I accomplished this almost by accident. Following the same process I did for the immediately previous animated gif I posted, I saw it was easier if instead of multiplying the inverted layers I "embossed" the inverted layer (of the whole pic). lol. Then I used in photoshop filter "darken" over the original and the image popped up!
BTW the straight line you talk about must be part of the tampering, because it came out red, only I desaturated it.
By the way, the cleaned-up image seems to show an almost entirely different geographical map. We could be on to something because it makes most of the shadows look fake and new shapes start to appear. What was your method for the process?
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Unfortunately a file 16 bit. I do not have program to open 16 bit files. If I open with 8 bit programs the picture is strongly deformed. Can will prompt the programs opening 16 bit files?
К сожалению файл 16 битный. У меня нет программы открывать 16 битных файлов. Если открываю с 8 битными программами,то снимок сильно искажается. Может подскажете программы ,открывающие 16 битные файлы?
The shadowed areas are censored areas. They look phony if you take a look. Here is proof, although in very low res you can see what I am talking about.
Procedure: Extracted shadows, inverted them and multiplied them several times, then adjusted the brightness to match that of the surrounding landscape and voilas ….
Finally got the kind of tampering used on these takes.
Only the shadows are inverted that's why the pictures do not make sense. In fact they use local inversion for highlights and global inversion for the whole picture, that's double inversion. Complicated eh?
Here is my result although I had to sacrifice resolution and is not 100% accurate .. (The inversed overall result)
To see the fragment original, it is necessary for you to load on the computer of volume of 205 Mb, or above, a picture here:View Apollo Image AS15-M-1566 [spoiler]
To see the fragment original, it is necessary for you to load on the computer of volume of 205 Mb, or above, a picture here:View Apollo Image AS15-M-1566
Чтобы просмотреть оригинал фрагмента ,вам необходимо загрузить на свой компьютер 205 мб объёма,или выше, снимка здесь: View Apollo Image AS15-M-1566
Watch this one Watcher, and ask yourself if this is the image you have in your mind from seeing thousand of Lunar pictures in magazines. Can't you see the tampering? Do we really know our own Moon?
Nice sound track but not sure what you mean.. Most people here know where I stand on tampering as you should by now.. and im not the first and the last to attack the subject.. I think you need to read Harry first post on Skippers site ( last year) and his few here and mine.. What youre talking about is completely correct, It is a controversial subject.. Believe me when i say its agrowing movement in imaging,, the problem is how to remove it without totally making the image unreadable for the public..
Just do some reading and you#ll see that one has to learn how to use it. Its just a tool like any other. the real revelations are coming thick and fast here. All the users are really getting amazing images. Hopefully some of us can help in detail and a lucky few will punch a hole through that annoying darkness.
Take care FruitNut.. get some sleep. and come back to the subject once youve rested those eyes. I am ,,Cheers all.
Whats happened is that uve picked everything up. I'll put my money where my mouth is.. .. Im going after the roads and anomalies..
Your image is revealing and gives all the anomalies .. just a lot for the untrained eye to take in. Maybe cross-fade between images. That will allow the eye to associate structures on both images.
GogGogs Image was pretty clear.. There are (what looks like) roads to follow and a dark tampered out regions or SEA just below the dome like structure pointed out. Following the roads confirms that the anomalies are real. they intersect.. Now the bridge work is really not like anything we've seen before.. There is a system of matrixs that span out from central columns.
Great Post and great Images .. Now thats enough for a while.. Thanks guys.. really good to be back.. be posting soon.
Watch this one Watcher, and ask yourself if this is the image you have in your mind from seeing thousand of Lunar pictures in magazines. Can't you see the tampering? Do we really know our own Moon?
Fruit.. youve picked up everything.. Its great but the roads briges, ducting, contours, domes are hard to find.. look at the original image.. Do you notice its a colour image? Its slightly grainy so proceed with caution or the grains will become part of you great reveals..
Fruit.. youve picked up everything.. Its great but the roads briges, ducting, contours, domes are hard to find.. look at the original image.. Do you notice its a colour image? Its slightly grainy so proceed with caution or the grains will become part of you great reveals..
The great words of Humanoid ... There are no experts here.. just enthusiat
Hi ... GogGog this os a great image. keith has a great collection on images. We know it well but Its good you pulled that Feature up.. really ineteresting shape. looks like its supported off the ground a little ??
