There is growing evidence that, contrary to what we have been told, the US landed on the moon only to find ancient structures and artifacts. This evidence should not be kept from the public and taxpayer. Our world could be united as one if we realized that a civilization, or civilizations, more advanced than our own has built enormous structures on the moon. This evidence comes not from some remote planet like Mars but from the Moon right above our heads.
In 1997 American researcher, Steven Wingate, discovered an anomaly in NASA image AS16-121-19407(H). The apparent structure looks like a huge tower standing at the rim of the Lobachevski crater on the ‘dark’ side of the moon. A distinct shadow cast by the structure is clearly visible on its right hand side. More recently a probe launched by the European Space Agency (ESA) has also photographed a massive tower-like object on the inside perimeter of a crater on the far side of the moon. The shadow cast by the structure is clearly visible on the left hand side. This image, taken by the advanced Moon Imaging Experiment (AMIE) on board ESA’s SMART-1 spacecraft, shows crater Lomonosov. AMIE obtained the image on the 30th January 2006 with a ground resolution of 190 metres per pixel. The imaged area is centred at a latitude of 27.8º North and a longitude of 98.6º East [AMI-EAE3-001856-00042-00038]. Recently Buzz Aldrin made the following comment during Washington Journal on C-SPAN "We should go boldly where man has not gone before – fly by the comets, visit asteroids, visit the moon of Mars. There’s a monolith there. A very unusual structure on this little potato shaped object that goes around Mars once in seven hours. When people find out about that, they’re going to say "Who put that there?", Buzz Aldrin said.
Why have the Americans kept quiet about these structures on Mars and the Moon for so long? The most likely reason is that they still do not know what they are. Conventional archaeology does not allow for an ancient human super civilisation that was capable of space flight. The experts at NASA and the US military will therefore assume that what they have discovered on the moon is incontrovertible evidence that we are not alone in the universe – that an advanced alien intelligence is far closer to us than we ever dared to imagine.
Edgar Dean Mitchell is an American pilot and astronaut. He was born in September, 1930, in Hereford, Texas. He was the pilot of the lunar module of Apollo 14, and the sixth man to walk on the Moon, spending 9 hours on the lunar surface on February 9, 1971. During his years in the Navy, he gained a Bachelor of Science degree in aeronautical engineering from the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School and a Doctor of Science degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He also holds honorary doctorates from the New Mexico State University, the University of Akron, Carnegie Mellon University and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Here is only one of many times he has revealed: "I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we've been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real," Dr Mitchell said.
The scientific data that we are not alone and there are past civilizations on the Moon and Mars belongs to the people, not to private industry or a smallgroup of people. The amount of evidence is overwhelming.
Make this data available to the public, the taxpayers who are funding the bill.
If NASA would release all the files it has on UFOs people would want to know so much more about aliens. That would mean more support and funding for NASA during this difficult time. Edgar Mitchell, one of 12 men that walked on the moon, has stated many times that NASA needs to do this. NASA should do what this prestigious astronaut says and RELEASE THE UFO FILES!
Many NASA employees and contractors fear speaking out. After nearly 2 decades of management by intimidation and retribution in many offices (NOT ALL), we've nurtured bullies and taught employees to ignore warning signs of toxic leadership. (Duck and cover survival tactics.)
From the top down, the garden looks beautiful. But from the bottom-up, the smell of manure in the soil can be suffocating.
This may sound like strong language but speaking as someone at the grass-level, I see a HUGE issue. If we don't know how to recognize harmful patterns in the way we do business on an every-day basis, we can't address the problem.
My suggestion is to educate our employees (and managers) about destructive patterns and what steps to take to positively change the outcome. We could create a "referee service" to help employees identify ways to address toxic leaders and help leadership learn new patterns of management. (Most employees who've been bullied for years, will be afraid to speak out. Anonymous interactions would be key to success.)
