms on our moon and worms on mars. Interesting phenomenon and an interesting discussion.  So many questions.
Why these worms often prefer craters ? How big are they ? Are they intelligent ? Why do they live underground ? Why do they leave underground ? Are there male and female ones ?   Which food do they prefer ? Smaller worms ? Or do they live on microbes, like whales on crill ? Which metabolism do they own ? Are there pictures avaiable ?
Just joking, but seriously now :  Besides that there are holes on mars and on our moon, is there evidence supporting the big worm speculation ? For example, prefering  an organic explanation for these holes would not automatically need a worm or some elongated body, a simple sphere moving out of the soil would leave the similar marks, or am I wrong ?

How can be ruled out:

Collapsed magma tunnels
meteorite impacts
gashydrate evaporations
destabilised layers, collapsing after melting processes
explosions of unknown origin, caused by exochemical reactions
intelligent design, like archaelogical remains
The unknown.


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qmantoo wrote:

I would say that you are both correct in some respects as I have found evidence of worms on the Moon. (I know this forum is about Mars but since it is relevant to this thread..). Some of the craters on the Moon have angled bottoms and appear to go down to a point. This suggests to me that something has disappeared down into the ground at that point and the ground soil has fallen in after it has gone. The other thing I have found, is that some craters have holes dead in the centre at the bottom and appear to be the start of a tunnel. These are not shadows. Both these 'features' would be evidence for worms.

Like an ant lion?

What if Pinnochio says that his nose will grow longer?


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I read your thread about worms on Mars. I think you are correct, these are some form of life. Giant worms, tiny worms and lots of eggs everywhere.

Uther Pendragan

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H2O release 16. april 2010. - Even worms need some water.


Acquisition date 21. january 2007



Gully Grab Bag in Crater Wall, Terra Sirenum Region (PSP_002291_1335)
Gully Grab Bag in Crater Wall, Terra Sirenum Region (PSP_002291_1335)Credit: NASA/JPL/University of ArizonaThis observation shows the complex, gullied western wall of a kilometer-deep impact crater in the Terra Sirenum region. This is an interesting crater because it appears to be mantled by the fluidized ejecta  blanket of a slightly smaller crater just to the West. A diverse set of gullies originate at multiple elevations along the crater wall. Prominent gullies have incised through the overlying ejecta into the upper walls to reveal numerous resistant dark layers. The floors of these gullies display a host of interesting features, including braided middle reaches, cut banks, channel bars, and stream terracing. These are all features suggestive of water flow.Miniature gully systems, less than a kilometer long, start much further downslope than the larger gullies yet display the usual gully attributes, including theater-headed alcove source regions, incised middle reaches, and overlapping alluvial fans at their lower reaches. Detailed studies of these and other gully systems should help to elucidate the gully formation mechanisms. Written by: Ginny Gulick






PSP_002291_1335_REDdet II.jpg


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HiRISE Reaches a One Percent Milestone

As of 13 April 2010, HiRISE has completed 14,965 observations for a total of 12,479 Gigapixels and 12.2 Terabytes.

This covers an area of 1,450,838 square kilometers, or 1.00% percent of the Martian surface.

"After seeing nearly one percent of Mars at high resolution, we are still frequently surprised by unique landforms and textures when we image a spot for the first time at meter-scale resolution," said Alfred McEwen, principal investigator for HiRISE. "If all these observations provided unique coverage, it’s about 0.8 percent," he added.

The HiRISE Operations Center is based in Tucson, at the University of Arizona



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AliensRPeople2 wrote:

Yeah Watcher:
I totally understand what you mean, in regards to tampering! :)

I've been doing this research for awhile too, since day 1 of when the Rovers landed. Then I also started with the MOC images too... It's a labor of love, isn't it??? Almost a compulsion to dig out the truth.

We may not agree but thats okay... its the ability to share ideas and thoughts and interpretations that will someday get past the tampering and prove that Mars is anything but dead.

Kindest Regards,

Part of me agrees with you.. its the other half that needs more convincing. Consider me devils advocate. Im pushing for the definitive image that really starts to catch the public attention. I must say though.. Dam good work so far. I like the type categories. GJ



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great stuff guys, i don't know what it is but i might tend to agree with goggog.


