terracide, one of our original members 'Papa' did a lot of work on Hale and I am sure you will both work well together on this. His work is posted in the Mars Anomalies section on the last page if you would like to have a look. Nice work on the images !
I am obviously new to this site, but I have been interested in mars anomalies for much of my life. I have spent many hours of work on the original ESA hale crater image using Photoshop and Gimp, and this is what I came up with.. In the first image, I just adjusted the colors hue saturation, etc, and inverted the color in places that didnt stand out so well, in the second I applied a filter just to highlight all of the geometry that exists in the image.. Both are crop outs from the originals and I can provide links to the full size images if anyone is interested.