I offer these references I found on the web. I've merely copied and pasted the info below:
Toxic Boss Syndrome:
We all know them. The supervisor who constantly berates their people. The team leader who creates division within the group instead of harmony. The manager who condescends to talk to the individuals in their group, but never listens to their input. These are toxic bosses.
They sap the energy of the individuals in their groups. They are belittling, petty and loud. They consider themselves better than everyone else and they don't care who knows it. All they care about is "getting the job done". Or maybe it's "straightening this place out". In their drive to achieve their goal they ignore or overlook the other people in the organization. And in the end it hurts them too.
Wiki definitions:
In "Bad Leadership: What It Is, How It Happens, Why It Matters," Barbara Kellerman (2004) suggests that toxicity in leadership (or simply, "bad leadership") may be analyzed into seven different types ( eight ): --Incompetent - the leader and at least some followers lack the will or skill (or both) to sustain effective action. With regard to at least one important leadership challenge, they do not create positive change. --Rigid - the leader and at least some followers are stiff and unyielding. Although they may be competent, they are unable or unwilling to adapt to new ideas, new information, or changing times. --Intemperate - the leader lacks self-control and is aided and abetted by followers who are unwilling or unable to effectively intervene. --Callous - the leader and at least some followers are uncaring or unkind. Ignored and discounted are the needs, wants, and wishes of most members of the group or organization, especially subordinates. --Corrupt - the leader and at least some followers lie, cheat, or steal. To a degree that exceeds the norm, they put self-interest ahead of the public interest. Insular - the leader and at least some followers minimize or disregard the health and welfare of those outside the group or organization for which they are directly responsible. --Evil - the leader and at least some followers commit atrocities. They use pain as an instrument of power. The harm can be physical, psychological or both. Kellerman's study proposes to shed light on aspects of bad leadership so that we can understand, identify and hopefully prevent instances of bad leadership.
The seven types are the normal ones, showing up their facettes of incompetence in each part of societies worldwide. NASA and its surrounding does not make any ekseption in that. But these are the common mental sick types.
They culminate in type Number eight, the worst one : The Follower of Hidden Agendas.
A - strategy : The behaviour shows dislogical breaks, his attitudes hurt the members of the team, his actions seem to be contraproductive , sometimes his leadership policy obviously sabotages the whole project.
B - strategy: The smooth ways to dirigize or undirigize a project into a certain direction are not visible in its first and second stage, `cause the strategy does vot provoke friction. No open controversies,, just a slight feeling from time to time, that things are not the way they should be.
A certain percentage of Followers of Hidden Agendas are mental sick too, that´s the nature of their business, in fact they all are, but not in terms of clinical mental illness. Many of them are highly intelligent, very well educated in certain technics, maybe some of them are convinced to work for the "Good Guys" and regard themselves to be one of them and they always depend on support by various members of type one to type seven groups, in their activities. Anyway, the people around them are not in the state to look behind their masks. Simply said, they have no idea about the rules and the nature of the instructions these people follow. The knowledge about their orders and their destinations would make their acting logic. Their real protection is, that most of the normal people would deny their existence. Otherwise they would not have any chance. After unmasked, revealing their true identity and purpose, they would just get outnumbered in short time. The immunoreaction would be overwhelming .....
"The Allure of Toxic Leaders : Why We Follow Destructive Bosses and Corrupt Politicians--and How We Can Survive Them ", Professor Jean Lipman-Blumens' core focus is on investigating WHY people will continue to follow and remain loyal to toxic leaders. She explores why followers often vigorously resist change and challenges to leaders who have clearly violated the leader/follower relationship and abused their power as leaders to the direct detriment of the people they are leading. Lipman-Blumen suggests there is something of a deeply psychological nature going on. She argues the need to feel safety, specialness and community all help explain this phenomenon. (In my opinion, this Lipman-Blumen explanation, that some kind of a last self-defense reaction leads into the support of demasced evil, does not cover the whole subject. It`s a kind of shortthinking. We have to go much further, we have to investigate and to uncover the process of conditioning by purpose, which is "their" tool for everyday business.)