Fruitnut.. maaaaaann.. Tooo far!! Your picking up compression artifacts big time.. sorry... Pull back on you techique.. the moon looks nothing like that as you know. there are structures there but drowned in a sea of snow. sometimes a delicate touch is all you need. GOgGogs image really dosent need that hefty contrst treatment... Becareful on that.. you'll start pick up compression artifacts that look , like structures anywhere.
Thanks Watcher. As I told you I have been able to decode images from outer space, you name it. Some will think that this is bizarre a fraud or a trick. Not quite so. In few words. The tampering is not destructive but plain obfuscation. That is the luminosity of pixels are transformed according to patterns that may vary in complexity. However I can see through them. Believe it or not.
Hi guys, nice to watch experts back at work. Would be much appreciated to get some better images from you ( Yes, you can ! ), accompagnied by some handsome explanations of what you want to express. There are a lot of members out there, without your talents and your skills, so less graphic plays and more scientifc dealing with the matter would be helpful. Otherwise we end with too much dot collecting and a lot of "see faces" everywhere again. Nice vulcanoe, no doubt, sounds very serious. Hi watcher, how about the morphing spaceship from ... you know from where. Something new about it ? Or about the original source, or the server ?
Not the eact apollo image you found but the same magazine and similar Structure but of circular as uposed to ur unusual shape.
Sprry cant edit my crappy typos.. Not the exact apollo image you found but the same magazine and similar Structure, just more circular, unlike ur unusual butterfly shape.
Im not saying it could be anomalous as theres a much much larger debate over apollo 17s mission. They They landed in a field of extinct Volcanism.
The best way to deal with this is to look at earth first.
Structure of a Volcano:
Some Volcanic eruptions are more explosive than others due to the type of magma. At destructive margins andesitic magma gives rise to acid lava which is thick and sticky. As gases can't escape easily pressure builds up resulting in violent explosions.
A factor here that we normaly ignore anbd take for granted is gravity. The moon is 1/4 the size of Earth, so the moon's gravity is much less than the earth's gravity, 83.3% (or 5/6) less to be exact. Thats a critical point when viewing any form of geology as the forces involved can be dramatically different resulting in very different effects or land formation subsequently.
For arguements sake imagine the same mechaism as above illustration happening on the moon. The cone strata laya, seen in cross section in image, is formed by falling debris lava and pyraclastic flows building up. Now add a much lower gravity based enviroment and a lot of the debris will be blasted out and fall miles away. The volcanones formation is closer and in many cases on the moon, below surface level formiing a a perfect cone due to the walls of the surrounding terrain collaping in under instense heat and the inability of the cone creating itself due to very little debris forming around the mouth of the young volcanoe.
Now.. There are some properties in lunar rocks that may explain the explosive nature of lunar volcanoes. WATER! NASA always knew there was water on the moon.. Huge amounts of it.. Its in all the rocks.= as well as unpublished images of resovoirs etc.
Heres where things get a bit complicated. There are mounds that are aslo supposed to be results of underground activity or volcanoes.. the data on this is hazy as NASA really hasnt come clean on whats going on. It is widely believed that Apollo 17 specifically visited Taurus-Littrow Valley on the eastern rim of Mare Serenitatis with two primary objectives . Obtaining samples of highland material that were older than the Imbrium impact and investigating the possibility of young, explosive volcanism in this region.
PARAGRAPH 2. Young volcanic material. The second objective was investigating the possible existence of young (less than 3 billion year old) volcanic activity. This was considered important both for understanding the thermal evolution of the Moon and also because interpretations of orbital photography suggested that young volcanism might have been explosive in nature and hence associated with a high abundance of volatile materials such as water.
Around some volcanoes there seems to be signs of excavation and retro fitting. Yup unbelievably the volcanoes are being modified.. Theres a well held theory that someone or something has been tapping their possible thermal qualiies.. maybe even water! Also Ceaters are being modified with feaures we cant even begin to understand... heres what we've found on just one example:
Ok.. Im on the hunt for a better image of your find.. Im sure there is.. great image nice find.
Hi, Here is another Lunar Anomaly.... from Apollo 10.This doesnt look like a crater, and it appears to be some kind of circular "stack" to hold something, with some anomaly going out of or coming into it?
Hi, Here is another Lunar Anomaly.... from Apollo 10.This doesnt look like a crater, and it appears to be some kind of circular "stack" to hold something, with some anomaly going out of or coming into it?
Hi, there is something in and around the crater and on the rim of the crater but the image has so much NASaTY tampering its impossible to make out any details. It would be large as this view is from the orbit position. The crater itself seems to be a strange shape but thats all I can give you. Sorry ARP2....