ELEMENT 115 the best software for expanding photographs withput losing too much quality that I know is called "genuine fractals". It's a photoshop plug in. I am sure there could be similar standalone softaware out there.
You cannot trust scale in these images, both members and Skipper have proved that this can be manipulated...so my advice to you...is trust the evidence
Oh, and one more thing I just noticed...the image in the link you provided, I can see the rover wheel and so now I have a reference for the scale of the objects. they seem smaller than I had anticipated from the original picture that I posted. or is this an optical illusion from the wheel being alot closer to the camera ?
Still, it doesn't seem like the rover is very far away from the objects.
Believe it or not I just use Microsoft Picture manager and the Edit Picture that allows one to adjust brightness, mid-tone and contrast and zoom in. Eventually you lose clarity in the image but I have found it works well enough for me. I know lots of the other members have Photo Shop and I am sure someone will advise you on that...
question, is there a way of expanding this photo, zooming in really close to certain spots on the photo for closer analysis without loss of image quality ? there's got to be something out there that can do that.
does anyone know of something ? I'd really like to have a much closer look at the two objects that I described as possible " tools "
The picture didn't make it I am afraid.... You need to sign up to a website like photobucket.com and upload your images there. Then link to them. If the photograph is from an official site like jpl or nasa, then link to that.
We usually like a link to the original nasa or jpl photograph that your cropped image came from if you post your own cropped images. Then we can download and take a look at the original ourselves.
O.k. folks, I am so new here, just joined up yesterday. I have been visiting the Mars Anomaly Research site for quite some time, and this is how I came to find this forum.
I am not really knwledgable, don't know what the SOL's are, or all that other technical jargon, but what I do know is what my eyes tell me.
I would like to officially make my first posting by sharing a picture that has had me intrigued for quite some time. It may or may not have been posted here, and to be honest, I don;t have the time to go searching, so anyway, if this has been psoted before, this is my take on the image.