I agree with rwa 100 on alien life I agree totally with rwa 100. There is more than ample great evidence from very credible people that shows that current life exists on Mars and possibly our moon... This information is of such highest degree of importance that, when found to be real, if full disclosure still has not been brought to the public sector, how then can the public trust any further information coming in?My suggestion therefore would be to disclose everything related to current life on Mars... and possibly the Moon... immediately... show the people NASA/Govt can be trusted with the truth...
Even though NASA/JPL's 'official' position on the Ares Face in Cydonia is just a "pile of rocks" they have this day...presented spectral data from the area determining which and what type of rock and where.
If there's nothing to hide...why hide the information, objects or gag people or documents or loose emails violating Federal Law?
Say what you mean and mean what you say.
Don't make promises and policies you don't intend to keep and to keep the policies and promises you do make.
ACTIONS speak louder than words. ACTIONS are PROOF of intent. ACTIONS are the final judgment of character.
I personally believe that the evidence currently available militates against the sort of expenditure required, given much higher priorities closer to home.
beejaym...true indeed but the Mars Science Laboratory is still to be launched, it's already built, funded, and ready for its launch window in 2011. But also priorities here at home require honesty in our broken government, otherwise how are "we" to fix it?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ps: Gave a big + , two minutes later it had disappeared `cause somebody gave a big - in return .....
Installating a public database filled with high resolution images, transmittted to earth by interplanetary sondes , orbiters, rovers etc., would help NASA to get the credit NASA deserves. Quality instead of quantity; less images but the ones presented should be of the same high quality standard as received , not compressed or altered.
The database should contain detail and wide angle images allowing the users to zoom into, without loss of quality till its technically determined resolutionlimits, starting with our moon and planet mars first. There must be hundred thousands of images avaiable, which makes careful choicing easy. Such a step forward would signalize openness, would reduce rumours and represent some real progress. Of course, to bring such a project into reality needs some profound protection by the upper level management.
Do not know if you have followed the "ups and downs" of Open Space over the last days. After it had disappeared completely ( deleted ) and after the memo below, I decided to post it once again renaming it into: Once more "Open Space" . Seems it did not work the first time
This time the moderator did accept it. It earned one negative marking and one positive marking = zero again. After a while the original Open Space text appeared in the Off Topic region, so both texts were shown. Yesterday they moved the Once more "Open Space" . Seems it did not work the first time into the Off Topic and the original "Open Space " text into the main forum , reversing the agree-disagree markings too. Meanwhile Open Space carrys one positive marking. Thank you for changing your mind brothers.
19. of february, 9 o`clock in the morning. "OPEN SPACE" ( below ) posting seems to have disappeared. Maybe I oversaw it , but even the Off Topic region is "Open Space" free. If really deleted : Another quick shot, ... into the wrong direction. As you know, I know, you know, but others should know too. Still brothers, sincerely.
Some last words, closing the case ( for a while ),
added 18. of february, 7 o`clock in the evening.
O p e n S p a c e !
Open Space is the board newspaper of Spaceship Earth, written, edited and printed for free from the people for the people.
Circulation depends on population. Issue 3 – 19. february 2011.
Table of contents / abstracts:
Page 1- NASA, the official spokesman of the International Consortium of National Spaceagencies ( ICONS ) announces the beginning of an Open Government-Open Spaceagencies campaign. ICONS does start the campaign this week using worlwide TV-commercials and halfpage newspaper advertisements to bring the matter into the focus of the public. Everyone is invited to participate.
Regarding a former campaign in 2010, which ended unsuccessful, mostly caused by its lack of publicity, this time the project gets more funding. Exciting results are to be expected.
