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Dedicated to the truth

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RE: Apollo 12 Image Anomalies

Here is another view from the Apollo 12 series.

Two images are shown.

The first is the original resized to 1000 pixels wide.

The second is a crop that I have shadow-enhanced  by 2% to bring out the surface detail.

From the closeup view it would appear that there has been a lot of intelligent activity going on. There are many features showing in the enhanced view. Maybe we should start calling the moon a small planet rather than treating it as a satellite to this planet! 





Image reference:


"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer


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good search goggog


Teaching the truth

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Timewarp wrote:

Do you see any unusual features in the second image?




Dedicated to the truth

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Maybe we should call the moon a 'planet' as was slipped out by Neil Armstrong when he made his commemorative speech at the White House. He was also perfectly correct when he said 'there are things to see beyond belief' and there certainly are many things to see in the Apollo images that are definitely beyond belief, but the objects are real. The camera has captured the real truth of what is on the surface.

We've heard nothing from the space institutions about what is contained in the Apollo images, so why are they keeping quiet about what is really there?

The first image shown below is the main rotated image and the area of interest is rectangled. The second image is the section contained within the rectangle. With this image I have increased the color saturation by 200% which has helped to identify the structures on the surface.

You will also probably notice that there are many faces showing. This gives us a clue as to where these 'people' came from. From previous research, I have determined that this particular race of extraterrestrials integrate their own facial likeness into many of their structures and statues.

Do you see any unusual features in the second image?








"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

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As some members and visitors prefer to view an image without highlights, here is a plain view of the image shown above.






"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

Teaching the truth

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Xenon, I would be interested to view your inverted image of this scene.

Posted below is the same view with the brightness increased slightly which produces a twilight view.

I have circled some of the more prominent features.


The finding of these structural features raises some very important questions.

We are told that there is practically no atmosphere on the moon but these structures have been built on the surface. That means that the race of 'people' who built them did so either in spacesuits or they have adapted to the lunar conditions.

Here is another view taken from the same master image.

The location of the building complex is on the outer rim of the large crater which is immediately below the very bright 'false crater'. Notice the two 'bridges' between the building complex to the outer slope of the crater. (Right-hand red arrow).





"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer


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Timewarp wrote:

The reference for these images is:

I was beginning to wonder what all the white dots were so decided to further enhance the image. Reducing the brightness to a lower level confirmed my previous thoughts that the image may have been captured during a twighlight or night-time period. The image crop shown below is located to the lower right of the rotated main image.

Could it possibly be that what is showing in the image may be one of the reasons why people from this planet have not returned to the lunar surface?



This image and its anomalies become much more interesting when you invert the colours, sadly my PC will not let me upload images at the moment, but the inverted image does shows many anomalies that are worth looking into.



"Creating a fiction when stating a fact destroys the credibility of the truth one are trying to convey"

Dedicated to the truth

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The reference for these images is:

I was beginning to wonder what all the white dots were so decided to further enhance the image. Reducing the brightness to a lower level confirmed my previous thoughts that the image may have been captured during a twighlight or night-time period. The image crop shown below is located to the lower right of the rotated main image.

Could it possibly be that what is showing in the image may be one of the reasons why people from this planet have not returned to the lunar surface?




"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

Dedicated to the truth

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The image shown below is the same view as the one shown above. In this view I have arrowed some of the major surface features. Some of the features are more prominent than others.

Note the very long feature arrowed in red which extends from the base of the false crater and rises up and turns to skirt the rim. Could this possibly be a large pipe or duct or even a long row of structures?

The features in the image tells us that if there is still not an extraterrestrial presence on the lunar surface, at one time it was a hive of intelligent activity. This is confirmed by the number of structures that can be observed in the image. I have shown some of these structures arrowed in yellow. Take note of the 'doughnut-shaped' structures that have been observed in other images.






"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer


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The truth is that almost all the images appear artifacts ... But what I have observed is the large number of spheres that are in many of the craters of the moon.
Apart from NASA change the perspective of photos.


Dedicated to the truth

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javigd, this image is a very good find.

I have selected the false crater and the surrouding area for further analysis. I have increased the contrast and brightness and have also slightly shadow-enhanced the image (3%).

If after viewing the image you feel that you are seeing things, you are not.

Look very closely as there are many structures showing in the image, some more prominent than others. This begs the following question.

Who could possibly be on the moon and more importantly, how long have they been there?





"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer


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This image is from apollo 12


Image Collection: 70mm Hasselblad
Mission: 12
Magazine: 51
Magazine Letter: R
Latitude / Longitude: 9 ° S / 66.5 ° E
Film Type: SO-368
Film Width: 70 mm
Film Color: color
If we rotate the image for a better view and remove shine and give a little more contrast
get this


Teaching the truth

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7805.jpg (изображение «JPEG», 3900x3900 пикселов)



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Dedicated to the truth

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I'm not so sure the black areas are craters. To me they look more like lakes.