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                                 A, A deep shadows. Too deep.


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Input in a tunnel? And "ulcer" - a collapse in a tunnel?smile


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I've found something strange in one of the images OSD posted. I've rotated and flipped it.

PSP_010457_2070_RED_NOMAP_Crop 1.jpg

PSP_010457_2070_RED_NOMAP_crop 2.jpg

PSP_010457_2070_RED_NOMAP_crop 2 paint.jpg

I have absolutely no idea what this could be, is it possibly a type of worm. The strange thing is the 'joint' at the end of the tube-like shapes. They seem to repeat on different ones as highlighted in red. In the top red block the organic shape in the yellow block seems to be 'connected ?' to the shape via tubes.

Any ideas ?


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What are they digging for ?



New Impact Craters on Mars


" .........

Underground Ice on Mars Exposed by Impact Cratering

ICE underground 388654main_site2_fading.jpg

The High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter took these images of a fresh, 6-meter-wide (20-foot-wide) crater on Mars on Oct. 18, 2008, (left) and on Jan. 14, 2009. Each image is 35 meters (115 feet) across. This crater's depth is estimated to be 1.33 meters (4.4 feet).

Images (not shown here) taken by the Thermal Emission Imaging System camera on NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter and by the Context Camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter show that the impact that excavated this crater occurred sometime between Dec. 22, 2008 and July 5, 2008.

The impact exposed water ice from below the surface. It is the bright material visible in this pair of images. The change in appearance from the earlier image to the later one resulted from some of the ice sublimating away during the Martian northern-hemisphere summer, leaving behind dust that had been intermixed with the ice. The thickening layer of dust on top obscured the remaining ice. This crater is at 43.28 degrees north latitude, 164.22 degrees east longitude.......

Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona "




ICE 388644main_fig1_no_contours.jpg


This map shows five locations where fresh impact cratering has excavated water ice from just beneath the surface of Mars (sites 1 through 5) and the Viking Lander 2 landing site (VL2), in the context of color coding to indicate estimated depth to ice.

The map covers an area from 40 to 60 degrees north latitude and from 130 to 190 degrees east longitude. Estimates of the depth to water-ice come from a computer model and observations of the brightness and temperature of the surface. The model matches the ice-exposing crater observations by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and data from the neutron spectrometer on NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter.

Analysis of the observations of ice-exposing fresh craters at sites 1 through 5, reported by Byrne et al. in a Sept. 25, 2009, paper in the journal Science, leads the paper's authors to calculate that if NASA's Viking Lander 2 had been able to dig slightly deeper than the 10-to-15-centimeter-deep (4-to-6-inch-deep) trench that it excavated in 1976, it would have hit water ice.

The color coding indicates depths to the top of a water-ice-containing layer, ranging from 1 centimeter (about half an inch) in dark-blue coded locations to 10 meters (33 feet) in red-coded locations.

Image Credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona





 ICE 388655main_site3.jpg

Excavated fresh water ice.


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CH4 seasonal evolution and Natural landscape.


Regarding the widespread occurence of these structures all over mars, its immense sizes and its quasifractal organisation, we first have to decide wether to accept them as natural in the sense of  existing or to reject them  as a part of some sort of deception process.

Whatever we decide to believe, it is obvious that the images do not show up in the quality they are received from Mars, because the camera parameters present the landscape in  a much higher resolution than the images show released to the public.

However, it seems   careful inspection of the offered images reveal small substructures inside the bigger ones and going deeper, subsubstructures, which make the whole motherstructure complicated and for shure  a fascinating view if watched from  top of a hill or from onboard of an airship.

By the way obfuscation could be practized out of many reasons. If there are areas full of valuable things, ores or organic substances for example etc. someone wants to put a claim on in the future, it would be a strong motivation for him  not to let us know, whats up there in certain regions.....