Page 3- Sharing of orbital datas of incoming space objects like meteors, bolides, meteorites, small to big asteroids etc., which has been stopped by the US military in 2009, will be restarted first of march 2011. No further explanations have been given, though rumours say, this follows instructions coming directely from the Pentagon itsself.
Page 5- World Press Free (WPF) quotes an unnamed source from ICONS. "ICONS mars rover Unity has detected significant signs of life on the surface of mars. A film sequency received from the rover last month shows without any doubt moving lifeforms in front of the camera."
Page 7- Private company lunches an ultralight balloon sonde named P.R.O.O.F. Instruments onboard are especially designed to identify and to varify cosmic factors suspected to influence the climate and geophysical events on earth. Some protesters from the CO2
community and some stock exchange dealers will be expected trying to enter launching area to prevent the launching from Basmati, which is located in the Neutral Zone between Saudi-Arabia and Iraq.
Page 11- "The ongoing significant changes in the solar system should find more attention inside of the scientific comunity". Dr. John Feelgood from the Malaysian Spaceagency told our reporter during the annual conference "Need to know- Why we have to get better to survive." in Kuala-Lumpur some details about climate change on Mars and some other planets, sunspot disappearance, gravitation anomalies and yet unnoticed rhythms in cosmic radiation. "These isolated phenomenons are not isolated , they seem to be connected, perhaps showing attributes of one single process. This needs some serious investigation done by interdisciplinary teams of geologists, astronomers, astrophysicists, meteorologists and biologists.", he summarized.
Page 13- Science Fiction story of the week. – This week our story comes from A. Brimat and it is called "Terraforming mars and how to hide it from the public." Sounds boring indeed, but we strongly recommend reading it to its surprising pointed end.
As claimed, the open government initiative is looking for tools to make government activities transparent, so people are be able to understand what is done, why it is done and how it is done, leading to a closer relationship promising a better mutual understanding. There must be some sort of problem, otherwise this initiative would not have started. In my first posting I tried to point at the impossibilty of expecting useful support without providing significant details about the nature of the problem and without giving insight into the mechanisms creating the problem/-s. Imagine you ´re an advertising expert, asked to design an advertising campaign without knowing the product. Maybe it`s ketchup, or a new way to pay your debts or some tool for a dentist. Without informations no solutions. As mentioned before without informations about the reasons and causes of the communication problems between NASA and the public, the campaign will get lost in details, encircling the real problem, without naming it. I am not interested to make some business, I am not interested to sell anything at all. I am convinced that there are some serious problems, some fundamental problems and I try to use objective arguments to try to help NASA, which is one of the heroes of my youth. But NASA has to try to help itsself too. First step would be some openness.
"President Obama has requested NASA to peruse the technology for traveling to the planets and asteroids in weeks." Is this a joke? If not, which kind of technology are you talking about and how do you know President Obama has requested NASA that way ? Thank you very much.
Hi prim-mat-litho,Yes we want NASA to be more transparent. Part of the hypothesis of an open government is for people outside of government to communicate its value. NASA is an agency full of engineers, scientists and other professionals, and are very excited by discoveries and the minutia of the challenge. At times, this results in a public impression which has challenges, which you articulated in your comment.The thrust of your idea above is most constructive in your last paragraph. We will not edit your idea, but please know that you have the ability to edit it yourself. If you renamed it to 'organic vision' and focused on the positive way forward, perhaps your idea will get greater attention.Thank you for your contributions
You are right. President Obama has requested NASA to peruse the technology for traveling to the planets and asteroids in weeks. We have developed the technology exist to enable people to travel in spacecraft to space stations orbiting Earth in minutes, Moon in hours, Mars in days, and planets in weeks. However, the gatekeepers don't the general public to know and have removed the idea from the website. From their actions, the gatekeepers appearently don't like President Obama.
Transparency-Participation-Collaboration-Innovation in general.
