My brother lived outside Edwards AFB in the town of Rosamond for about 15 years, a friend of his was hunting in the hills at the end of 138th st and 170th st. on his ATV. He came to the top of a ridge and noticed a strange plane land on a runway between 2 hills, he watched it taxi into a secret hanger in the side of the mountain, whose doors were camofloged to look like the surounding mountain. He then noticed white trucks which seemed to just pop up out of the desert floor and head his way, needless to say he hauled ass away as fast as he could. He discribed the plane as looking like a "Bat Plane" with both scalloped wings and tail fins. I found a strange Air Field out in that area using Google Earth which is in the middle of nowhere but can't find the secret hanger door... maybe someone can help search the area for me.