gmantoo, thats an interesting image. There are all sorts of right angles and nice square, carved blocks.
I did find 3 things that were interesting (In My Humble and Personal Opinion)
1. Your nose cone seems to have a decorative rounded hing/cover on its left side and is resting on a symetrical base. There also appears to be a rounded area next to it ?
2. There are lots of interesting angles in this area, but I am concentrating on the upright piece of carved stone in the yellow block that seems larger at the bottem and has two 'hinges' in front although one is covered by tampering or perhaps has been damaged.
The red blocks appear to belong together as though one has fallen off the other. The smaller one has a definite edge on it as though carved.
3. A close view of the smaller one, I don't like to report on faces as we all know that our brains have a tendancy to create them....but that sure looks like a lions face to me...
This is only part of one of the most interesting ones I have found. It has loads of wreckage and bits and pieces and anyone could spend hours analysing the wreckage and symbols on it. I reckon there are more bodies here as well, a couple of fish-looking things, the wreckage on the right looks like it has been blown off a much larger structure because you can see the torn metal on the right upper edges..
Also a nose-cone with an inverted Y in middle-right.