What means natural  and what`s part of the natural landscape  ?  Maybe everything we see is part of the natural landscape. A forest on earth is part of the natural landscape and since mankind is part of nature, mankinds products could  be regarded as part of the natural landscape. Where to draw a line on mars ?

               What could It "dig" for in the slopes , terraces and crater walls ?


Teaching the truth

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In the last post by OneSingleDrop, this stands out to me as something not belonging to the natural landscape.



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Nili Fossae is one of the methane emitting areas on mars.

Digging for what ?

PSP_010457_2070_RED_NOMAP_browse- III.jpg


Teaching the truth

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Have you noticed all the structures where the white meets the dark? This one seems to be a mining or digging of some kind, all along the edge.

Also, there are loads of these round ball-type things hidden in crevices and canyons. They always seem to be a ball thing placed on a plinth and come in sizes from very small (possibly individual usage) to enormous. Dont know what they are used for? Any ideas?




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A common characteristic feature of some of the "structures" is, they prefer craterfloors, valleys, canyons, terraces and the slopes of mountains and hills, running straight away or straight directly onto ( into? ) a wall. Always there has to be some sort of wall nearby.
Another interesting point is, were they meet the walls, they seem to branch.
Why ?

Details from HiRISE PSP_010457_2070 :


PSP_010457_2070_RED_NOMAP_browse det III.jpg

PSP_010457_2070_RED_NOMAP_browse I.jpg

PSP_010457_2070_RED_NOMAP_browse II.jpg

PSP_010457_2070_RED_NOMAP_browse VI.jpg

PSP_010457_2070_RED_NOMAP_browse V.jpg

PSP_010457_2070_RED_NOMAP_browse VI.jpg


Teaching the truth

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Posts: 1921

I would say that you are both correct in some respects as I have found evidence of worms on the Moon. (I know this forum is about Mars but since it is relevant to this thread..). Some of the craters on the Moon have angled bottoms and appear to go down to a point. This suggests to me that something has disappeared down into the ground at that point and the ground soil has fallen in after it has gone. The other thing I have found, is that some craters have holes dead in the centre at the bottom and appear to be the start of a tunnel. These are not shadows. Both these 'features' would be evidence for worms.

Is there anything like this on Mars, because if so, it would give us a clue and proof of how large these things are? Actually, I found something similar last night so I will post it on here later.




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Yeah Watcher:
I totally understand what you mean, in regards to tampering! :)

I've been doing this research for awhile too, since day 1 of when the Rovers landed. Then I also started with the MOC images too... It's a labor of love, isn't it??? Almost a compulsion to dig out the truth.

We may not agree but thats okay... its the ability to share ideas and thoughts and interpretations that will someday get past the tampering and prove that Mars is anything but dead.

Kindest Regards,


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thewatcher, why do YOU consider them to be structures as opposed to lifeforms?

Good question..Im basing my conclusions image by image. Dont get me wrong.. 5 years ago I found this Monster shot by the MOC camera.



As  you can see this structure ? worm, was the cleanest image Id ever seen. I really believed this was a worm. I couldve really gone to town with this image but i knew there were a few problems structurally. I could see there was some form of manipulation with this image that threw a bigger question. Why make an anomaly to hide an anomaly?

I had heard of Harry a few years later and had him look at this image.   Yup there was enough tampering to alter the perception of this great image.

So far I havent seen any image of worms with this sought clarity. the flip side that this clear dune like worm is actually something that we are just geting to understand.Frustatingly i and a few others know this aint no worm.

Now looking at ur indepth work i can see where youre getting at.  The problem is, you are enterpreting tampered images. That dosent mean your wrong. its just a warning flag for me.

The image below is an image I treated, which was one of your subnissions of evidance of worms. Of course you werent to know that there is underlying structure which is part of your red text explaining the orientation of the worm.My image showed a partial reveal of a network of tunnels?? sharp angualr junctions etc. theres even more under the whole image but im short of time.

So .. I admire what youve done so far, as the structures are impressive but I havent seen clean enough images that support worms in what you;ve submitted. there are some compelling images doing the rounds but I dont think we really , truly understand alien architecture to seperate worms from structures.




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Interesting ideas!