This is a topic for free. Marking it Off - topic, would tell the audience, someone missed the point. Once again. People need a Vision and it seems either NASA does not have a Vision or NASA does not want to share it. And I am not talking about onedimensional technical freakout shows, I am not talking about higher, faster, bigger! Right Visions are fundraisers at a global scale, I mean multi fundraisers, not linear ones. Does NASA have technical - financial or mental –-dogma problems ? Which one of the two kinds would be the significant one, the more dangerous one ? People do not want to get sold the absurd vision of a militarized space, they do not want to see space be "owned" ( absurd too ) by private or by government companies, doing there ..... what ???? Doing there what ? People do not want to see space owned at all. They do not want to see a sterile space, NASA sells to the public, the coldness , the vacuum, the radiation. People do not want to buy these astrodeserts NASA wants to sell to them, the dustcovered landscapes, the craters , like machinegun shots covering whole planets. NASA sells a deadly cosmos to the public. In fact NASA sells a DEAD cosmos. What a mistake. The biggest mistake at all, same time the biggest error possible and the base of all problems. Avoid to call it "the base of all evil". People want an ORGANIC cosmos. Why ? Cause people are part of this cosmos and this cosmos is part of the people. This symbiosis tells them tales about an organic cosmos They know, without having a Phd. or a master degree. I am not talking about "aliens" or something like that. I mean organic like "home". This wonderful, incredible surrounding we are born into, we grow up into, deserves enthusiasm. Space exploration NEEDS enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is like propulsion. Give them a vision, you`ll get enthusiasm and support of a range you `ll never dreamed of before. Do you really want to make NASA transparent?
That is a lovely bunch of flowers, dedicated to Chandre for expressing the opinions of the majority of fellow human beings feel NASA should address, and I am sorry the moderators thought fit to push it to the off topics instead, it shows how sometimes the mentality of a few can be so out of touch with the majority.
Nasa sadly is an open book of government/military interference, of mismanagement in running a public institution and the public funds used to run it, the fact that say they are looking for new ideas, and have just lost the largest budget in history, shows how far they have lost direction.
The privatisation of space is almost upon us, Virgin galactic will be taking passengers up to the edge of space, while private funding from India China and Russia will jointly launch a probe to the moon ( landing within the next decade) they are also are planning the first manned mission to Mars from just after 2020, so as usual it will be private Corporations that will reap the benefits in the coming decades, how draconian and out of place NASA looks in the 21st century bearing its mid 20th century doctrine.
"Creating a fiction when stating a fact destroys the credibility of the truth one are trying to convey"
Ho hum, same old same old. The moment you post you receive a reply twisting your words and saying you are being 'emotional'. Maybe that just because I am a female and write in that way...but I do not think I am an overly 'emotional' poster.
Guess they don't want to hear from people that may actually care about the planet.
My feeling on the subject...OK, LOL I could not resist the pun...its all another con to enable us to feel as though we are having our say and being heard and then we are debunked by their trolls in reply.
I wil continue to post thought there though, just on the off-chance someone in authority with half a heart may read them.
My post has been moved to the Off Topics section which is practically invisible on the web-site as apparantly it does not have anything constructive that NASA can use in formulating their new Open Government Policy. This is my post, decide for yourselves..
I suggest that you start to win back some of your former popularity by changing your current attitude. You need to respect the UN Space Charter and the feelings of the public all over the world that do not want to see the other planets of our Solar System as well as the Moon and the space around the Earth polluted and cluttered with useless and abandoned technology that have cost taxpayers billions of dollars. The world as a whole is suffering, we need to make changes both environmentally and in our attitudes. Anything you do or develop from now on should benefit mankind, it should be sustainable and should add value to the everyday hard-working Joe Public that is paying for it. Stop your secerecy and hidden agendas, publish your findings for the whole world to benefit from. Be the industry leader you claim to be. Once, a LONG time ago, the children of the world looked up in wonder at the night skies because of what you promised. I was one of them. The reality of what you have delivered has been a bitter dissapointment. I no longer trust you, you categoricalloy tell us that Mars is a barren wasteland, now you tell us there is water there. You tell us the Moon is desolate, now you tell us there is water there and you have had that information for almost 20 years. If you were a Corporation, heads of departments would currently be facing dismissal for gross incompetence. You should start to think like a Corporation, hold your staff accountable, be accountable yourself to your share-holders i.e the public that pay your salaries. We do not like being lied ! Chandre
-- Edited by Chandre on Tuesday 9th of February 2010 09:20:13 AM
How could we use this forum for us - and for NASAs sake ?