Take note of the large white anomalies on the circumference and within the black areas.

The image is full of other interesting features. I have worked on this image in some depth and have noted that many anthropological shapes are to be seen when zooming in closer.


"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

Dedicated to the truth

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Thanks Timewarp, that shows the 'hinge' anomalies a lot clearer

Line of 'hinge' anomalies elevated above the 'craters'

AS12-47-7016_1024 Timewarp Crop One.jpg

Close-up of 'hinge' showing elevation and shadow confirming the strange shape

AS12-47-7016_1024 Timewarp Crop 2.jpg


Dedicated to the truth

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Chandre, here is a slightly processed copy of the original shown at the start of the thread. Hope this helps with you research.



"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer

Dedicated to the truth

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Hi gmantoo,
I have noticed that the 'face; differs depending on your computer and screen definition...on some its clear...on others its just pixels....

I have outlined my image below to try to show it more clearly.

AS12-47-7016 Bean Face.jpgAS12-47-7016 Bean Face outline.jpg


Teaching the truth

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I have to say that I think the 'face' in the reflection cannot possibly be the picture you post underneath. The reflection is a bunch of white pixels and although it could be a reflection, I dont think anyone else could say that it looks like a face, let alone that particular person as you have suggested. Sorry to say....



Dedicated to the truth

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Hi Zebra
Thanks for the question. There are currently two different schools of thought about these Apollo images, one says they were faked on a sound stage, the other says they show anomalous structures and remnants of a glass dome on the moon. I personally am not sure which is correct but the details I've shown below highlight anomalies I can see in the image. These anomalies have me convinced that there is a reflective surface located some way from the photographer that is reflecting his face and helmet as well as something on the ground next to the flag that resembles a machine. I am not sure where this is located, either on the moon or on Earth, all I know is that they are obvious to me in the images.



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Help. What exactly are you trying to say in this thread? Eddicate me please.


Dedicated to the truth

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50/50 is good enough for me Humanoid, its the cup half full aww 

You will be amazed at what I can find on the net if I put my mind to it. It came from one of the Nasa sites that has x-ray images of all of the Apollo 11 thingies, apparantly the person doing the x-rays was so thorough he even did the boots ! Thank you kind sir for that as it was the last shred I needed for my post wink 

You can see Randys face book site where Bernie Drummond gives his input on the hinges and references to Richard Hoagland mentioning similiar structures on a DVD and in his book.

My next question would be why did Mr Bean have a 'special' pair of boots or is that all part of the cover-up to justify the tampering in these images ? If you see it in the media and you see it in all the art-work then maybe you will automatically believe that is what the boots looked like ?

Frankly I don't care, I see a machine and thats all thats important to me.


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Wow Chandre, where on earth did you find that x-ray from?
I guess machanical-looking object looks just like that in the low-res photo whereas in hi-res it is light and shadows among some partially seen or tampered imprints. Its really hard to say for sure. The whole thing could have been staged in a Hollywood studio for all I know. biggrin Sorry Chandre I'm 50/50 on this one. smile 


Dedicated to the truth

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Hi Humanoid
Frustrating isn't it, as far as I would imagine the Hi-res should be a much better quality but that is definitely not the case.
It was actually the 'machine' image that clearly indicates this better Image
AS12-47-7014. The detail in the lo-res is much clearer than in the hi-res. In fact the hi-res has some serious tampering to make the anomaly appear as though it is part of the astronauts boot prints. Now this is absolutely ridiculous for the simple reason that the boots they were wearing could not possibly make those imprints (unless someone else with different boots was there as well). I'm no forensic scientist but I do watch CSI and a certain sole can only make a certain print. Below is an image of the boot soles of the boots used on all the Apollo missions and an image of the prints these made on the moon. Compare these with the smaller, rounded prints of the tampering and VOILA you have a 'smoking gun'

Astronaut Bean with replica of his boot sole he uses in his artwork.


Apollo Boot imprint on lunar dust


An image of lots of prints and the boot


Sole of a boot from Apollo 17 mission


I even have an x-ray of the boots


My point....nowhere in these images does the boot taper in in the same way as the one Mr Bean is holding up ! The boot design that was apparantly used on all of the Apollo Missions was a simple elongated oval shape with 9 ridges.