However, I still hold to my opinion they are lifeforms...:)

If it is water and not sand, then perhaps a huge worm is surfacing? If you check with one of my previous images there is a type 5 worm with it's mouth nearly closed... and if you and Chandre check on my old face post, and look beneath the face to a door on the right, there is another type 5 worm coming out of the doorway, zig zag pattern and all! :) I really need to find that image again.

thewatcher, why do YOU consider them to be structures as opposed to lifeforms?



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Very nice idea Chandre. ARP2 just wonderful structures


Dedicated to the truth

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Submarine moving through water as comparison



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what if this is not sand, what if the worms are moving through arctic waters with ice caps ? Would that create the zig-zag pattern as they emerged. As an idea see image below....


The fast attack submarine Scranton (SSN-756) breaks through the Artic ice at the North Pole, 5 June 2001. For the first time in a third of a century, Scranton was one of two U.S. submarines to surface at the North Pole. Scranton and her crew broke through almost four feet of ice as a part of Atlantic Submarine Ice Exercise (LANTSUBICEX) 1-01, a three-ship exercise which demonstrated the U.S. Navy's commitment to assure access to all international waters.



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smile More worms? Yeah..... Type 5 to be precise....



Mars would need some big Robin to devour these worms!!! aww




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Thanks for your inputs, Chandre and Watcher...

However I do believe these are lifeforms and not conduits... I have dug up a few more worm holes on Mars to present to the forum.... I am posting them shortly....



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Permalink the typo king... revealed on the right more conduits.. its late


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Nice thread. I dont think worms are reponsible mfor what you can just see. just the fact tampering hides the rest of the organised conduits. Ive revealed what your pointingg ar and exposed some more on the left so you can understand the networks.



Dedicated to the truth

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ARP2, thank you. This is a wonderful and ground-breaking piece of work. I promise I will look out for these in my future travels through the images now that I know what I should be looking for !!

PS Edited posts to add your image links smile

-- Edited by Chandre on Saturday 10th of April 2010 08:26:55 AM



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or snailish worm with two stalks on its head...


link to the Type 6 snailish worm...

(He's rather cute, in a worm sort of way! hmm)


-- Edited by Chandre on Saturday 10th of April 2010 08:23:13 AM

-- Edited by Humanoid on Saturday 10th of April 2010 03:01:24 PM



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(Zig-Zag Worms....)

first is of a type 5 worm with zig zag mouth closed... on lower right of image.

M0702840 is this a zig zag worm mouth closed.gif



Type 5:
MSSS Image Gallery

Two Zig Zag Worms:

Single Zig Zag Worm:

Zig Zag Worm mouth closed:

Worm type5 jpeg.JPG

-- Edited by Chandre on Saturday 10th of April 2010 08:21:50 AM

-- Edited by Humanoid on Saturday 10th of April 2010 03:00:10 PM



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Worm type4 jpeg.JPG

-- Edited by Chandre on Saturday 10th of April 2010 08:20:33 AM

-- Edited by Humanoid on Saturday 10th of April 2010 03:02:18 PM



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Worm type3 jpeg.JPG

-- Edited by Chandre on Saturday 10th of April 2010 08:19:36 AM

-- Edited by Humanoid on Saturday 10th of April 2010 03:03:14 PM



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Worm type 2 jpeg.JPG

-- Edited by Chandre on Saturday 10th of April 2010 08:17:30 AM

-- Edited by Chandre on Saturday 10th of April 2010 08:18:27 AM

-- Edited by Humanoid on Saturday 10th of April 2010 03:03:58 PM



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I may have found several types of Mars worms. I am showing 6 images here in this post, along with the corresponding sketches of 5 of the 6 types.  The sixth type is more snailish and has two (or more) stalks at the end of its head.  See for yourself...





Type 1:

MSSS image gallery:

Worm type 1 jpeg.JPG

-- Edited by Chandre on Saturday 10th of April 2010 08:15:11 AM

-- Edited by Chandre on Saturday 10th of April 2010 08:16:26 AM

-- Edited by Humanoid on Saturday 10th of April 2010 03:04:39 PM

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