I recommend to read the rules and the definition of the purpose of this new forum carefully and to think about chances and their true motivations before posting. Read the posts already done. You´ll see, they point onto detail problems or personal interests of the different posters. How should a posting be structured and into which category should it go, to serve OUR purposes ?
Go to
The brainstorming tool allows ideas to be submitted in four broad categories:
1. Transparency - What information and high-value data should we provide to make NASA more accountable, improve public knowledge of NASA's work, and create economic opportunity? How can NASA make information and data available in a timely and accessible manner?
2. Participation - How can NASA encourage two-way conversations with the public to share ideas and expertise to improve our work? What specific tools and strategies should we use to encourage these public conversations?
3. Collaboration - How should NASA collaborate with individuals, businesses, non-profits, other agencies, or state/local governments? What kinds of prizes/contests should we consider to attract others in working with NASA? What top problems should we tackle together?
4. Innovation - What new technologies and strategies can NASA use to be more open, efficient and save taxpayer money?
On the brainstorming tool, you can:
* View the ideas of others and comment on them * Submit your own ideas * Vote for or against ideas you think are most important * Help moderate the community by flagging inappropriate posts and comments
Ideas and comments submitted to the site are public, and anyone can view them. But you must create an account - become a registered user -- before you can submit, comment, or vote on ideas. Your participation in this dialog is of course voluntary, and no payments or gifts will be made to respondents. However, your participation will help to ensure the outcome of this process meets your expectations and values.
To ensure NASA fully captures and responds to ideas submitted, the agency has enlisted a team of moderators to participate in the process and facilitate dialog about this exciting opportunity. In addition to the GSA Terms of Participation for the brainstorming tool, our NASA moderators offer the following guidance to ensure a productive community and healthy dialog:
1. Openly share your ideas, comments and perspectives within the listed topic areas. Don't be shy-- many people probably have similar sentiments, and will appreciate your leadership in starting the dialog.
2. If you highlight a problem, try to suggest a solution. Feel free to be creative; it's possible you have new approaches not yet articulated.
3. Be careful to proofread your posts. The NASA moderators will not edit submissions for spelling and grammar.
4. Show respect for others and use appropriate language. (For example, ideas and comments that contain disrespectful or obscene language will be removed. See Terms of Participation for more information.)
5. Focus on content. Feel free to disagree or challenge the suggestions and ideas of others - but remember to do so without personal attacks on the individuals who posted them.
6. Keep an open mind when reading others' points of view - the goal is shared dialog, not "winning" a debate.
7. Moderators will ensure this is a constructive and productive space, and will remove any post that or violates the terms of participation. If your post is removed, you will be notified and told why.
8. NASA employees are free to share personal ideas and opinions, and are participating as individuals. Only NASA moderators' comments should be taken to reflect the official NASA viewpoint.
9. This activity comes at a time when the U.S. space program is embarking on a bold, new trajectory. These times may also provide opportunities or inspire fresh perspectives related to the Open Government Directive. However, please remember that this brainstorming tool is intended for ideas and comments related to the goals of the Directive and the creation of a NASA Open Government Plan. If you have general questions or suggestions about NASA, please submit them through normal channels, available here.
We encourage you to participate in the discussion and look forward to hearing your ideas.