Below are a comparision of the two 'machine' images. Images taken from here

Low res image

AS12-47-7014 Enlarge.jpg

Hi-res image

AS12-47-7014HR - Boot.jpg

I invite you to zoom in and look more closely at the supposed prints in the Hi-res and then look at the examples above and you will see my point (I hope)...hmm

-- Edited by Chandre on Wednesday 9th of September 2009 04:07:39 PM


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Hi Chandre,
Here I will try to prove that both files, yours from the source you supplied and mine, downloadable from the link I supplied are almost same, speaking in terms of file size and the fact that I was able to match visual evidence in both, making them appear almost identical. Now I should note that I had to "tamper with" my photo only and I didn't touch yours. I of course have no way of knowing why those same images, from different sources appear different visually, as well as I have no idea which one isn't the airbrushed original. Perhaps both had been tampered with, but by applying different techniques, or the way they were scanned from film. Anyway, what I wanted to show is that both photos have near same resolution.

First off I will show again my photo as seen originally:

Below is "tampered" version of above image:

Next is your original. Compare it with the one above:

Below I have zoomed in on "middle hinge"(as highlighted by you) from your original above:

And then same feature from "tampered" version. Note below crop appears a bit more pixelated than above, this is due to my airbrushing of my original twice which degraded overall quality a bit: 

I'm not that good with Photoshop at all, nor do I use it for image tampering, but it was fairly easy to do what I show here and it took me about 15-20 mins. Just imagine what the secrecy types with their super fast computers could do with incoming imagery though...censored.gif  spammer.gif  toilet.gif 

-- Edited by Humanoid on Tuesday 8th of September 2009 09:23:51 PM


Dedicated to the truth

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Hi Humanoid
I think you are using the hi-res version which is actually worse quality then the low-res, no surprises there as I think you have posted something about that yourself. The hi-res has been 'manipulated' to obscure the evidence by making it appear like footsteps which it obviously is not. If you look at the lo-res you can see a mechanical cog/gear of some sort, a front plate on the anomaly you hi-lighted below, different colour metals and pipes running off - it's a really strange anomaly.

I have looked at the link you showed and again the image is of really bad quality, you see the areas with heavy tampering ringed below... thats where my 'hinges' are located ! The original images in lo-res are actually of the best quality and the 'hinges' are visible in about three of them.

Alternative Apollo 12.jpg


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Hi Chandre, image AS12-47-7014 mechanical-looking part is anomalous but I wonder how much is it sticking out of the ground as there isn't any pronounsed shadow seen at all? Rectangular bit with what looks like a hole/opening in it is pretty weird. Trick of light and shadows? confuse

As for AS12-47-7016 I cannot see anything abnormal. Can you download the image from this source and see if you can find the "hinges" there.

I'd recommend to all members bookmarking this site as a source of hi-res images from various NASA missions. I will also add it to the Links page for reference.

-- Edited by Humanoid on Monday 7th of September 2009 03:56:45 PM



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Hi Chandre, I missed your anomalies first time round, I don't know if my eyes are playing tricks on me, but it does look like an exposed machine with a front metalic, disc/plate sitting under a T shaped bracket, (it reminds me of a motorbike carburettor/cylinder head), I have marked out with arrows. AS12-47-7014 Enlarge.jpg


"Creating a fiction when stating a fact destroys the credibility of the truth one are trying to convey"

Dedicated to the truth

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Hi everyone
I posted some comments on the Mars Anomaly Research page regarding a post that Dave had made. It was an anomaly onan Apollo 12 image. I am including some of it again belowif you have not yet seen it as I am really confused and could use some feedback.

I havegoogled and I see that Enterprise Mission and many other sites have queried the validity of this mission and I have some questions myself. Please bear with me as I am going to post the images that I replied to Dave and then a new image for discussion.

All these images can be found at

There are obvious anomalies in the first image below. I have ringed some anomalies on the ground that look suspiciously like hinges that could be holding a transparant sheet. They are visible in most of the images if you play around with the contrast etc.
Image number AS12-47-7016

AS12-47-7016 Bean Face.jpg

I have also ringed some reflections in the sky. I then re-worked the images and isolated and enlarged the brightest reflection and I appear to see a face in a space helmet reflected in the transparant surface. If this is true, why is there a transparant surface there, is it a staged photo shoot or is Richard Hoagland right and there are glass structures ? I cannot say but I am SURE that there is a reflective, transparant surface in this image and lights and the photographer are captured in it. I am including a copy of the face I believe most closely resembles this reflection for your viewing.


I then started to see if I could find anything else, there is another image that has reflections but I cannot work it any clearer than the one above. The number is
AS12-47-7014. While I was working it I found something that may excite Xiriux and Papa. It is just under and to the left ofwhere the flag is plantedand if Bean and Conrad did not see it they must have been blind ! Please tell me I am not going mad or imagining what I believe to be a partially exposed machine of some sort !
Image AS12-47-7014


AS12-47-7014 Enlarge.jpg

The next anomaly is a closer view of one hinge (there seems to be at least 3) in images AS12-47-7016 and AS12-47-7018

It is clearly elevated above the ground and is casting a very interesting shadow.

AS12-47-7018 Hinge 1.jpg

AS12-47-7016 Hinge 2.jpg

I look forward to any feedback.

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